Author Topic: Arkham Origins Narrative DLC Coming in December  (Read 960 times)

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Offline SurfingPikachu

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Arkham Origins Narrative DLC Coming in December
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:28:34 PM »

Learn the origins of Bruce's mad martial arts skills.

Batman: Arkham Origins will receive new downloadable content in December, according to a recent episode of DC All Access. The DLC challenge pack, Initiation, will follow Bruce Wayne’s training before he became Batman.

Ames Kirshen, the vice president of WB Games, explained how the DLC is “a new kind of map pack that’s got a little bit of narrative to it.” The story begins at the end of Bruce’s martial arts training as he learns Togakure-Ryu from Master Kirigi in a secluded monastery in North Korea. Players must battle against ninjas to perfect hand-to-hand combat skills and complete initiation.

Three DLC packs for the game were previously released last week: Infinite Earths Skins Pack, The Black Mask Challenge Pack and Online Supply Drop #1.

Kimberly Keller - Staff Writer

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Arkham Origins Narrative DLC Coming in December
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 06:47:18 PM »
I love how little people know about North Korea, so they think if you make the training in North Korea it sounds dangerous, secluded and cool.

It isn't, and actually it just makes you sound lame-hip, the worst kind of modern hipster.

Way to go.

You should have just had him train in Japan, where you know, he trained in the actual comic books.

Offline SurfingPikachu

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Re: Arkham Origins Narrative DLC Coming in December
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 07:58:23 PM »
I love how little people know about North Korea, so they think if you make the training in North Korea it sounds dangerous, secluded and cool.

It isn't, and actually it just makes you sound lame-hip, the worst kind of modern hipster.

Way to go.

You should have just had him train in Japan, where you know, he trained in the actual comic books.

While I think you're right, that North Korea may have been chosen because most people don't know much about it, I don't think the choice is entirely unfounded. As you point out, Batman originally trained in Japan with Master Kirigi, but this was something established in the Golden Age of comics, which was also when America was afraid of Japan. Afterall, Japan had invaded parts of China and left the League of Nations, soon joining the Axis powers.

I think the Japan of the early Golden Age comics bore a lot of similarities to how we view the danger and isolation of North Korea today. Modern day Japan is so different now and has a completely different stigma, so I can understand why the developers wanted to look elsewhere for Bruce's training. I'm not saying they made the right choice, but I do see reasoning in their decision instead of a gut-reaction to choose someplace "cool".
Kimberly Keller - Staff Writer