Author Topic: DreamMix TV World Fighters Impressions  (Read 2105 times)

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DreamMix TV World Fighters Impressions
« on: December 30, 2003, 10:39:57 PM »
Optimus Prime turns into a truck and says "LET'S ROLL" and then rolls right over Solid Snake. It's great.

Impressions by Ty Shughart

DreamMix TV World Fighters just came out in Japan Land, and it's hot and, er, not, at the same time. My reactions are thoroughly mixed.

So far, my impression is that it is, in fact, a somewhat thin version of Smash Bros. There are no item weapons and far less moves. On the other hand, the novelty value of many of the characters is really quite high, and players need to be very aware of what they're doing. Throwing out moves or running around recklessly will be paid for, dearly. While that's also true for SSBM, it's an even greater factor in DMTV.

The method of eliminating players is actually implemented very cleverly. Heart coins end up scattered about, just like in SSBM's coin battle. However, these coins actually represent the players' life energy. All of the players' energy is shown on a single meter at the bottom. It's confusing at first, but becomes extremely useful for determining everyone's status (and the best target) in a single glance - even faster than reading some health percentage. The player on the left of the meter is weakest, and on the right lies the leader of the match. When a player is out of energy, he loses his 'main' heart and another player grabs it to eliminate them. (The victim has a chance, albeit a slim one, to get back up and grab it)

Players have a jump button, a jab-combo button, a special attack button and a shield button. Sound familiar? The big difference, though, is that throw is a single button, and each and every character can pick up, carry, and then throw an opponent. Since there are no ring-outs, this creates the possibility of corner traps and other strategies.

One thing that takes some getting used to is how many frames it takes to turn around when running on the ground. If someone is chasing you, you can't just turn around and smack them - it takes too long to turn around. You'll have to come up with something else. It doesn't seem uncommon for chases across the screen to happen.

You probably don't need to be reminded about the awesome character selection. Sure, about half of them are Japanese characters that most people haven't heard of, but as another guy put it, "Solid Snake vs. Simon Belmont vs. Optimus Prime vs. Bomberman gets me extremely hot and bothered."

So, as far as first looks go, it doesn't seem like too bad of a buy, but nothing to flip out over, either. Remember, these are just first impressions, and things may change depending on how the intricacies of the fighting system pan out.

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Offline DrZoidberg

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RE: DreamMix TV World Fighters Impressions
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2003, 11:41:22 PM »
sounds like a purchase allready for me, bomberman + optimus prime gets me hot.

Offline Bartman3010

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RE: DreamMix TV World Fighters Impressions
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2003, 04:33:04 AM »
I'm afraid the PS2 release is the only answer. Come on Konami...
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