Black Widow
It was good. I've seen people say this would've been better if released between Infinity War and Endgame. I agree with that sentiment, but the post-credits scene would've been a spoiler, and I'm not sure where else you put that scene. The supporting cast is great, and I hope they all make a return.
I saw it today, and it was my first movie back in a theatre. It was a good enough choice. The movie has a lot of action, but it feels a little "tropey" I think. It doesn't do much for the MCU cannon but put in some new faces, so that's nice.
Space Jam
It's only a bad movie if you think about it; otherwise, this is a movie for kids. Modern kids' movies are very nonsensical, and this one is no exception. The slapstick Looney Tunes antics are there, which is nice. LeBron is no better an actor than MJ was, but this movie feels like it asks more of LeBron to act? It feels like a LeBron James movie starring the Looney Tunes and not a Looney Tunes movie starring LeBron. That definitely hurts the film.
Overall, I thought it was good enough. The part I liked the least was where LeBron's son is basically doing magic to make his video game work. It's fine if cartoons are doing cartoon things, but the movie doesn't feel grounded on LeBron's end, so the contrast between worlds isn't really there. The film would've been better off just rehashing the plot from the first film, in my opinion. So much of what the film was going for just wasn't working for me, but I still found it funny.