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Messages - PugGTI

Pages: [1] 2
Nintendo Gaming / RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:55:08 PM »
but if you sent out the same survey to everyone who owned a console it would have a completely different result

IMO they need to expand internally with a few more first-party developers, either by starting ground up or buying out other teams. This way they could concentrate on "new" games and genres as compared to games like Mario Party 12.5. Exclusivity and uniqueness are the key.

Maybe they're beginning to regain their appeal to the Japanese gamer, but is 2.2% on Sony that really that good considering Microsoft is fairly un-loved over there?
Can't that simply mean more Nintendo fans read it than Sony fans?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Revolution Grafitti!
« on: May 30, 2005, 12:16:56 AM »
OMG that is so tool-ism

Nintendo Gaming / RE: press conference letdown
« on: May 18, 2005, 08:39:56 PM »

If you would like to enter into a serious discussion about the Ninty press conference, the lack of hardware specs , or even emulation and piracy, I would be more than happy to talk with you about it.

As long as its one-sided? Ey?

Hey, PugGTI, your butt hair is crawling out the top of your shorts. Tuck it in, would ya?

Arrrgh.... the pain! School bully teach you that one? At least i'm man enough to grow it! No really... what was the point of that? An attempt to talk about my arse beard to ...what???

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolution vs XBOX360 vs PS3
« on: May 18, 2005, 07:35:28 PM »
heheh... toooo true galford.

To expand on what KDR said, the SPEs in Cell ar very simple, they are great at math and nothing else.

It can't just display an object on screen at someones whim! It has to go through countless calculations OF NUMBERS to turn the dots on your screen into a mix of only three colours.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Revolution a lost battle?
« on: May 18, 2005, 07:27:23 PM »

Man, if people honestly think that more power = better AI and better hit detection, they obviously know nothing about programming.

Cheers, tho its obviously you who knows nothing. Where are YOU coming from? A couple of late nights of HTML? Do you really think that an 8-bit MC68HC11 Microcontroller would be able to execute 100 lines of instructions in the same amount of time as an AMD64? How many lines does it take in machine code to even create a triangular wave on a simple oscilliscope?
Do you think Kaspro-whatever plays chess against a gamecube? - No he plays against freakin' supercomputers!


And in a profit-based economy and industry, NO ONE wants to have their games stick around to let the programmers hammer out a more realistic way of falling.

First off all, its always profit based. But I don't care how much money ninetndo makes; I want to enjoy what I play.
Calculating more lines in the same amount of time makes it far easier on programmers, not harder.


But I'm pretty damn sure if you were to animate, say, a feather on the N64, it could be identical in physics to the PS3. Sure, it would look like sh*t compared to it, but you could easily implement almost identical code.

I really think your missing the point here too, if for example there were a hundred enemies on the N64 how many could or would you have on a PS3. Doesn't that change the gameplay totally? What about the bodies piling up? Stepping over them? Now thats not JUST graphics. If you think that artists are the only ones that create games you are wrong.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:press conference letdown
« on: May 18, 2005, 05:30:54 AM »

The Gamecube isn't even 5 years old yet.

But the technology is...

I'm getting tired of being a prick to all you blind reggie rimmers, but I agree with the sugarpuss. Especially about the GBA micro, c'mon nintendo!

"Reggie" is just a tosser used to SELL and make YOU "FANS" feel better about nintendo being cheap. The people you should be looking up to are both the hardware and software engineers and the game project directors.

You're the moron, mario.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Revolution a lost battle?
« on: May 18, 2005, 05:14:09 AM »
Why does everyone think that newer and better technology only means better graphics??
What about the much better AI?
Collision detection?
Ease of development?
The list goes on...

I think i'll take the Silicon Knights approach. "Simple" wont just cut it, I play turd loads of games. I like to be able to pick a game up anytime and play it, yes, but I also want the game to draw me in with a sense of something much more than "button mashing".

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Revolution a lost battle?
« on: May 18, 2005, 02:49:47 AM »
I agree with the KD!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Revolution a lost battle?
« on: May 18, 2005, 12:03:30 AM »

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Fourth, Rev is supposed to be newer technology than the others. Unless you just mean more powerful technology that does the same thing it already does this gen but better... that's not new technology, it's upgraded technology.

XDR ram not new to consoles?
Bluray not new?
Tri-core processors?

What is new then?
If by what your saying is true then the NRev would be the upgraded one...

Nintendo Gaming / Recolution a lost battle?
« on: May 17, 2005, 11:29:24 PM »
 Ahhh... wasn't actually supposed to post this one and you'll all hate for what I wanted to write...

I'm thinking if Nintendo doesn't come up with something good, the gamecube will be the last Nintendo console for me. Do any of you guys feel the same way? I feel like i've been let down by a company I've stuck with and played some brilliant games but I feel they've deserted me. I love new technology. Can't get enough of something new.
Since the 64 nintendo got stuck on the belief that this isn't what I want, so i've been thinking....

X360 or PS3???

Nintendo Gaming / RE: If You Could Re-Design the REVOLUTIoN
« on: May 17, 2005, 11:23:50 PM »
Its far from perfect, but i don't really care what it looks like... Its really whats inside that matters

Looks far better than the PS3, its a pitty the PS3 will kick its arse up and down the road as far as technology goes.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolution = Official Name?
« on: May 17, 2005, 11:21:28 PM »
I really don't like the name Revolution, seems like its stuck now tho...

Nintendo Gaming / RE: So, list of Games you'd download?
« on: May 17, 2005, 11:16:14 PM »
I'd download none.

I've owned every major nintendo console since my NES and have the best of all the games i've had.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: First Revolution Picture! (Plus new details!)
« on: May 17, 2005, 11:11:16 PM »
The GC controller needs a bit of a change at least (maybe a symmetrical and less annoying z button).
However I think the new controller will be vastly different

Sounds cool, but unfortanately nintendo are cheapskates and are very slow at picking up new technology.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Too much of nothing?
« on: October 11, 2004, 02:59:26 AM »
mmmmm.... Yes and I wrote this thread becuase I believe nintendo...*sarcasm*

1. yeah right
2. Q1--> wha? SIFF
3. Why thankyou for informing me....honk

Nintendo Gaming / RE:To DVD or not to DVD
« on: October 11, 2004, 02:52:20 AM »
Blue-Ray all the way! I don't think they will go with optical RAM, Flash memory is getting much higher in density and cheaper also. So i think they will go with memory cards. Plus they can make more money fom selling memory cards that way...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Too much of nothing?
« on: October 11, 2004, 02:46:26 AM »
I put money on Q3 2008 and there was also essentially bugger-all info about the "N2000/Dolphin" too.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Let's Talk Controller
« on: October 11, 2004, 02:43:35 AM »
i reckon nintendo will go with a gimmicky thing like clickable shoulder buttons......

Nintendo Gaming / Too much nothing?
« on: October 11, 2004, 02:32:04 AM »
 Whilst I understand the fact that Nintendo doesn't wan't to overshadow the DS launch, why have we not heard anything. They did the same thing for Gamecube and it did them no favours. At this stage before the PS2/XBOX/GC "round" we knew so much more, there were more fan sites speculating, more action in forums and generally I think that this has disappeared...
Even this site that started as OperatioN2000 doesn't post much regarding the revolution, thers's no rediculous sites like nintendonext either.

Is the next Nintendo going to survive against hype and advertising juggernauts like Sony and Microsoft?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« on: August 07, 2004, 10:37:15 PM »
I agree with you Rich, there is too much in the balance for Nintendo to screw anything up... While it might seem a noble quest, if the Revolution flops, that means it will be desperately hard to find games at stores (becuase of sales and games development), there may not be enough user base for a next round of consoles, and a multitude of things could happen. OR, it goes the complete opposite way...
With any luck, even if it does have a dumb "revolutionary" feature that no-one wants it will still perform well as a a usual console (as a kind of safety net) and still sell.

Remember the "revolutionary" gamecube contoller feature? uterly useless...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Move forward nintendo!
« on: July 05, 2004, 05:27:27 AM »
I think nintendo went the right way with the 8cm discs, but to keep up they're going to have to go to 8cm blueray nextgen. Few games on any system passed the 1.2 Gb mark anyways.

Eylor: you make some really crap points and you should question your own credibility. Sounds like pretty ignorant fanboyism, really you're trying to make some lame excuses for nintendo. Just remember that you aren't everybody.

xts3: your controller idea blows donkey balls! Sounds like sony dualshock-erism.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo Revolution, Discuss it here!
« on: June 30, 2004, 02:56:20 AM »
dunno about pokemon colloseums... but you're sure right about Nintendo droppping out of existence

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