Reader Reviews / Re: Skyward Sword: my full thesis on the second worst Zelda game not on the cdi
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:30:39 PM »
You pointed out a lot of the issues I had with the game (motion controls, forced timed/collection mini-games, backtracking), but it wasn't enough to stop me from playing the game and I honestly didn't hate it in the end. I wasn't a real big fan of motion controls for Twilight Princess, and the fact that Skyward was built around motion controls and didn't allow for another control scheme was very disappointing. It's probably one of my lowest ranking Zelda games, and I've since then discovered other games to fill that desire for exploration/combat gameplay like in Dark Souls and Skyrim. I don't hate the game, it just isn't my favorite but it's mostly the motion controls and minigames. I liked some of the boss fights. Like that one with all the arms.