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Messages - sisibakbak

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TalkBack / Re: The Downfall of Ubisoft on Wii U
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:12:04 PM »
I'm currently playing through the Mass Effect Trilogy on the PS3 and, man, the ME3 release on the Wii U really is a borderline useless product.  Playing just the third game with no way to import in your save would just take so much from the experience.  I don't know if EA would intentionally sabotage a product but at the very least that was clearly nothing more than a token effort.  Whoever green lit it probably knows nothing about the game aside from its sales figures ("that's a popular recent game of ours.  Let's port that.")

For what it's worth, I was over the moon that they brought Mass Effect 3 over. I played the second game on PS3 and the third on Wii U and despite missing out on obvious things I still had a great time with it so they made at least one person happy! I agree though, it was a bizarre move for them to put it on Wii U without the other 2.

I agree that the decision to not make a wildly more powerful console was a mistake but it's really just a bullet point on the long list of bad choices they made and not the main cause.

TalkBack / Re: The Downfall of Ubisoft on Wii U
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:28:26 AM »

Congratulations: You found "a" 3rd party game that sold well on Nintendo consoles, and one that played to Nintendo's core fanbase of 5 year old toy collectors (*eyes Amiibo*). There are plenty more that didn't. There was nothing wrong with the Wii U versions of Assassin's Creed 3 or CoD: Black Ops 2 at the Wii U launch, and Ubisoft & Activision have come out and said those didn't sell well, nor did CoD: Ghosts or AC4: Black Flag a year later.

And incidentally, it's 2014 and a completely different console. I think people can stop bitching about Dead Space Extraction at this point.

I agree there was nothing wrong with AC3 or Black Ops 2 but the reasons they didn't sell are pretty obvious. Firstly there was a new Mario game at launch so if anyone was going to buy just one game, it was always going to be that. Add on that that these versions, though technically sound (and offering some great functionality in regards to Black Ops 2) did nothing to convince the people who are passionate about these games (namely people who already own consoles that could play the games already) to migrate over. There also wasn't any sizeable marketing push for either of these versions, though Ubisoft can be excused from that since they did give ZombiU a fair chance in my opinion. It's a shame but the odds were against them on those titles.

In the case of Ghosts, the complete lack of DLC and support for Black Ops 2 soured a lot of people on it (it being slightly ho-hum also didn't help, I'm sure). And again, they had no marketing push for that version in any way whatsoever. No screens, no video, no information until launch. My local GAME store received 2 copies and they weren't even on the shelves- they were hidden behind the counter where you had to ask for it. It wasn't revealed when the other versions were confirmed and was announced a good while later on Nintendo's Twitter account with a simple "CoD Ghosts is coming to Wii U!" It didn't even get the pre-order DLC that the other versions got until early this year. Neither Activision nor Nintendo tried in the slightest. AC4 suffered the same issues as CoD but I think Nintendo fans had already been thrown into a tizzy by that point over Rayman Legends and just didn't want to buy anything with the Ubisoft name on it.

TalkBack / Re: The Downfall of Ubisoft on Wii U
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:29:40 PM »
I'm really interested, what are the eShop horror stories? I've always wondered how well indie games do on the eShop.

TalkBack / Re: Game Boy Advance Virtual Console Finally Coming to Wii U
« on: February 13, 2014, 06:41:52 PM »
Don't be stupid! There's no reason that should piss you off! If you already own one or more of the games they put on there and it's not worth it to you to pay again for a game you already own (which is very understandable) THEN DON'T BUY IT!
I had a GBA, but I didn't own any of those 3 games. It might make sense for me to get one of them. Others loved them on GBA and want to play them on the big screen (of coarse when I want to play GBA on the big screen I pop it in my Game Cube/Game Boy Player, but they certainly can.
Don't pretend you're pissed because Nintendo offers to sell you something you don't want. Some of us may want it and we just may buy it!

I'm only kidding mate.<$1alt="" title="" onresizestart="return false;" id="smiley__$2" style="padding: 0 3px 0 3px;" />

Just making fun of all the people who moaned when it was announced you'd have to pay to upgrade Wii VC games if you wanted to play them on the GamePad and stuff. In my eyes this is the same thing. If you bought a VC game on Wii, you bought it specifically to play it on Wii, nothing more. If you can carry them over to the next console then awesome, but you shouldn't have bought them anticipating that that would be the case. And, you CAN do that, but if you want anything extra then you have to pay which is totally fair in my eyes and it bugged me when people whinged about it.

Nobody bought GBA games expecting to pay once and play those games on every Nintendo console they bought afterwards with extra features so why did people expect to be able to play their VC games on everything afterwards (which, again, really made their arguments stupid because they already could play their games in exactly the way they paid to play them)?

TalkBack / Re: Game Boy Advance Virtual Console Finally Coming to Wii U
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:48:56 PM »
Do I get to to download all the games I already own on my GBA for free? Seriously if I have to pay for something I already bought once to play on a completely different console knowing that I bought it to play on that console and nothing more I'm going to be really pissed off.

Grabbed Pikmin 3. Couldn't believe they honoured it! Really wish I got W101 too but oh well, I'm still very happy about Pikmin.

I wonder what happened? :/

TalkBack / Re: NWR Staff's Favorite 10 Games of 2013
« on: December 29, 2013, 04:42:53 PM »
I bought it a few days ago and just finished the main set of levels. Absolutely adoring it, fantastic use of the GamePad and there's a crap ton to do. Has to be my GOTY (though, I haven't played a great deal of new games this year including 3D World so it's a bit of an easy choice really).

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 362: The Day the Music Died
« on: December 16, 2013, 06:35:25 PM »
Could prices like these turn the Wii U around?
It just convinced me to get one as a Christmas gift
There's a post on NeoGAF that asked if people would buy one for 100. More than a handful said no. The issues with Wii U go exponentially beyond price.

They'd sell a **** load at $100 if that was the price right now, absolutely no doubt. Just a shame they can't afford to that huh?  ;)

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 362: The Day the Music Died
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:14:30 PM »
Loved this episode (Jon's Altered Beast comment made it).

I love the Wii U and I'm so disappointed that it's failing so badly. None of the parties who should be ensuring its success cumulitavely have done a good job at all. Nintendo of course are the biggest culprits of this (lolmonade's post sums up their failings well). Beyond Nintendo though, there's the third party efforts. Ports are great (I've enjoyed the hell out of Batman Arkham City, Black Ops 2 and Mass Effect 3 on Wii U mostly thanks to Off TV play) but at launch and throughout this year, they've given little to no reason to buy them if you already have a system that can play them. If you're a PS3/360 owner, getting a new console for a few Nintendo exclusives and a bunch of games barely updated over versions they can already buy just isn't going to be all that appealing. Add on that we never know for certain if a game is going to get DLC and the Wii U just looks like a joke to the crowd those games are made for

Finally, retail presence has been abysmal, at least here in England. My local GAME (biggest game retailer in the UK) has the whole left side dedicated to Xbox (complete with green banner stretching the length of the shop) and the right side for PS3/4. The Wii U has a bit of a shelf facing inwards at the PS4 section so you wouldn't even see it at first glance coming into the store. They're not trying to push it at all. Oh, and when the biggest third party game hitting the Wii U this year (CoD Ghosts) doesn't have Wii U listed on posters or even have a placeholder box alongside the PS3/360 versions at launch and you have to ask a clerk to see if they have it in, don't be surprised when that version sells like crap.

I really hope that by some chance of luck all of this doom and gloom will look as bizarre as the early 3DS horror stories do today.

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