So I'm sure you guys are all sick of my emotions, hell so am I, but something interesting is happening to me...
I find myself rapidly losing the feelings I had for my girlfriend just months ago; all those powerful emotions I had; all those powerful, spell-binding feelings are fleeing from me as if I realized all along I was dreaming, and during this lucid period, I find those feelings to be fragile and precious but waking up is inevitable.
What the hell?
Obviously, I'm taking this very personally. I keep circling questions around in my head: Am I so simple a person that as soon as I get what I want, I want what is on the next plateau? Do I even know what I really want? How can I trust my own feelings?!
My girl and I have a lot of things in common, and stat for stat, we were made for each other. It's not that I don't find her attractive either; she's absolutely gorgeous. I sometimes catch myself just...starting at her....
WTF?! This isn't suppose to happen...
I already catch myself talking to other girls with the wrong intentions; where at one point it was easy to ignore a girls approach, now I get caught up flirting. It's especially true for this future M.D., which is right up my alley. I plan on working with a lot of M.D.'s later in life. Hell, I already planned to have dinner at her place this weekend....
I'm such a dick.
Can some of you attest to this? Is being content not part of our nature? Am I suppose to feel bad for looking for a better catch, even if there isn't one? And if one comes around, am I obligated to ditch my girlfriend even though it would break her heart?
I would never want to do that to her; she's so adorable, so cute; it would be like raising the cutest puppy and then abandoning her.
Damn, I'm so confused....