So, first BlacknMild2k1 tells me that he appluads me more than anyone else, then Insanolord mentions I nearly fit the criterea for being a mod because of my years of mostly model citizenship and now Fatty_the_Hutt, in his best last gen system thread, calls me a prominent member of the forums and mentions how I inspire him to make a topic from a post of mine.
Am I being set up for a NWR Lifetime Achievement Award or something? Did I get terrible diagnosis that everyone knows about except me so you're being nice to me because of it? Or, more preferably, did I just come into a large windfall of money and so now everyone is sucking up to me before I learn about it? This sudden lovefest is starting to get disturbing. Although it strangely hasn't resulted in more applauds. Man, you've all got high standards.
This is your fault stevey! You backed off from the forums and look what's happened!