Author Topic: Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?  (Read 7829 times)

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Offline Mario

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2003, 03:03:54 AM »

it even outsold XBOX in USA for March.

No it didn't.

Offline jc24

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2003, 09:33:23 AM »
yeah, that's exactly how i fell.  there's a huge lack of good exclusive games for the mature gamer.  that's why nintendo has been so sucessfull in the past by appealing to all different kinds of gamers.  now they appeal more to young gamers.  nintendo slowly began dying with the loss of first party exclusive mature games.  

Offline Camaro_92_25th

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2003, 11:44:41 AM »
It may very well be dying.  But that doesn't stop them from trying.  I don't think they will ever stop trying.  I just hope that they don't end up like atari or sega and only making games for other systems.

Offline Christberg

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2003, 11:52:58 AM »
Basically, the way I see it, Nintendo is at the very backswing of their momentum in recent years, which started with the N64's eventual market leading position loss and is now slowly being turned around by Nintendo.  They've still got image problems, they've still got problems with developers, but compared to the N64, this is pure heaven.  With the amount of respect Nintendo has been garnering with it's current owners and the (pretty damn good job) they've been doing with turning around their third party relations, it's only an amount of time before the GC starts gaining momentum.  Anybody who sees Nintendo's lineup this year KNOWS it's even better than last year's, and anybody who likes Nintendo, really liked their GC last year, especially around last Christmas.

One thing a lot of people need to recognize is that Nintendo needed/needs to satisfy the existing Nintendo fans first and get all those games out that appeal to Nintendo fans.  Nintendo's done a great job of doing this, and now that they've got that in full swing they can now start concentrating on making everybody else happy.  So this year, Mario Kart,Metal Gear Twin Snakes, Final Fantasy CC, and Rogue Leader 3 are the "big holiday" titles... see a pattern?  How about we add FZero to that, and Viewtiful Joe... now is it apparent?  Next year it's going to be even more obvious.  Nintendo's got strong 3rd party stuff, they've got "cool" games, and it's only a matter of time before their "kiddie" image starts to slip.

Nintendo can only gain momentum from where they are starting around August the way I see it, especially stacked up against the Xbox lineup.  MS better have some serious surprises at E3, otherwise they're in trouble.  There's only so long they can mooch off PC franchises before they relegate themselves to niche status, and without the help of Japanese developers, it's destined to happen, and I think it's going to take a lot more than just Rare to dig them out of that hole.

Right now I'm more worried about my Xbox than my GC honestly, especially now that it appears Sega is pulling a lot of Xbox support and moving it to PS2 while keeping their GC support about the same.

Offline EggyToast

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2003, 12:40:52 PM »
Gamers that need to see an "M" on the box to justify their gaming hobby as "mature" are a far cry from mature.  Perhaps they should grow up, instead of asking developers to?  Ever notice how movies that are flaunted for their special effects without a good story to back them up are forgotten about at the end of the year?  It's the same with games -- the GAME is king, not the pretty graphics or the decision to include blood or breasts.  Eye candy is sweet, but it passes through the system quickly and doesn't fill you up.

And I agree -- I was interested in getting an Xbox when Live was in full swing over the holidays, and when they had a few new games coming out that looked interesting.  But those games *weren't* interesting, and the only thing they have on the books is a sequel to an FPS that won't be out until mid 2004, a sketchy RPG that's all about concepts without anythign leaked regarding actual gameplay, and ports of PC games (that come out after the PC game anyway!).

I think Xbox is great for PC gamers who like PC games but don't want to deal with upgrading, connection problems, or hacking.  But for people who like games that are fun yet challenging?  Or good platform games?  Or games that aren't FPSs?

Offline Darc Requiem

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Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2003, 01:29:05 PM »

Originally posted by: Mario

it even outsold XBOX in USA for March.

No it didn't.

Are you sure about that Mario, I could have sworn in the official sales thread there were quite a few post confirming that the GC out sold the X-box in March.

Darc Requiem
"Fiery words fuel debate and debate yields understanding."