Author Topic: Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?  (Read 12550 times)

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Offline BlackGriffen

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2003, 01:43:49 PM »
I loved ED. As a game, it has astounding attention to detail, and a relatively complex story. The game is best enjoyed alone, at night, when it's dark. It's also a good idea to try to play at least a chapter at a time. The chapters provide you with natural breaks in the story line, so I say take advantage of them if possible, though I always trying to find the next page before I set the game down (so the puzzles from the last chapter are fresh in my mind). Also, the extreme insanity effects (the ones that really get ya) need to be few and far between (the rest provide ambiance). If they had made the "gotchas" to frequent, they wouldn't be gotchas any more. It's also not one family (hope I'm not spoiling anything here). Kareem's chapter was, IMHO, the low point of the plot. IIRC, you shouldn't even really know what the plot is all about, yet. You have three very good chapters coming up next, though, so hang in there. The chapter after is so so (interesting, but not great), then you have three more really good ones. Sadly, there isn't much to the last chapter, and it honestly gets a little tedious till you get to the boss fight. The boss fight is fun, and can be kinda tricky (not gonna say why, cause it's a spoiler).

Finishing the game, you'll know 98% of the story. You'll have to finish it 2 more times to get that last 2%. The other two times through can be tedious, because the game doesn't vary enough between the paths. I can't say whether it's worth it: it depends on the type of person you are.


Offline Termin8Anakin

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2003, 01:33:16 AM »
I like Karim's chapter the best, because even though it's easy (when you gte used to it), it still has that difficulty about it. I like the music in it as well.
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Offline ThePerm

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2003, 04:26:29 AM »
my favorite chapter is paul luther's. yeah you probably don't hjave alot of time with that work schedule.

heres the things i like about eternal darkness
Gameplay-most games you shoot the zombies...this game you dismeber them. Id use the gun more often but i like swordplay. If there are two things i like its sword play and kung-fu. This has swordplauy so i ll stick with that. The puzzles are simpistic but their not as contrives as say resident evil, their not as logical as zelda, but they serve their purpose well. They serve to add a little bit of challange to the game.
story-I like the takes quite a bit from lovecraft, but hey its good. Also Unoriginal. Gamewise there has never been a game with a similar plotline that i can remember. The cinematics could use a bit of work...but soem of them are awesome. The character animation looks a little iffy. Thre models arent wquite right. Still the Tamberlain cinema will probably stay up on my WTF?!!!! list for a long time.

Sanity effects are a small part of gameplay....we wouldnt want them to take over gameplay. If you play this
game like an action game you should do well. Iv beaten thsi game several times simply beause i like playing it. I dont know what people mean by saying theres no replay value. Once youv beaten it twice you get chapter selection(say you  want to play only as your favorite character) and thats real cool. Beat it three times you get invincibility. Also playing through it several times you find a bunch of stuff you never found before.
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Offline Mike-OPN2000

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2003, 01:11:48 PM »
I love this game.  I felt that, at least when it came out, that it was one of the first games on Cube to fell really complete.  The camera is damn near perfect, and the controls are tight as can be.  The visuals are very nice, especially considering the framerate.  I notice slowdown like no other, and I can say that this game rarely slows down at all.  I felt the story was good, and completely new to me.  The sound effects are great.  I have beaten the game twice now, and am half way through on my third.  I work 40 hours a week, and have noticed that ever since I graduated from high school that my gaming time has been really cut down.  But Eternal Darkness really is a game that you must spend at least an hour every time you sit down to play it, and must play every, or every other day to be really pulled in.  When I first played, I played for 4 hours on a saturday.  Its an awsome game for anyone who has the time to play it.  And its only $20.

Offline Uncle Rich AiAi

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2003, 03:30:42 PM »
i haven't read the whole thread, but i have to say i don't get what's so good about this game.  when i first started playing it, i played it for a few hours each time, but then i eventually started to get bored.  i haven't finished it one path.  heck i haven't even touched it for nearly 2 months.

the gameplay is nothing special.  the sanity and magick are nice, but it doesn't feel like anything special.  the story is original, but it fails to immerse me in and wanting to know what will happen next.  and i have no intentions to complete all three paths.  i just want to finish it on the red path and sell it.

the only really good thing i have to say is the voice acting.  excellent and perhaps the best i've heard in a game.

Offline PIAC

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2003, 04:21:10 PM »
im basically the biggest wuss ever when it comes to games like this, things that jump out at me freak the erm... bageezus out of me, so im kinda sad i dont get to play this game =\ it sounds really ace, perhaps ill play the game one day, a really sunny day.. so its less scary

Offline Mike-OPN2000

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2003, 04:39:58 PM »
ED is more creepy than scary.  Its not like RE, where things jump out at you and such.  I have heard that if you have surround sound, its the bomb.  If you have really sat down and played for a few hours, multiple times, you would have beaten it.  My first time through, it took me about 10 hours to beat.  This may be one of those games, either you love it, or you just dont care for it at all.  For me, its one of the best games ever.  

Offline BlackGriffen

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2003, 05:05:04 PM »
You're in luck. ED doesn't really go for the "make you jump" type scares. ED is a psychological thriller. It's a very different type of scare than the one from RE. RE is a "fu€k, I'm in trouble," or "$hit, what was that," type scare. ED was, the only way I can think to put it is, "Oh my god," type scare. My own favorite moment was... damnit, I can't say it. I don't want to spoil the moment for you. Suffice it to say, it isn't an insanity effect, so you will definitely see it. More, I will not say, because I don't want you to be on guard for it (it isn't a jump, but it is a surprise).


Offline mojorizin

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2003, 05:14:21 PM »
I was initially interested in the story more than anything.  I think this is one of those few games for which background reading increases the interest.  The themes (ancient evils, elder gods, cursed families, ANYTHING in New England - Rhode Island in particular, etc) are straight from H.P. Lovecraft, and having read so many stories as a kid, it was interesting to see that world in a videogame.  I likely would have enjoyed the game simply on those credentials,  but the fact that the game was so well done rounded things out nicely.  Having said the above, however, I enjoyed reading Hawthorne but don't think I'd buy "House of the Seven Gables" if someone developed it.

Offline ThePerm

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2003, 07:16:08 AM »
Black Griffen was that your most creative way of making the word fuck? Think very hard and im sure youll figure a groovier way to say it. Think outside the box.

Anyways this game probably serves different peoples tastes. Personally liek i said i really like the church levels....when your at those points the characters are so powerful that its fun just to go and be a badass.
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Offline Luciferschild

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2003, 06:41:29 PM »
I didn't play the game very long because I found the combat to be unbearably atrocious. Slow, no lock on, no moves, no variety, no skill, no fun = no point in playing.  

Offline BlackGriffen

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2003, 06:52:29 PM »

Originally posted by: ThePerm
Black Griffen was that your most creative way of making the word fuck? Think very hard and im sure youll figure a groovier way to say it. Think outside the box.

Anyways this game probably serves different peoples tastes. Personally liek i said i really like the church levels....when your at those points the characters are so powerful that its fun just to go and be a badass.

Eh, I live at a board that captures "fuçk," and I really hadn't put that much thought in to it.
I could also use "fuc|<".


Offline oohhboy

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2003, 11:12:39 PM »
I will explain everything that the last 30 posts have been trying to say in 3 words "It has soul".
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?