Author Topic: "Wii HD" in 2011?  (Read 38084 times)

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Offline D_Average

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2008, 07:26:22 PM »
I won't be satisfied until the game is able to pan into the stands and I can clearly see myself pounding a Fat Tire with 3 brats.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2008, 07:50:33 PM »
So what inadequacy is Nintendo going to do on WiiHD? Every generation they have to have at least one shortcoming.

-No 1080p?
-No sound upgrade?
-Friend Codes remain?
-Motion Plus not standard?
-size limits with DVD storage?
-too small Hard Drive?

I'm guessing no sound upgrade and DVD9 only storage.

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2008, 08:48:47 PM »
One shortcoming?  Miyamoto will retire by then.
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Offline D_Average

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2008, 09:04:33 PM »
Oh, friends codes will be there my friend, along with that horrendous voice chat solution.  Additionally, I doubt we'll see anything too crazy like the convience of downloading movies and tv shows the majority of other consoles offer.
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Offline Dasmos

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2008, 09:12:22 PM »
Nintendo is planning on releasing a new console in the future? No way!

This is the biggest non-news ever.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 09:22:33 PM by Dasmos »
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Offline Bill Aurion

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2008, 09:16:30 PM »
Additionally, I doubt we'll see anything too crazy like the convience of downloading movies and tv shows the majority of other consoles offer.

Good, because it's one of the stupidest ideas to hit "gaming" ever...
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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2008, 09:31:23 PM »
nintendo cant use the same philosophy next gen as they used this gen, their system is going to have to be competative this time.

because the competition will copy nintendo's controls, microsoft will at least, sony will just use the same controller
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Offline King of Twitch

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2008, 10:12:45 PM »
Anything someone says about Wii 2 right now is a lie, excluding this sentence.
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Offline Dasmos

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2008, 10:14:40 PM »
nintendo cant use the same philosophy next gen as they used this gen, their system is going to have to be competative this time.

because the competition will copy nintendo's controls, microsoft will at least, sony will just use the same controller

I don't understand how you can spell competitive wrong then a few words later spell competition correctly. It's mind boggling.
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Offline NWR_Lindy

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2008, 10:55:08 PM »
Nintendo is planning on releasing a new console in the future? No way!

This is the biggest non-news ever.

No, the biggest non-news ever is Iwata stating that Nintendo is working on a new Mario game and a new Zelda game.  At least this story states a specific year, and also mentions the HD stuff.
Jon Lindemann
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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2008, 11:17:16 PM »
I think Nintendo has figured out the secret to staying on top which is essentially, staying ahead of the curve. They'll introdcue something new. The only uncertainty (and it's a big one) is whether it'll catch on. The potential of the Wii Remote is largely untapped and even moreso with MotionPlus. We'll see a progression of that idea and then some. Just because we haven't thought of something especially in a gameplay application, doesn't mean "it" doesn't exist.
Realistically I see no point in MS or Sony releasing another console any time soon.
Hey, remember in 2004 when we said the same thing about the original Xbox. I find it funny how a game like Super Mario Galaxy, which is graphically possible on the original Xbox and probably Gamecube, is still visually pleasing in this so-called HD-era.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #36 on: October 02, 2008, 12:16:07 AM »
2011 is too early. If the system is fully backwards compatible with the Wii/Gamecube and uses HDMI, I'd buy one today.
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Offline SixthAngel

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #37 on: October 02, 2008, 02:01:22 AM »
This is total crap.  It is not going to come in 2011.  Last time I checked the Wii is still blowing away sales expectations and people think they are going to release another one so soon?  The Wii proved that people don't care much about graphics beyond a certain point.  Releasing a a more powerful Wii just doesn't make much sense, especially so soon.

I am tired of everyone trying to shove HD down my throat.  I don't care, most people don't care.  It is the new marketing buzzword and it tries to make people think they need it.  Tons of people have HD tvs and don't even realize that they aren't getting HD programs and movies.  The tech geek reviewers make a big deal about it but the vast majority of people just don't give a ****.  Stop trying to tell me that HD is the next big thing IT ISN'T!  I don't see the HD systems dominating, do you?  People don't have a problem with less then tv quality video on youtube, veoh, tudou, etc.  We will get to HD eventually but its going to be because its as cheap as the alternative, not because most people actually care.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 02:11:30 AM by SixthAngel »

Offline NWR_Lindy

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #38 on: October 02, 2008, 03:04:38 AM »
2011 is too soon?  That's three years from now!  I don't care how much the Wii is selling now, sales will begin to taper off eventually.  That'll probably be about two years from now, and after three years Nintendo can pounce on the early adopters again while still making money off of Wii.
Jon Lindemann
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Offline KDR_11k

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #39 on: October 02, 2008, 04:59:56 AM »
Ian, you're wrong. You talk about the Wiimote as being driven by novelty and ignorance and that once that wears off people will go back to humongous uboat control gamepads that are just fucking clunky for any purpose, you're just like those retarded analysts that predict every week that the Wii fad is just about to end. The pointer is less precise than a mouse? So what, how do you use a mouse without a desk? Wii Motion Plus is an improvement? Well, guess what, that shows the technology still has room for improvement that can be done with the next system.

You always talk as if the masses are stupid and will be enlightened to your ways any moment now. You. Vs 32 million gamers. I say it's YOU who's ignorant and needs to be enlightened! You talk about how the Wii cannot play "current" games but what about the competition? I don't see the PS3 or 360 being capable of playing Wii Fit! Yeah, sure, the PS3 and 360 owners won't care and that's why the Wii is winning: It picked the market that DOES care and that does not pursue some snobbish perception of how videogames should be art and epic and ****, all they want is a fun game. Hell, all I want is a fun game yet games are so concerned with beating each other in terms of epic and art that at times the fun has to suffer for it because they ram another cutscene down your throat. **** the cutscenes, **** your crappy excuse for a story and **** your "great writers" that you hire because they'd be ridiculed as second rate hacks in the book market! Bring back the euphoria from overcoming a challenge that is actually difficult, not jsut called such by the manual! Throw away the 20 hour game length mentality because you cannot make a game challenguing and that long, noone would make it to the end. Make something that your skill alone can beat! This. Is. THE EXPANDED MARKET! Yes, that's right, the expanded market is really a resurrection of the retro market. Irony, eh?

BTW, to say Nintendo will only change when they're no longer ahead is to call them stupid, they'll change while they're ahead to STAY ahead!

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #40 on: October 02, 2008, 05:51:53 AM »
Ian, you're talking again.


This is nintendo. Probably one of the most penny pinching companies in the known universe. Why 1080p and super sexualise the interweb with orgasmifying micro vibratic muscle relaxing moany womanly devices when they can now make small cheaper improvements to the concept to improve upon it?

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #41 on: October 02, 2008, 01:56:23 PM »
I don't see the PS3 or 360 being capable of playing Wii Fit!

Technically the Wii isn't capable of playing Wii Fit either. It requires an additional accessory.

It picked the market that DOES care and that does not pursue some snobbish perception of how videogames should be art and epic and ****, all they want is a fun game.

I'd argue it picked the market that DOESN'T care.  They focus on the casuals that don't regard gaming as anything but a fun diversion.  Those that care are those that regard gaming as one of their major interests.  They care about gaming history.  They care about quality.  They care about getting a good value for their dollar.  That is not the blue ocean group Nintendo is targeting.  Nintendo is currently the Archie Comics of videogames.  It's disposable entertainment, pop gaming.  It relies on the audience to not care.

Hell, all I want is a fun game yet games are so concerned with beating each other in terms of epic and art that at times the fun has to suffer for it because they ram another cutscene down your throat.

Guess what?  All I want are fun games too.  Non-games don't cut it for me because they have no challenge and no depth.  They bore me.  And epic games can be fun too.  There isn't some rule where the second a game has more than two hours of gameplay, has a story and has good graphics that it sucks.  In fact many of Nintendo's most popular and acclaimed games follow the very conventions that you're crapping on.  I don't recall anyone claiming that epic games were bad until Nintendo said so.  Funny how that works.  And when the next Metroid or Zelda comes out with all the big epic frills that other companies have in their games you'll eat it up.

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #42 on: October 02, 2008, 02:36:00 PM »
And? What IS gaming if not fun? These are finally things these people can enjoy! Hell, I don't even get how you can claim "non-games" have no challenge, most if not all of them are highscore hunts and I don't see people getting gold or platinum medals on their first few tries.

What IS a "good value for their dollar"? Seriously, what? When a game is fun, isn't that enough? What exactly do you need to get a "good value"? Are you just saying again that you don't like the games?

What IS "quality"? Good games, no?

Aren't all your arguments "I don't like their games therefore they are stupid"?

You know, I've been saying that 3d Zelda < 2d Zelda... 2D Zelda didn't have much story. Neither did 2d Mario. You probably saw me call OOT and M64 bad. I still stand by that, I don't like those two much. Both have massive increases in complexity from all that 3d movement stuff. Mario doesn't just jump and run anymore, he can sideflip, backflip, triple jump, slide on his belly, kick, wallkick, stomp, ... Why? Wasn't jumping and running enough?

Offline Dirk Temporo

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2008, 04:01:11 PM »
For 2D games, yes.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2008, 10:37:28 PM »
Mario doesn't just jump and run anymore, he can sideflip, backflip, triple jump, slide on his belly, kick, wallkick, stomp, ... Why? Wasn't jumping and running enough?

You don't want games to move forward or innovate?  You don't want new ideas?  Why the hell aren't we still just playing Pong clones then?

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2008, 11:27:23 PM »
Most people don't care about HD? They care enough that SDTV practically doesn't exist anymore, because *almost* every time that a new TV is purchased, it's an HDTV.
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Offline King of Twitch

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2008, 11:31:39 PM »
When my 2001 panasonic tv-vcr combo finally breaks down i sure as heck am not getting HD, and definitely not DTV. Count me out.
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Offline shammack

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2008, 12:02:45 AM »
Most people don't care about HD? They care enough that SDTV practically doesn't exist anymore, because *almost* every time that a new TV is purchased, it's an HDTV.

But how often do you buy a new TV?

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2008, 02:12:51 AM »
Mario doesn't just jump and run anymore, he can sideflip, backflip, triple jump, slide on his belly, kick, wallkick, stomp, ... Why? Wasn't jumping and running enough?

You don't want games to move forward or innovate?  You don't want new ideas?  Why the hell aren't we still just playing Pong clones then?

I want innovation that makes sense, not craptons of moves that people don't even use (there's a reason they got stripped down in later versions). If you just randomly innovate you get Plättchen, a total mess that may be innovative but doesn't fit together at all because the innovations don't work together. All these extra moves for Mario did was make it even harder to maneuver the 3d space (at least when you were expected to use them) and add some stuff to exploit for speedruns.

Offline SixthAngel

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Re: "Wii HD" in 2011?
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2008, 02:18:18 AM »
Most people don't care about HD? They care enough that SDTV practically doesn't exist anymore, because *almost* every time that a new TV is purchased, it's an HDTV.

But how often do you buy a new TV?

Bingo.  Not many people upgrade tvs just for HD.  They go to get a new tv when the time comes (old tv breaks, family moves, the old tv still has wood paneling, want a bigger tv, etc) and happen to get an hd tv.

HD tvs tend to have a bigger screen, the set itself is still often smaller, they are widescreen, and are flatscreen.  Those are all qualities that people want.  When people do decide to get a new piece of technology they often try to get the best, or at least the best they can afford, even if they don't necessarily understand or use all the extra features.