Author Topic: Legend of Kay Anniversary (Switch) Review  (Read 1571 times)

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Offline Julia Gomez

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Legend of Kay Anniversary (Switch) Review
« on: June 06, 2018, 02:53:09 PM »

Cats, frogs, pandas, and hares oh my!

Legend of Kay: Anniversary is a 3D platformer originally released on the Play Station 2, now making an entrance, but not much of an impact, to the Nintendo Switch line-up.

The once peaceful kingdom of Yenching, home to frogs, hares, pandas, and cats living in harmony, followed the Taoist teachings of The Way, making for a pretty cheesy prologue. But slowly the kingdom lost sight of The Way. Now, gorillas and rats have taken over the kingdom, providing a demotivating dose of tyranny for all of Yenching.

Kay is feisty young cat who lives with his uncle and trains in martial arts with an old drunk fool who also has forsaken The Way. When Tak, the Rat Alchemist, announces that the fighting school must be closed, Kay begins his quest, angrily chasing down his oppressors.

For a game boasting legend in its title, the story falls very short. Kay’s interactions with his fellow animals are contrived and cheesy, and the plot does very little to support the profession of the gameplay. For people not so concerned about the story, this might not be an issue, but I love me some character motivation and without that, my play-through lacked a lot of urgency.

The biggest selling point of this game is the combat style. Early on you learn how to make basic combos and attacks that give you an edge when up against rats and gorillas. If you aren’t careful, though, the combat can turn into button mashing, as your opponents rarely require any creativity to be taken down. The twitchy camera can also be frustrating at times, especially when fending off multiple assailants.

In your adventures as Kay you ride boars, rescue animals, solve some interesting puzzles, and even befriend a dragon! Though the plot and dialogue are lacking, the combat gives a unique edge to this platformer. But with so much to compete with on the Switch, this game doesn’t really stand out in the crowd.