Author Topic: Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?  (Read 8399 times)

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Offline lib157

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« on: April 28, 2003, 01:59:36 PM »
I have read so much about the future of nintendo and the GC that is is disgusting. I see sega sports discontinuing sports games for GC, and hear a lot about the failure of the GC in the past and that it will continue to be a failure in the future. Do you feel as though the Gamcube is slowly dying away? I feel this way, but I certainly hope it won't.
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Offline TheCouch123

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2003, 02:15:27 PM »

Edit: oh i should probably give a reason to. Nintendo is making way to much money to drop the gamecube. It doesn't matter how many other developers quit making games for the cube as long as Nintendo does i'll be happy.
I am so bored.

Offline Grey Ninja

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2003, 02:16:53 PM »

As long as there are still games I want to play on my GameCube, and I am happier with it than my N64, I will never feel that my GameCube is dying.  There's a lot of negative hype regarding the GameCube in the industry today, but look around you.  Check out the E3 list for some clues as to why gamers shouldn't really care about what the analysts say.

There are more games that I MUST have this year than I can afford.  I am going to be living on ramen for a long time.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Locke Cole

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2003, 02:33:14 PM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
There are more games that I MUST have this year than I can afford.  I am going to be living on ramen for a long time.

Word!  I got too many games to buy this year for my Cube, thats probably same for the large amount of people that own a cube too.  With all the great titles coming out, and some must haves like Final Fantasy, Nintendo isn't going anywhere for a long time.  

Offline KnowsNothing

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2003, 03:18:58 PM »
you know what i hate.  people who complain about the amount of games for the gamecube compared to another system, which is a reason for negativity towards the cube.  sure, you need some games for every genre, because every player is different, but it doesn't really matter who many games there are for a system as long as there's enough.  "oh there are only 100 somethin games for this system"  okay, go and buy all those games, then complain.  that's the thing.  Ps2's got more games, but you're not going to have all of them.  i bet on average, most xbox, ps2, and cube owners have the same amount of games, although the selection on a certain system is very different.  in my opinion, the cubes got the best.  which ones?  the first party ones.  i agree with thecouch123, as long as Nintendo kepps making the games, i'll keep buying them.
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Offline rpglover

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2003, 03:24:28 PM »
nintendo cant be wasting away
first of all  they have made some of the best business decisions in years for the gc (capcom 5, square is back, silicon knights)
but most of all they make money
nintendo has not lost money on the gc and doesnt plan to
they make money on each gc sold
not only that but nintendo still makes the highest quality software- no one can doubt that
basically for me and many others, if nintendo leaves the videogame business, i probably will too
i call the big one bitey.

Offline PIAC

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2003, 04:38:07 PM »
should nintendo go i probably wouldn't console game again, unless another console can offer me what nintendo could. if anything nintendo and hte gamecube are getting stronger, a big wave of must get titles are flooding us, for example, 3 must get games are our out on the same day here (The Wind Waker, Skies of Arcadia and Ikaruga), lucky my manager likes me and i work alot

Offline Infernal Monkey

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2003, 04:46:52 PM »
How can you even suggest it's dying out? It's in full swing now!
Just look at all the exclusive games we're getting from the likes of Capcom and such. Namco even went as far as to include Link in the GC SC2.

The big developers are showing Nintendo lots of love at the moment.
Just because Sega dropped it's sports games, and people like to proclaim it's "kiddie" doesn't mean it's going anywhere.

Besides, who needs Sega Sports when we've got Sonic Team and AV in our bed? =P

Offline Nintega

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2003, 04:59:05 PM »
It is slowing dying if you consider the next gen system to be out in a couple years.  That could be said about the PS2 and Xbox.  But as for Gamecube dying, I really can't see it.  Now that the big titles are finally out, I'm more excited this year about the new games just announced.  And who knows what else Nintendo has in store for E3.

Offline joshnickerson

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2003, 05:00:47 PM »
Most of this negative hype is probably from PS2 or Xbox fanboys, who are probably just jealous that we actually have good games on our systems. You could count the actually good games on those systems with one hand. To count all of the good games on the Cube would take... uh, several hands.
But seriously, I think a huge problem these days are the "casual" gamers creeping influence on game design. They just want to jump right into a game and "kill stuff". Case in point, two kiosks in my store. One Xbox with Halo and Cube with Zelda. Kid walks up to Zelda, spends two seconds trying to move Link through a door, too stupid to realize he has to push the big green button to open it, says "This is stupid!", walks over to the Halo demo and starts shouting out "Cool! Blue blood!"* I remember when one got a game, he or she actually sat down and read the instruction book before (or during) playing so he knew how to play it. Nowadays, people just want to know how to jump in a car and run over hookers.
Uh, what was the question before I started ranting like a moron? Oh, yeah. The Cube isn't going anywhere. I have some friends who own Xboxes and they often give props to the Cube (in fact, one considers Mario Sunshine to be the greatest platformer ever and he even has the Zelda pre-order disc even though he doesn't own a Gamecube... yet). Nintendo's still making a profit, and I hope they don't drop the price to $99, because a console the same price as a handheld looks pretty bad.
Nintendo will be around to the next generation and the one after that. After that one, I'm not sure. What do you think I am, some kinda psychic?

*(Apologies to Halo fans, it is actually a pretty good game. Please don't use that Needler on me.)

Offline Tanookisuit

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2003, 05:13:29 PM »
I have been feeling that way.  For myself, I love the Gamecube and what it has in store for me... but I think interest in the system has been on the decline for the last few months.  Nobody's buying Metroid anymore, and it's great, and I don't think Zelda has gotten quite as much attention as it should've.  Sad life.  Oh well.

Offline PIAC

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2003, 07:48:10 PM »
600,000+ NTSC pre orders? still nintendo are making profit, us nintendo gamers are happy, who cares what joe prostitue killer thinks

Offline Mario

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2003, 01:12:18 AM »

Originally posted by: Tanookisuit
I have been feeling that way.  For myself, I love the Gamecube and what it has in store for me... but I think interest in the system has been on the decline for the last few months.  

*Points to Wind Waker's March sales*

Offline Berto2K

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2003, 05:35:49 AM »
Not sure how many people saw this:

Price drops coming?

It talks about a certain store employee receiving signage indicating price drops for all 3 consoles.
Pietriots, we roll out to get the lol out.

Offline Nintendork SP

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2003, 05:48:25 AM »
You guys all remember a little game called Zelda: WW, right?  Well (*spoilers*) In the Nintendo Gallery when you take picture of the guy at the counter and have it made into a model, then read it's discription it says that the Nintendo gallery has slowly been losing memberships because he hasn't done anything cool with the shop, right?  It goes on to say that everything will be okay as long as YOU are still here.  Sound interesting doesn't it?  I don't think it would be to big of an assumption to say that this is a direct reference to Nintendo and how thier doing, don't you think?  
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Offline couchmonkey

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2003, 08:08:48 AM »
I understand how someone could feel like this, there was a lot of crappy news early on this year with third parties. However, I think this all goes back to the media: How many of us would even have noticed Sega Sports leaving if we didn't read up on Nintendo news every week?  Certainly some sports fans would have noticed, but if the games are selling as poorly as Sega claims, that suggests most of us never would have noticed that they were gone.

Meanwhile, this year we are getting one of the best lineups a Nintendo console has ever seen.  Wario World, Mario Kart, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, The Legend of Zelda, Pikmin 2, Kirby plus new exclusives from Nintendo and Capcom all in the same year?  This is on par with the best years of the Super Nintendo's life!  The sports lineup is weak but guess what?  So was the Super Nintendo's.  Nintendo is still pumping out the best games available on any console.  If anything the competition is less worthy than the Sega Genesis was.

Nintendo struggles and still makes mistakes on the third party front and on the popularity front.  But if you stop worrying about how "cool" the GameCube is and look at the games Nintendo is simply the best.  

That's my opinion, not yours.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline BlkPaladin

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2003, 08:28:17 AM »
Yeah I brought that up on the Hyrule board when I first came across it. Nintendo isn't declining, it accually getting stronger a good indication of this is their profits they are making more than the SCEI (I think that what theya re called..) according to that report that Planet Gamecube covered awhile back.

I'm content that the Gamecube has the bigger developers behind them, and that is something they couldn't say during the N64 years. And it hard to change your preception of company after it put a sour taste in your mouth as Nintendo did with a lot of people during that time so it isn't going to magically correct itself.

And don't read the prediction done by "financal experts" the Game Industry runs on a different dynamic then almost all other market so they are out of their element. Shamus Blackley brought something like that up when he talk to Planet Gamecube. (I know I can't spell so don't remind me.)
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Offline ThePerm

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2003, 09:08:44 AM »
i think nintendo is having sex right now.....that way when the new baby comes they can kill their older son.
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Offline The Doc

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2003, 09:16:06 AM »
First of all, Nintendo is not dying and if anything the company is turning around. The GameCube is a solid piece of hardware which does in fact have a bevy of software titles for gamers of all ages. In my opinion, 2003 will be a huge year for the GCN and we as GameCube owners have a lot to look foward to. For example: Hitman 2, Too Human, Final Fanasty: Crystal Chronicles, Pikmin 2, Billy Hatcher, Sword Of Mana, Kirby's Air Ride and Mace Griffen Bounty Hunter are just some of the many games that GCN and GBA owners can get their hands on this year. By the way, lets not forget about Nintendo's LAN strategy which will be shown at E3. The future for Nintendo looks strong and I will continue to show my support for Nintendo.

The Doc

*Edit: Too Human will be a 2004 release.    

Offline BlkPaladin

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2003, 09:46:02 AM »
Hey Perm that is an interesting way to describe R&D for the next console. But if they make it Backwards compatible they may not have to kill off the older son.
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Offline DRJ

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2003, 10:16:42 AM »
This is the year of the cube, just look at their lineup of must have titles. Playstation may have more games and Xbox may have more capabilities, but Gamecube has the best games. And Nintendo will rule next year too. Look whats probably coming out next year: Another Mario, Another Zelda, Another Metroid isnt that enough reason right there to validate owning a cube? Oh, and I almost forgot about Pokemon RPG which will probabyl sell 5million copies. Then the year after that we should get the new systems launched for all three companies. If Nintendo can launch their system with several primo titles they will take a big chunk out of sony.  
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Offline lib157

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2003, 10:43:55 AM »
Thanks for the responses guys. Was quite interesting reading your thoughts, and it has changed my mind right around. I took a look at the lineup for Nintendo and was *still* amazed, then saw the lineup for Ps2 and Xbox, and I have to say that nintendo will be kicking some serious a.s.s. in the near future.
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gamecube = the mufuggin shiz

Offline StRaNgE

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2003, 04:05:48 PM »
the last couple months I have seen it actually pick up huge amounts of stride and at the moment there are about 10-15 games I'd love to buy but I have to be very selective because in the next 6 months about 15-20 more are must haves in my eyes and I am not about to buy all of those seeing  I already have about 30 or so.
Most recent Ikaruga.. A must have for anyone who lived  through the arcade years!

Offline PIAC

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2003, 10:30:53 PM »

Originally posted by: DRJ
Look whats probably coming out next year: Another Mario, Another Zelda, Another Metroid isnt that enough reason right there to validate owning a cube? Oh, and I almost forgot about Pokemon RPG which will probabyl sell 5million copies

hrm, doubt another zelda will come out next year, i really do, but hey i wont overly mind

Offline Aussiedude

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2003, 02:26:26 AM »
Well in Australia it is still running last, mainly due to a dearth of AAA titles until recently.
It does seem to be picking up in all markets though, it even outsold XBOX in USA for March. Metroid Prime is selling really well here,
expect Zelda will do the same.
(Pity us PAL users have to wait soooo long)
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