Author Topic: GTA: Would it sell?  (Read 21373 times)

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2003, 03:53:23 AM »
"What about the people who cant stand playing games on a pC?"

That would be me.  I hate PC games.  

"I've played both, I have both, I've finished both, and what I can tell you is, IMO, the only thing more it has is stealing cars and driving people over."

That was funny, seriously.  GTA:Vice City IMO does have okay gameplay though.  I haven't played the other ones.  And I think it would sell.
it was time for a change.

GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2003, 04:05:34 AM »

Originally posted by: nolimit19
exactly it still amazes me how many gomasses purchased a ps2 for gta3 or vc.....come on u muppets do your research there is a little machine called a pc which 95 percen of the popluation have.......i swear to u, despite being a flaming american, the people that i live with in the country are down right stupid. i dont even know how we could be a super power. i bet if hollywood wanted to they could make most americans think terrorism was a good idea and that we should just sit here and like being bombed......enough americans have accepted it already......damn i am sick of all the stupids walking around.

Let me say that I hate PC games so much that even though I have them for my computer I buy the same game for my console just so I don't have to play on my computer. I won't even get into that whole terrorist thing with you so If you reply to this about that you won't get a response, however, you just made yourself sound like an idiot.  And was it really necessary to resort to name calling because of someone's opinion?  This is a community message board where anyone can state their opinion as long as it complies with the rules and isn't defamatory to others. I thought our posts were supposed to be more educated than this.

it was time for a change.

Offline Dolphin64X

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2003, 06:14:09 AM »
Man, I remember the days when we had DMA (makes GTA) on our side.  Body Harvest was excellent, and so was Space Station Silicon Valley.  Two of the best sleeper hits...

And really, just because a person lives in the US and drives a car doesn't mean they're a rednect or a rightist.  You live in a country.  You don't neccesarily affect its governments decisions, especially when the president says he doesn't care about protests and will do anything anyways.

But politics, I have a feeling, is a bad topic in a games forum.
"This town ain't big enough for the two of us," said one Xbox to the other.

"Heck, if Microsoft packaged that eight-minute playable level as a full game it would rank higher than just about any other Xbox game since the original Halo."

Offline Grey Ninja

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2003, 06:33:26 AM »
Just to mention something, I do in fact have a copy of GTA 3 for PC.  I have played it to the second part of the city, and it was there that I got really bored with it.  All the missions start to look alike after a while, and seriously, the only thing that I can see that sells the game is wanton violence.  I haven't found anything really that great about the game.  The story is laughable, and the missions suck IMO.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline thecubedcanuck

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2003, 07:11:03 AM »

I have played it to the second part of the city, and it was there that I got really bored with it. All the missions start to look alike after a while,

and you didnt get bored scanning 3 billion items in Prime? Gimme a break.

Damn do I hate fanboys.
Having sex when your 90 is like shooting pool with a piece of rope

Offline nolimit19

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2003, 07:15:35 AM »
"Do you know what a war will do to your counrties economy..."

if anything a war would help the economy(i live in the us) always has........but back to gta....i am not sayings its a bad game, but i do think its over rated. and i can respect the fact that u dont like playin games on the computer......but i doubt that u are one of the people that my comment was meant for. or anyone on these forums. its people who are like gta3 rules......and they dont know what devil may cry is or ffx....stupids like that. and one last thing...raising oil prices has little to do with iraq at this point.

do ur research buddy.  
A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.

Thomas Paine

Offline RahXephon

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2003, 07:16:45 AM »
I have played both games all the way through, my friend owns them, on a bet that i would like them...... I HATED it.  It was the same stuff over and over and over and over.  Stop the bomb, kill this guy, kill those guys, plant a bomb.... cycle then repeats for hours.  The game sells its gimmicky.  If you wanna play a GOOD GAME like GTA, then get The Getaway, at least it has some final purpose.  But, i honestly went into the game with an open mind, and hated it.  Period.  I would rather see Xenosaga on GC.  Why GTA????? How about Jak and Daxter or Rachet and Clank.  Something that holds true to Nintendo.  I say no to GTA, nintendo has its pride and should keep it.

And anyone who does not want to get rid of Sadam might as well go to the middle east and say "OH sorry your children are suffering, but it is not my problem.  We'll just sit at home untill he has enough firepower to destroy the world, theeennnn we'll do something."

If you want to talk about war, go read about war.  Heres a nice starting place.   Go read Hobbes.  Maybe if you read LITERATURE on war you will understand it better.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline thecubedcanuck

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2003, 07:20:41 AM »

raising oil prices has little to do with iraq at this point.

LMAO, I am a bond trader pal, trust me when I say it has everything to with it. As for the economy getting better with a war, that to is laughable. This isnt ww2 where we will be building tanks and ammo and rubber plants. This will be a war that costs 1/2 a billion a day to fight, and that doesnt even include the cost of reprecutions that the US will feel.
This will be ugly.
Having sex when your 90 is like shooting pool with a piece of rope

Offline RahXephon

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2003, 07:24:22 AM »
Here is what we need to do, target all their military facilities, find sadaam, eliminate any resistance, take sadam out, dead or alive, do what we did to afganastan, open their blindfolded eyes.  Will we suffer economical, probably, will we be stopping years of oppression, yes.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline nolimit19

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2003, 07:26:40 AM »
"Let me say that I hate PC games so much that even though I have them for my computer I buy the same game for my console just so I don't have to play on my computer. I won't even get into that whole terrorist thing with you so If you reply to this about that you won't get a response, however, you just made yourself sound like an idiot. And was it really necessary to resort to name calling because of someone's opinion? This is a community message board where anyone can state their opinion as long as it complies with the rules and isn't defamatory to others. I thought our posts were supposed to be more educated than this."

when did i name call and how am i an idiot. and also i think its blown out of proportions how iraq has affected the oil prices. we do get lots of oil from venezuela, and there is a stike. i dont care if u are a day a buisness student....lets all start naming off what we do for a living. what does that have to do with anything. and it remains a fact that everytime america has gotten into a war, the economy has benifited.

and about gta, cuz i dont want to get booted, it still is a good game, it has just over achieved imo. more power to rockstar  for that, but it not a work of art or anything. it is still a fun game though.....i personally just over played it.i loved it when i first played it though, and if gta5 was exclusive to gc, i dont know if it would do much for the cube because i think people will start to get over it by then. sony made a huge move by making sure it stayed for ps2.
A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.

Thomas Paine

Offline DrunkenBone

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2003, 08:25:37 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
Personally, I don't think it would sell well on GameCube at all.  (Or at least I HOPE it wouldn't).

GameCube has a stigma attached to it whether we like it or not, and regardless of truth value.  The average joe thinks that GameCube is for kids, and doesn't have any clue otherwise.  That leaves GameCube with a split demographic.

1)  Young kids who's parents buy them the console for all ages.
2)  Nintendo fans who buy the console because they love Nintendo's games and core philosophy.
3)  Hardcore gamers who know the greatness that GameCube possesses.
4)  Older gamers who value Nintendo's franchises and/or exclusive titles.
5)  Rich people who buy every console regardless.

1. Ahh 17+ is an age group
2. I love Nintendo, but that didn't stop me from buying RE1: remake, RE:0, Enternal Darkness, etc
3. The heck are u trying to say here? Cause I like other console or computer games I'm not HC gammer? Limiting yourself to 1 option dosn't make you a HC gammer.
4. Ahhhh.... wrong. I like NBA Streets, NFL 2k2,NBA2k2, Maden 2003, etc
5. So what if rich ppl can buy all consoles. It's also nice to see the difference of the same games on different platforms.

Ill give you another group

6. People who enjoy every game and dosn't care if its for another platform other than Nintendo, but still is a Nintendo fanboy.
Don't blame me, blame the..... umm... what was it.. the thing that starts with a S

Offline willys85

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2003, 09:33:10 AM »
This post is for GTA, The War against Saddam or Economy of the US? really, just stick with the initial post
So Your God fell in Love with the War, Well He is Only Your God

Offline Infernal Monkey

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2003, 10:19:29 AM »

Originally posted by: RahXephon
If you wanna play a GOOD GAME like GTA, then get The Getaway, at least it has some final purpose.

Actually, the final purpose of The Getaway is to unlock the free roam mode, which is just what GTA offers from the start. The Getaway is an excellent example of what happens when you take too long to develop a game. You get an outdated game with terrible graphics. If it were released when it was due (Feb, 01), it would have been the biggest thing since... Godzilla.. Or.. Maybe.. Something bigger.

.... Off-Topic (As if that last part wasn't), Joey Joe Joe, your screen name ROCKS

Homer: Hey Moe
Moe: Yeah?
Homer: You see, I got this friend.. Uh, Joey Joe Joe... Shabadoo?
Moe: That's the worst name I've ever heard.
*Man runs out crying*
Barney: Joey Joe Joe, come back!

Offline Grey Ninja

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #38 on: March 03, 2003, 12:04:24 PM »

Originally posted by: thecubedcanuck

I have played it to the second part of the city, and it was there that I got really bored with it. All the missions start to look alike after a while,

and you didnt get bored scanning 3 billion items in Prime? Gimme a break.

Damn do I hate fanboys.

Scanning 3 billion items in Metroid Prime is far different.  You are uncovering a mystery as you go along, and it is HARDLY necessary to scan that many things.  I scanned them all because I was curious about the story.  If I just wanted to play the game, it is perfectly obvious what things I need to scan.

Just because I don't like GTA doesn't mean I am a blind fanboy.  It just means that I have taste.  Read a few of my posts before you start labelling me, ok?  I constantly give praise to great games, regardless of their system of origin.  


Originally posted by: DrunkenBone

1. Ahh 17+ is an age group
2. I love Nintendo, but that didn't stop me from buying RE1: remake, RE:0, Enternal Darkness, etc
3. The heck are u trying to say here? Cause I like other console or computer games I'm not HC gammer? Limiting yourself to 1 option dosn't make you a HC gammer.
4. Ahhhh.... wrong. I like NBA Streets, NFL 2k2,NBA2k2, Maden 2003, etc
5. So what if rich ppl can buy all consoles. It's also nice to see the difference of the same games on different platforms.

Ill give you another group

6. People who enjoy every game and dosn't care if its for another platform other than Nintendo, but still is a Nintendo fanboy.

Sorry, I think you misunderstood me somewhat.

1)  Don't know what your point is on that one...  I do know people like the ones I was referring to though.
2)  I own and love RE0, and Eternal Darkness.  The poitn is that those games have something to offer that's more than GTA.  (I hate the game, as it has no depth).
3)  I was simply saying that a hardcore gamer MUST own a GameCube, just as he MUST own a PS2.
4)  Did not mean to imply that you couldn't like sports games, I just meant that it's not as likely.
5)  I really don't see much point in buying every game 3 times.  I think that even rich people would agree with that.

As for your number 6, If you will do some checking around this forum, I believe you might see that I do fall into this category, but does little to change the fact that I HATE GTA, as it really has no redeeming qualities.  There is a reason I like DMC, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Shadow of Destiny, Ninja Gaiden, and many others.

There are also very good reasons for my hating Metal Gear Solid 2, and Grand Theft Auto.  Do not simply tell me that I hate them because I love Nintendo.  That kind of thinking seriously annoys me.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline DrunkenBone

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #39 on: March 03, 2003, 01:09:35 PM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
There are also very good reasons for my hating Metal Gear Solid 2, and Grand Theft Auto.  Do not simply tell me that I hate them because I love Nintendo.  That kind of thinking seriously annoys me.

When did I type that?
Don't blame me, blame the..... umm... what was it.. the thing that starts with a S

Offline Hostile Creation

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2003, 04:07:42 PM »
Could matter less to me about GTA.  Probably won't get it either way. . .

Not to say I don't like PS2 or whatever. . . I just don't think that I would spend 50 dollars on that game.  It doesn't appeal to my tastes.  It's fun to play on occassion, but I myself wouldn't buy it.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline Grey Ninja

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #41 on: March 03, 2003, 04:53:05 PM »

Originally posted by: DrunkenBone

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
There are also very good reasons for my hating Metal Gear Solid 2, and Grand Theft Auto.  Do not simply tell me that I hate them because I love Nintendo.  That kind of thinking seriously annoys me.

When did I type that?

I thought it was implied in your #6.  If it wasn't, my apologies.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline joeyjojo

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #42 on: March 03, 2003, 06:31:53 PM »

Originally posted by: Tael

Originally posted by: joeyjojo
gta's a great game man!

Because you say so, huh? Did you ever think some people might have got bored with the GTA series after GTA2? The games are pretty much all the same. People talk about how it's disappointing that sports games like Madden have minimal upgrades in each new game, GTA is the same really.

whoa. its getting pretty political and argumentative in here! but i will jump on the quoting bandwagon just to say that ive played gta1,2 &3 and i was really impressed by the way it was brought to life in 3d. i found that all these gameplay elements, esp. control, graphics (the city is so big and well made), story, and sound (the radio is excellent) came together so well. it all worked very well together and this has made it a memorable game. this is what i think of the game. im not attempting to persuade anyone to like it!
Hey! thanks for the compliment Infernal!
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-rick "powerup" powers

Offline Tael

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #43 on: March 03, 2003, 07:24:13 PM »

Originally posted by: joeyjojo
...but i will jump on the quoting bandwagon just to say that ive played gta1,2 &3 and i was really impressed by the way it was brought to life in 3d. i found that all these gameplay elements, esp. control, graphics (the city is so big and well made), story, and sound (the radio is excellent) came together so well.

If you ask me, the story was the only thing they added with GTA3, and that was really just background for the missions. All the GTA games were 3D technically, so all GTA3 really added in terms of gameplay was aiming up and down, and shooting from the cars.

Offline Slab

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #44 on: March 03, 2003, 07:40:00 PM »
I remember playing GTA 1 way back in my college days. It got pretty boring after a while, so I didn't quite get into it.  The game I played and liked way better than GTA was a little game called Postal.  Now that game had some really fun and extremely violent stuff in it.  That was a classic game. Geesh...that was like 5-7 yrs ago...hehe.
If you're afraid to live, you might as well be dead.

Offline Infernal Monkey

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2003, 10:10:44 PM »
Heh, Postal was a fun little game for it's time. It got banned here in Australia after about a month =P
I did enjoy the little Christmas patch they released for 1997, you got to slaughter Santa. Pointless stress remover!

Offline Hemmorrhoid

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2003, 10:30:26 PM »
GTA3 was really revolutionary and great fun, but only for a limited time IMO. Once I had access to the whole city I couldnt bother to do the assignments. I think its really great how you had so much freedo, but its really not that great after all. Nothing in comparison to Zelda or Metroid.

Vice City wasnt great either, just new setting and and bikes. I actually prefferred GTA3 over Vice City.
LZ 2005

Offline Termin8Anakin

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #47 on: March 04, 2003, 12:36:56 AM »
GTA3 was pretty revolutionary. I think it was good how the game gave you so much freedom. You could do the missions whenever you wanted. The game ran at you pace.
But too much freedom got a little boring. I mean, sure, you can do the taxi mssions, the vigilante missions, police missions, or just trying to get as many stars as possibles, but there is a limit to when you get bored of doing this.
And you DO get bored.

There was one problem I had with the game. And that was the character control. Walking and running felt like a trip down Mission: Impossible. What's worse was when it came to beat/crowds of police/thugs/gang members. It was truly horrid. Even the battle system in Eternal Darkness (when you're not using targeting) was better than in GTA3.
Comin at ya with High Level Course Language and Violence

Offline Boral

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #48 on: March 04, 2003, 05:20:22 AM »

Originally posted by: The Omen
come on u muppets do your research there is a little machine called a pc which 95 percen of the popluation have

Exactly why I have a cube, cant get these games anywhere.  The other systems best games are available on pc.  [gta3,gtavc,halo,']

same here...
I have a good PC for playing GTA games and FPS games.
If a game is released on multiple platforms I'll always get them for PC,
but many of my favorites are GameCube games. 7 of 8 games that I own for GC are GC ONLY.

I bougth Vice City when it was relesed and I had to borrow a PS2 of a friend of mine.
Played the game for 5 days barely sleeping, the 6th day I finished it and the 7th I rested

Mac Boral  

Offline Samwise Gamgee

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GTA: Would it sell?
« Reply #49 on: March 04, 2003, 05:51:19 AM »

Originally posted by: nolimit19
exactly it still amazes me how many gomasses purchased a ps2 for gta3 or vc.....come on u muppets do your research there is a little machine called a pc which 95 percen of the popluation have.......i swear to u, despite being a flaming american, the people that i live with in the country are down right stupid. i dont even know how we could be a super power. i bet if hollywood wanted to they could make most americans think terrorism was a good idea and that we should just sit here and like being bombed......enough americans have accepted it already......damn i am sick of all the stupids walking around.

i heard a statistic that around 50% of all americans read at a grade 5 level
"I made a promise! A promis; Don't you leave him Samewise Gamgee, and i don't mean to, i don't mean to!"