"A few developers have taken the time to make multiplatform games appear on the WII"
But JUST LIKE what occurred on GameCube, those same multiplatform publishers (are the devs really deciding what's multiplatform or not?) have not been putting in those good-faith best efforts in versions that appear on Nintendo consoles. Countless on-time "multiplatform" games that landed on GameCube were either disastrous port jobs or "good enough" versions with key features axed. I could go all day down memory lane to recount the duds and bad apples, which is why I'm personally hesitant to support a company that appears to "finally support" the casual machine. They've got to put their best foot forward AND make sure the shoes look good too. Using Modern Warfare as an example, it's got to be a top-quality job meeting their [selective...] high standards AND they have to show they care enough about it by proving it already makes the grade instead of hiding it like they're ashamed of it. If they made a big deal about the original version the first time around, why aren't we seeing any of that enthusiasm now?
Typically, I'd think that if a company thinks they've got a great product and wants us to believe they've got a great product, they'd convey it by demonstrating the product as much as possible (that's what they DO, right?). Instead we see 3rd party games quietly hit Wii, no big deal, "zero" publicity (gotta go beyond the internet). Not a big deal? Fine, I'm sure the ignorant public agrees.
How about these game makers try delivering products that at least compete with the GameCube remakes that've shown up on Wii, let's start there?