Author Topic: How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???  (Read 15316 times)

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Offline Mario

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2003, 07:36:19 PM »
Well i think the only people that play sports games are people who are too fat or unskilled to be able to kick a football in real life, i play sport all the time, which is why i dont need sports games, they are just the same thing, except boring. I also think that the fact that Super Monkey Ball and the Mario sports games are on the cube is why people dont play the "realistic" sports games, because they arent as good as what Nintendo has to offer exclusively.

The games I have outside of sports are:

Top Gun: Combat Zone
Both Resident Evils, sorry folks these are the best games I've ever played
Mortal Kombat
Need for Speed
Both 007's

LOL, No wonder you like sports games so much... Have you ever heard of "Nintendo"? Yes, they are a games company, and they actually make pretty damn good games, as do Sega, maybe you should try them one day... (Sorry if i hurt your feelings)

Offline PIAC

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2003, 08:05:58 PM »
well, on the subject of sports games, as a general rule i dont play/buy them, my train of thought is i play games to escape reality, which is why most sport/racing games bore me to death, allthough i do have fifa 2003 and love it, but outside of that franchise i wouldn't play a sports game ever. when i say sports/racing i mean realistic not fun fzero mario kart etc

more fun to kick a footy or drive a car in real life (specially my friends supra )  

Offline blu knight

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2003, 09:12:43 PM »
I enjoy watching sports and playing sports videogames.  Haven't been able to go out and play real sports with any of my friends lately but spring break and summer will change that.  I grew up playing sports games on the NES and SNES.  There were plenty of sports games on those Nintendo consoles, only recently with the N64 and the Cube are we seeing a decline.  I only own 3 sports games on the cube however(NBA2k3, Courtside,and Madden2002).  If you don't like playing sports videogames I think thats alright, I don't care much for traditional rpgs or MMORPGs like Skies of Arcadia or Phantasy Star Online.  Its normal for gamers to have different taste, and I think companies like Sega and EA should realize this and continue to make sports titles for the Cube.  

Offline alpha99

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2003, 10:25:34 PM »
I play sports games on my GCN, I've got NHL 2K3, NHL 2003(sucks), NHL Hitz 20-02 and FIFA Soccer 2002... My current favorite game right now is NHL2k3, I play it every day. It hardly leaves the system, except for that week with the OoT Bonus Disc...
A /_ P /-/ A ninety-nine, Proudly Canadian...
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Offline The Omen

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2003, 03:05:45 AM »

Well i think the only people that play sports games are people who are too fat or unskilled to be able to kick a football in real life, i play sport all the time, which is why i dont need sports games

That is pretty funny. considering ton's of PRO athletes play ALL the sports games ALL the time.  
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Offline egman

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2003, 04:14:33 AM »
I'm not a big sports game fan. I like more arcade sports type of games like Beach Spikers. Racing is cool. Outside of that I don't really care (this is coming from a hardcore basketball fan).

I play videogames generally to  get away from reality. That doesn't mean I dislike sim type games, but simulation sports turn me off for some reason. Also, as a longtime Nintendo fan I'm just more attracted to adventure games. Nintendo were the first to really get non linear adventure down with Zelda and Metroid, and it's these games that really made me hardcore gamer more than anything else. I played games long before I even had an interest in sports, so the two interests never really crossed paths like they have for others.

Offline EggyToast

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2003, 04:34:59 AM »
I think that what the person above said about simulation is dead on.  They're sim games.  I don't play flight sim games, or other types of sim games.  I know how real life works -- I can get that on normal TV without spending any money.  So why play a simulation of football when the real-life stuff is often much better, and more entertaining?  If I'm going to play games, I want to do things I can't do in real life.

Offline Nintendork SP

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2003, 04:52:24 AM »
Ian Sane said exactly what I would have said,  I just don't like sports.
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Offline thecubedcanuck

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2003, 07:16:35 AM »

think that what the person above said about simulation is dead on. They're sim games. I don't play flight sim games, or other types of sim games. I know how real life works -- I can get that on normal TV without spending any money. So why play a simulation of football when the real-life stuff is often much better, and more entertaining? If I'm going to play games, I want to do things I can't do in real life.

They are only sims to a certain extent. I play hockey 3 nights a week in the winter, play baseball twice a week in the summer and golf all other days in the summer. I am not fat, and I am not lazy.

The thing is, I cant out skate Pavel Bure in real life, I cant shoot as hard as Al McKinnis, I cant snag grounders as well as A-rod, and I cant hit the golf ball 190 yards with my 7 iron out of 3 inch rough like Tiger can. So even though sports games may be sims, they are in no way a reflection of the average persons abilities when they play the sports for real. The games allow me to be Tiger Woods or Mario Lemieux, to play at a level I cant in real life. When I play NHL 2003 I am ingulfed in the action, I am part of the game, I for that brief moment am playing in the NHL.

IMO it is no differant than playing golden eye. When I play it I am a spy, a secret agent, with a pile of cool toys. Now in real life I could probably attempt the same things, but I am guessing the results would be no where near as favorable.

Maybe there is a need to like sports, especially the sports that you will play in the games. However I cant be sure because I like sports, so I cant see from the other side of the story. I will say this though. I hate watching basketball, I hate playing it in real life, but I do like playing the video game version, the same goes for soccer. So I am not sure if I really buy the "I dont like sports angle".

I guess at the end of the day it is about choice and preferance. If you dont like sports games so be it, but to say the games suck because they dont appeal to you is just plain ignorant. I also find it irritating when people say that companies simply rehash the same game every year. When I see a quote like "Madden is the same game every year, only a moron would buy it every year", then the same person says they own Monkeyball 1 and 2. I find that severly hipocritical. The games are differant, EA spends all year on the new titles, the people who make the game live the games and are truly fans of the sport involved. To say no effort went in to it is a slap in the face IMO, and is in most cases unwarrented.

In the end sports games are reason I still play and follow the gaming industry, for Nintendo to lose all its sports games would be the end of me owning a nintendo system and I have owned every one of them. I would miss a lot of Nintendo's great work like Zelda and Mario, but I would rather miss them than the sports.

Just one gamers point of view.
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Offline Chris1228

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2003, 07:42:06 AM »
Well said canuck!!! I couldn't agree more and I completely resent the fact that a poster thinks the only people who play sports games are fat. I play real soccer and baseball. I love both, but like you said I cannot be good enough to make it to the pros. Sports games are my way of playing the MLB or makeing the World Cup.

Offline godwheel

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2003, 09:45:56 AM »
I'm not too thrilled about sports titles because some of the AI is horrible and make the games boring, but I still enjoy sports game. For the cube I have: Nascar Thunder, NFL Blitz 20-02, and FIFA 2002 (great game).

Offline 3_MaSteRPIeCE

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2003, 01:05:54 PM »
Wow.... people who play sports video games are more fat than people that play rpg games and 20 hour long single player games. It's not like people play sports games 3 hours straight.

and don't start that i'm a fatass
Yeah i cant dunk 10' but i could dunk 9'.  cause i'm only 5'7". I play basketball all of the time.  I bet im more cut than 70% of people in this place.

It's fun too.  You pass the ball,  shake em up a bit and drive in for a dunk.  It depends if you like sports in real life (and of course people who like sports in real life actually PLAY it )
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Offline CrYpTiC

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2003, 02:18:17 PM »
You guys cant compare sports games to Zelda, Mario, or FPS games. They are totally differen generes. One game has you scoring point against another team, and the other has you doing quests and killing bosses etc etc. Personally I am very sad to see Sega Sports leave. I love the 2k series. I hate the crappy Madden series, the controlls are always horrible. I'm going to miss NFL2K but I have 2K3 to keep me busy.
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Offline Laser60

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2003, 02:48:44 PM »
Well, I own Madden 2003, NCAA 2003, Rocky, and a few other sports games, but thats mostly cuz I am a jock.  But, all these games are for my PS2, so I can compete with my friends on their PS2s.  My gamecube is for Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Star Fox, etc...

Offline TheOnionMan

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #39 on: March 20, 2003, 09:23:53 AM »
I really like sports too (Tennis, Basketball) but I just hate the games that are made off of them.  Sports aren't meant to be video games in my opinion.  Sports are things you should play in real life.  The only game that is an exceptions is Mario Tennis.  I LOVED that game.  It stuck very true to the many aspects of tennis (spin,slice etc).

Some people are just goobers..

Offline TheOnionMan

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2003, 09:23:54 AM »
I really like sports too (Tennis, Basketball) but I just hate the games that are made off of them.  Sports aren't meant to be video games in my opinion.  Sports are things you should play in real life.  The only game that is an exceptions is Mario Tennis.  I LOVED that game.  It stuck very true to the many aspects of tennis (spin,slice etc).

Some people are just goobers..

Offline TheOnionMan

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #41 on: March 20, 2003, 09:23:55 AM »
I really like sports too (Tennis, Basketball) but I just hate the games that are made off of them.  Sports aren't meant to be video games in my opinion.  Sports are things you should play in real life.  The only game that is an exceptions is Mario Tennis.  I LOVED that game.  It stuck very true to the many aspects of tennis (spin,slice etc).

Some people are just goobers..

Offline TheOnionMan

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #42 on: March 20, 2003, 09:23:56 AM »
I really like sports too (Tennis, Basketball) but I just hate the games that are made off of them.  Sports aren't meant to be video games in my opinion.  Sports are things you should play in real life.  The only game that is an exceptions is Mario Tennis.  I LOVED that game.  It stuck very true to the many aspects of tennis (spin,slice etc).

Some people are just goobers..

Offline TheOnionMan

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #43 on: March 20, 2003, 09:23:57 AM »
I really like sports too (Tennis, Basketball) but I just hate the games that are made off of them.  Sports aren't meant to be video games in my opinion.  Sports are things you should play in real life.  The only game that is an exceptions is Mario Tennis.  I LOVED that game.  It stuck very true to the many aspects of tennis (spin,slice etc).

Some people are just goobers..

Offline TheOnionMan

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #44 on: March 20, 2003, 09:24:42 AM »
I really like sports too (Tennis, Basketball) but I just hate the games that are made off of them.  Sports aren't meant to be video games in my opinion.  Sports are things you should play in real life.  The only game that is an exceptions is Mario Tennis.  I LOVED that game.  It stuck very true to the many aspects of tennis (spin,slice etc).

Some people are just goobers..

Offline Nintendo_Pimp

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How come you guys don't like Sports games on this board???
« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2003, 11:06:44 PM »
I hate sports sims, id rather be playing baseball that watching myself control the dodgers beating the hell out of the angels. Im into arcade sports man I love blitz, hits and all the rest. I love the mario sports especaly golf, cuz when I play real golf I get like super pissed, and I end up throwing a fit over fover missing a put, its all my fault but i always blame the wind. I loved mario golf kart but tennis made me mad cuz WALUIGI.