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Messages - Doctor_Pancakes

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Mario Kart 8 Review
« on: May 21, 2014, 02:22:38 PM »
I wish you folks would stop feeding the troll site. All of this discussion is likely getting them more page hits. I don't know when Metacritic was brought up their average should never influence other sites review scores. That said they seem insulted and refute the one site that leads people to this crap review in the process. What little I have played on Mario Kart 8 has got me excited for the series for the first time in about a decade. 7 was okay but it didn't make up for the duds that released after MK64 (Never played MKDS so I missed out there from what I have heard of it). They dismiss all of the pros that show in the demos and say this highly polished/advanced game is no Better than the Nintendo 64 counterpart(which hasn't aged well at all, my god the rubber banding... I did the short cut in Wario's Stadium and still got 3rd in 150 cc LOL). I don't know what state the reviewers mind was in or who he played the game with but it seems someone killed the game for the whole site seeing the staff back up in here. Maybe they were day dreaming about Watch Dogs or something. Seeing staff say the game was to kiddy on a NINTENDO game just baffles me. They'd clearly rather review gory shooters with that tone. I really want to know what they would have done differently... would you have preferred there were tanks and had the ability to steal other racers karts? Writing anti-grav and the knock into each other boosting as a gimmick? It brings a whole new line of strategy to the races. People just can't be pleased anymore Lol
/rant of the season, see yall again when you give the Ruby and Sapphire remakes a 4 for being remakes. Metacritic will have got you another click once again.

TalkBack / Re: Mario Kart 8 Review
« on: May 15, 2014, 06:46:18 PM »
This is by far the most unprofessional review of any type of media I have ever had the displeasure to read/watch. Not only does the reviewer drone on about how he hates how much a Mario Kart game feels like a Mario Kart game he goes out of his way to insult women and with that ruined all respectability this site has gained over the years since it was Planet Gamecube in the days of old. Never have I been so disgusted by an opinion... is this what modern journalism has come to? Comparing a fantastic game to to some poor woman this shallow journalist dated once in College? I'm done here. It was a great site while you hired respectable staff but this level of insult is only expected of foul mouthed teenage rage gamers that set up channels on Youtube.

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