Author Topic: Enter The Matrix  (Read 4988 times)

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Offline telaris

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Enter The Matrix
« on: May 15, 2003, 11:52:45 AM »
whats the deal? is this game out yet it was sposed to come out yesterday but there are no online reviews

Enter The Matrix
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2003, 12:00:22 PM »
it came out yesterday to coincide with the movie, but unfortunately, all the hype and momentum it was building over the last month or so, has been swallowed up by E3. check out some of the reader reviews over at gamespot. it's been getting some favorable scores thusfar.

Offline DevilishDude

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RE: Enter The Matrix
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2003, 02:02:16 PM »
It is out. I rented and i was wondering if anyone knew how to delete games?
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Offline kennyb27

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2003, 07:03:33 PM »

I rented and i was wondering if anyone knew how to delete games?
That bad, huh?  Trying to delete it already  Just kidding, I know what you mean, but no I don't.  I plan on at least renting this soon.

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Offline Infernal Monkey

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RE: Enter The Matrix
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2003, 11:44:14 PM » have a review up, it's quite good (The review, that is)

Going by what they say, it seems like it's a "good" game. Not stunning, but not total crap (like the majority of movie based games are). I've had the demo on PS2 for a few days now, and I was very impressed by it. Graphics were nothing to write home about, but it is a demo.. And well, it's running on the PS2 ^^

The focus effect (bullet time) is no-where as good as you'd expect. Max Payne did it alot better. But yeah, I've decided to get this game when I gather the money.

Oh yeah, first game out that makes use of DivX, too!

Offline Hostile Creation

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2003, 02:21:43 AM »
I'm going to see the movie today, but I'm probably not getting the game.  My friends, who owns an Xbox, intends to, though, so I might see it then.
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Offline Rhoq

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2003, 04:22:28 AM »
I bought Enter Ther Matrix yesterday. I've played through the first stage and I must say that it's pretty damn good.

I have noticed a few problems - I have my audio going through a receiver. There is an audible "pop" at times during FMV sequences as it switches between the game and the movies...I have also noticed some slow down in the frame rate...

Other than those minor problems - I am satisfied with the game.

Offline Alliedrally68

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2003, 07:03:57 AM »
I also have it, and I must say that I wish they had spent some more time polishing it.  I just doesn't feel finished.  The game is really fun, don't get me wrong, but I have a lot of gripes.  First of all, where is the Surround Sound!!  What is up with a Matrix game that only runs in Mono and Stereo?  Another gripe is the hit detection.  It's marginal at best.  While the moves are very well scripted, it takes something away when the guy you're attacking goes flying, but your kick mised him by about a foot.  Also, sprinting with Ghost looks VERY FUNNY.  Congrats to Shiny for awesome character design, the people in the game look really good.  I do wish, however, that they'd put the same amount of detail into the vehicles.  The cars in the game look absolutely fugly.  The in-game cut-scenes are also an eyesore to look at.  And those ladder climbing animations...

At it's core, and despite all my gripes, it's still a very enjoyable game.  And the live action cut-scenes are a must see.  I would definately suggest a rental before you buy this one.
Allied Rally
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Offline Rhoq

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2003, 07:53:21 AM »

Originally posted by: Alliedrally68
I also have it, and I must say that I wish they had spent some more time polishing it.  I just doesn't feel finished.  The game is really fun, don't get me wrong, but I have a lot of gripes.  First of all, where is the Surround Sound!!  What is up with a Matrix game that only runs in Mono and Stereo?  Another gripe is the hit detection.  It's marginal at best.  While the moves are very well scripted, it takes something away when the guy you're attacking goes flying, but your kick mised him by about a foot.  Also, sprinting with Ghost looks VERY FUNNY.  Congrats to Shiny for awesome character design, the people in the game look really good.  I do wish, however, that they'd put the same amount of detail into the vehicles.  The cars in the game look absolutely fugly.  The in-game cut-scenes are also an eyesore to look at.  And those ladder climbing animations...

Do you have you audio connected to a receiver? I had it turned up loud last night and I thought it sounded very good (exlcuding those pops between game and FMV sequences). You're correct about the hit detection, but then again I find it to be like that with most games. The cars definitely could have been designed witha bit more thought, they don't look much different than something you found in an N-64 game, LOL. Overall though, it's an enjoyable game.


Offline Army_F_body

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2003, 01:50:54 PM »
I agree focus mode could use some help.  I wish you would start out with all your focus abilities at the begining, but I guess it adds to the sense of "realism" to have them download into you during the action like in the movies.  Yeah, the vehicles did look bad, considering they used one of my favorite cars in it, the 1968 Fireibird deserved better.  It is a good action game, and great stress release.  Hope one of those "hack" options in it allows you to unlock Neo and Trinity as playable characters!

Offline nolimit19

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2003, 02:30:40 PM »
well the movie was a let down.....i figured the game would be the same....
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Offline Big Harpo

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2003, 03:33:03 PM »
I got it today and I have one prob., it's very hard. or mabey i just suck but all in all i think it's a great game that, even if it could use some polishing, is worth the buy or at least a rental.
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Offline K-Man

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2003, 08:57:44 PM »

Originally posted by: Alliedrally68
Another gripe is the hit detection.  It's marginal at best.  While the moves are very well scripted, it takes something away when the guy you're attacking goes flying, but your kick mised him by about a foot.

I thought that the matrix wasn't real, so it makes sense that you can hit someone and miss them, but they still feel the connection. You know what I'm saying, like they rendered it how they wanted it. Ok, I am just being smart. Yes that does suck.

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Offline snorgasmo

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2003, 09:33:45 PM »
if this is the first gamecube game to use divx, it doesn't show.. i thought the fmv looked like the standard gamecube fare.. well maybe a LITTLE bit better than the usual gamecube fare.. but hardly the leap i would expect from divx compression.. bottom line, it still doesn't look at all like dvd quality...

that aside, the game did feel rushed and clunky.. the popup is pretty horrible, but framerates stayed smooth for the most part... shooting the guns feels a lot more difficult than it should.. i would say dead to rights had an awesome control set up for gun fights and i wish this game had the same kind of feel... instead it's hard to get a bead on your enemies and you can never tell if you're actually hitting them with your shots or not...  the camera for the most part behaves by staying behind you until you go into kung fu fighting mode... but it does tend to screw up every once in awhile and leave you disoriented... graphics are highly average and looks pretty unpolished...

i hope it gets better as i continue to play it.
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Offline aoi tsuki

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RE: Enter The Matrix
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2003, 10:05:16 PM »
So far the only FMV i've seen is the one when you start the game. It's very clear; easily the clearest i've seen on the Cube. On a standard tv i'd say it's "DVD-quality".

Hit detection goes from mediocre to downright horrible. When you're fighting multiple enemies, you don't mind so much if the game "cheats" for you, but when i was fighting three enemies, my kicked missed one of them by a good three feet, yet it still registered as a hit. Also annoying is when you're trying to hide behind something, and you're getting hit through whatever you're hiding. i could easily go on about the lack of polish, but it's a dead issue. As it stands now the game isn't very fun, but i'm only a couple hours into it.

The box says it uses Pro Logic II, but i can't tell if it really does or not (it's late; gotta keep the sound down). Seems like it does because i've heard the sound of bullets streaming by via my surround speakers, which would mean it at least supports Pro Logic.
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Offline BrianSLA

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Enter The Matrix
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2003, 10:27:23 PM »
I have the Xbox version. It does support Dolby Digital  and HDTV 1080i. As for the game.... it runs silky smooth on the Xbox. I am currently in the nuclear power plant level..... and overall I'd say it is a good game but not a great game. I've gotten to the point where I've seen a lot of cinematics from the movie and alot of stuff that wasn't in the movie but shot for the game ( MONICA BELLUCCI fans be happy she is in there too ).
I saw the movie yesterday and I liked it alot ( it is a good movie but not great too ) and after playing this game I think it is a good companion piece to the movie. I love the shootout on the freeway. IF you haven't seen the movie yet DO NOT PLAY THE GAME... the game has alot of scenes from the movie. If you liked the movie you should like the game because it puts you in the movie. I'd have to say it is the best video game to actually put you in the movie because of all the cooperation it got from the movie.