GBA is great. Original Game Boys don't work (trust me, I have six and I've tried them all) - neither do Game Boy Pockets. Don't worry about bringing them.
Bring your Game Cube/Mario Kart/BBA and controllers. That'd be great. And an Ethernet cable.
We still need one more GameCube/Mario Kart. If you don't have a BBA, I'll still take you as a volunteer, because I might be able to get an extra BBA for the day.
Also, anyone with GameCubes/Game Boy Players - we can use those to fill in for the missing six Game Boys. And it can make more fun for stuff like Four Swords/Four Swords Adventures.
I'll bring my hub/router that'll get the job done. Unfortunately, there won't be internet access here (unless someone has a cell-wireless air card they want to bring)... If anyone plans on bringing stuff like 360's or what not, consider bringing your own hubs or what not as well - it might be handy.
Power strips - I'm fine for my stuff - if you plan on bringing anything of your own, it's going to be highly recommended that you bring a power strip (with surge protection).
Something that hasn't come up yet - Televisions. I'm lugging in my 37" Flat Panel (I'll have to get the stand out of the attic), a large 27" television and two small 13" TVs. Another friend here in town might have a few TVs we can use too. If anyone has some TVs they want to bring, it won't hurt.
Again, bring sleeping bags, pillows, etc., etc. Also, I'm planning to have drinks on hand (soda and bottled water, of course), but I haven't committed to food yet. I've got to talk it over with the wife and see what it's going to cost... I'll probably grab some munchies as well.
There will be no drinking, illegal drugs or smoking. If you do smoke, building rules (and Illinois State Law) forbids you from doing so inside the building. It's been rather chilly here lately, so bring a warm coat.
And finally, I do hope anyone who's coming will consider buying Brawl from my Wal*Mart. I'm working hard to make the Wal*Mart event a success (so, perhaps, I can do more such things in the future). Ultimately, though, it doesn't matter how many people show up - it matters how many copies we sell. Please consider me (I'll be watching the ads and trying to price match the best deal for y'all, but I can't promise anything).
With that note - bring your Wiis! After Midnight and we all roll back in with our copies of Brawl, it'll suck to have to play four at a time.
If you don't have a Wii... well, I'm *trying* to get us some extra qty for that night. No promises...