Why not split it up and have some play the OG/DX and some play the newer version?
I'm partial to the original vs the DX remake due to nostalgia and the fact it has no real missable items and can be 100% completed without making an... unfavorable game-altering decision. However, the DX Version is, obviously, easier to obtain and play (legally, of course) on a modern system. It's still a great game, either way you pick.
As for the GB vs Switch debate... I don't want to let my nostalgia cloud my opinion, but I do pick the original over the remake. The dungeon maker is bland due to limitations on the design and is a bit of a disapointment, IMHO. It's kinda fun to make 'boss rush's dungeons, but by the time all the chamber stones are unlocked, you're so overpowered that battling the Tail Cave boss again is just pointless. The number of heart containers and secret seashells have been expanded (and chamber stones added) to the point where collecting everything starts to be less fun and more of a chore. There are several great design choices - the overall redesign of the Trendy Game was nice (although the added statues seemed like pointless filler that added nothing to the game), the ability to warp to warp points with the Ocarina eliminated some backtracking (although with the small map, it wasn't really necessary). I love the art design and music choices for the remake. The elimination of that game-altering sidequest was welcome and it eliminated any missable aspects.
Any of the three versions are perfectly fine - but for your friends who have never played one before, consider - have half of them play a GB version, then the Switch version and have the other half play the Switch release, then one of the GB versions. It'd be interesting to see the conversation of which version is better.