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Messages - GameCube Master

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Star Wars: Rebel Strike - Tips and Codes
« on: November 02, 2003, 10:26:33 AM »
Hey.  This morning when I started playing Rebel Strike, I noticed an interesting glitch, and I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out.  The Co-Operative and Versus multiplayer options in my game are greyed out, and I can't access them at all.  The game also froze last night, on the Tatooine Training level, I don't know if those two things have anything to do with one another.  I have not used Action Replay at all, and I have tried using different controllers but that didn't work.  Hopefully my save is not corrupted, I will not be playing this game again if that is the case.  Any help or advice you can give me is greatly appreciated.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Star Wars: Rebel Strike - Tips and Codes
« on: November 01, 2003, 03:21:23 PM »
Hi.  I found some codes for Rebel Strike, so I thought I'd share them with anyone who happens on this thread and cares to try them out.  I haven't tried them yet myself, I've been busy actually unlocking everything the "hard" way - that is, getting the medals on each level, which isn't that hard (I've gotten gold medals while going for silver, and Rebel Endurance is a piece of cake).  I think I might just start a new file just to test them out, I'll let you know what I find out.  Just a note to the moderators of this forum: this information will be written as much in my own words as I can possibly manage.  Without further ado, here they are:

LOOKMOM! - unlock the credits (mostly useless, this game is not very difficult to beat)
THEDUDES - unlock the documentary (mostly useless, this game is not very difficult to beat)
FREEPLAY - I found this listed as an unknown on some sites, while others said it gives you unlimited continues in the Empire Strikes Back Arcade game
WIMPIAM! - decreases the difficultly level, medals are easier to obtain (this is probably the most useless code thus far)
WHATTHE? - increases the difficulty level (basically it increases enemy A.I., worth it if you want a challenge, although I can't guarantee it will be as tough as Rogue Leader)
FARMBOY? - I couldn't find anything so far on what exactly this code does, I'll let you know if I find out anything
YOUDAMAN - I couldn't find anything so far on what exactly this code does, I'll let you know if I find out anything

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Star Wars: Rebel Strike - Tips and Codes
« on: October 27, 2003, 05:53:25 PM »
Just thought I'd bump this topic.  Oh, I'm still looking for any codes anyone has managed to deduce - I have unlocked all the levels and found all the upgrades for the single player mode, but I would appreciate it if anyone had codes to unlock the TIE Hunter, the Jedi Starfighter, the TIE Bomber, and the Naboo Starfighter.  I already know how they are unlocked, I'm just not sure if I'm going to continue playing the same levels over and over again, it's getting to be more monotonous than fun.  Oh, I'd also appreciate any codes anyone has found for unlocking co-op play vehicles, levels, and upgrades as I do not have enough opportunity to enjoy these modes to the extent where I could earn all these things through my own skill.  Thanks to anyone who can provide anything at all (I've heard code info is hidden somewhere in the commercial and at the end of the credits, but I have yet to find anything that works).

As for strategy: if anyone is having trouble with the Rebel Endurance level, make good use of your L-targeting and jump regularly (you apparently can't be shot in the air, and if you are good with the jump feature you can take out entire waves with minimal damage) - easily managed to survive long enough to get the silver medal, and gold would have been no problem if I didn't get bored (maybe later).  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Star Wars: Rebel Strike - Tips and Codes
« on: October 24, 2003, 07:41:26 PM »
Thanks for the help.  I have to agree with Bloodworth, both times I've done the mission (once to finish it, then again to get a medal) I used the TIE Hunter exclusively.  The key for the generator (I found) was to fire about three missiles at it, then just fly in and shoot like crazy.  This worked both times.  The LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT pattern works like a charm though.

If anyone has found any codes for the game, please post them in here - I am a college student so I don't have enough time between classes to get golds in all the levels (or even just unlock everything), so some passcodes would be a big help towards fully experiencing this game.  Anyone wondering should take note - the passcodes from Rogue Leader will not unlock anything at all (I tried), so if you were planning on using those codes to get through the co-op campaign quicker that puts an unfortunate stop to those plans. I need codes to unlock Flight From Bespin, Endurance, all the vehicles, and all the upgrades.  Also, I read in Game Informer# 127 that not only are Star Wars Arcade and The Empire Strikes Back Arcade unlockable, but so is Return of the Jedi Arcade.  Is there any merit to this statement, or was Game Informer mistaken.  And if it is true, how is Return of the Jedi Arcade unlocked?  Well, that's all I have to say for now.

Nintendo Gaming / Star Wars: Rebel Strike - Tips and Codes
« on: October 21, 2003, 01:54:18 PM »
I've decided to start this thread because I've beaten most of the single player levels of Rebel Strike.  If anyone needs help with this game, post your question and you should get an answer soon.

To start things off, I'd like to know if anyone has found any passcodes for this game.  Also, I'm stuck on the Wedge level where you get to fly the TIE Hunter.  It starts off with you defending a transport until it crashes into a shield generator housing, then you have to destroy the shield generator, then you have a limited amount of time to destroy 3 cloaking devices on the Super Star Destroyer Executor.  I'm stuck at that last part, I'm always either killed or I run out of time.  If anyone can let me know the best path to take, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks for the help.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Viewtiful Joe Help
« on: October 12, 2003, 09:23:26 AM »
SPOLIERS (for those who have not gotten to Chapter 5)

I'm stuck on Chapter 5, right after you beat the plane and go down into the sewer, there are two of those poles with the globes on them, but they are too far apart to hit both of them at the same time, any help would be appreciated, this is giving me a headache.

TalkBack / Happy Birthday, Karlie!
« on: May 16, 2003, 07:38:09 PM »
Happy 18th birthday Karlie!  Have a drink for all of us loyal PlanetGamecube readers who love your work.

Nintendo Gaming / Translations for Hylian Text in Wind Waker
« on: May 15, 2003, 04:13:32 AM »
BTW (I just noticed you wrote this) what are the inconsistencies about the part where you turn Ganondorf to stone (at the end)?  I probably won't be playing the second quest any time soon, I'm busy with work and finishing several other games, so I'd like to know what you're talking about.

Nintendo Gaming / Translations for Hylian Text in Wind Waker
« on: May 15, 2003, 04:11:40 AM »
I was kind of hoping for exact lines, but thans for the effort, at least you have given me an idea of what they were talking about.  Also, what happens when Carlov finishes your figurine collection?  That's pretty much the only other thing I haven't found out about the game yet.  Thanks for the help, and for any more help I might get.

General Chat / I need some advice
« on: May 14, 2003, 07:29:17 PM »
Thanks for the help, I'll be sure to keep all that in mind when I finally do make the purchase.

Nintendo Gaming / Translations for Hylian Text in Wind Waker
« on: May 14, 2003, 07:27:41 PM »
Just curious about what Valoo, Jabun, and the Great Deku Tree are saying about Link; I've beaten the first quest but haven't had time for the second, so I'm curious to know what I'm missing.  Thanks to anyone who will let me know.

General Chat / I need some advice
« on: May 13, 2003, 06:50:40 AM »
I'm considering purchasing a surround sound system for my entertainment center downstairs, but I need to know more before I make my decision.  My reason for buying a surround system is so I can experience all my Dolby Pro Logic II-compatible GameCube games in full surround sound.  However, whenever I look at the local stores (Wal-Mart, Sears, Zellers, etc.), I find the surround sound systems there are labeled only Dolby Pro Logic.  This confuses me, as I would assume that newer systems would be Pro Logic II compatible, but when I ask the employees, they seem to have very little knowledge of what Pro Logic II is, beyond anything they know about Pro Logic (and I'm sure they assume PL II is a Pro Logic upgrade).  So, I would like to know if I should keep looking until I can find a Pro Logic II receiver, or if the latest Pro Logic surround sound systems just incorporate PL II technology and would therefore be suitable for my needs.  Thanks for any information you give me.

Thank-you very much.  I agree, LA and the Oracles games are definitely quests from the Triforce.  I wonder if the new Zelda GBA will let us return to Holodrum and Labrynna, since it is being developed by Capcom.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see.  Well, this post seems to be winding down, but hey, it had a good long life.

I should have mentioned, the part about how Link came to be in Holodrum and Labrynna being explained is important because in LA we are only given a vague idea of what has happened - Link was sailing when a storm hit, his ship was damaged, and he would up unconscious on the shore of a strange island (Koholint).  So I think that if they really intended the Oracles games to occur in a dream, they would have been more vague about how Link got to those lands.

Considering that bit about the music being the same, youcould very well be right.  I just prefer to keep the Orcales games outside of the LttP and LA connection - or in other words, assuming your theory is correct, I still group the games together only where there is a proven connection (OoT and MM, WW by itself so far, LttP and LA, OoS and OoA, and finally LoZ and AoL), although I will say that your theory of the Triforce Chronicles being LA and the Oracles games being three dream based adventures is entirely plausible.  However, since you brought this up I went back and played the Oracles games again, as well as examining the manuals again, and I found that it says that the Triforce transports Link to Holodrum and Labrynna (in Seasons and Ages, respectively).  This is the one thing that causes me to doubt that the Oracles games occur in a dream, since it is revealed how Link came to be in these places.  I believe it also says (either somewhere in the manual, or at some point in the games) that Holodrum and Labrynna are neighbouring lands to Hyrule, which would therefore make them real places, not places conjured up by a dream.  So if these are real places, then it's more likely that the quest were real and not part of a dream.  Also, while we're on the subject of Zelda and quests that occur in dreams, I believe that Koholint Island actually does really exist, it's just inside the Windfish, and you can only get to it/away from it when the Windfish is dreaming.  But that's just another theory.

Alright, I'll admit the Game & Watch Zelda appears to actually be a quest, but none of the timelines or information I have found regarding Zelda reveal where this game would fit in the chronology, why don't you make a theory on that?  And I only mentioned that LttP & LA had the same Link because it appeared to me that you had put the Oracles games in between LttP and LA, but there is no solid proof that the Oracles games star the LttP Link.  Oh, one more thing, damn this thread is getting long!  Thanks for all the posts.

dannyjclark: Well, yes, the way you typed it did seem to indicate that there were no Zora or Gorons in any of the Game Boy Zeldas, but as long as we've cleared that up there's no reason to dwell on it.  And you Triforce Chronicles theory does make sense, although it is also possible that those races just eventually died off, how we don't yet know (if that is the case).  Link's Awakening definitely takes place after LttP though, the LA player's guide states that it is the same Link, and since Capcom left it very vague as to when the Oracles games fit into the chronology, they at least must be kept out from any established connections (and LttP is established as being connected to LA as they star the same Link).  Since you haven't found any evidence against the OoT Link and Zelda being brother and sister, and I don't know of any information that goes against that theory, I'd like to know if anyone out there knows of anything we've missed.  Otherwise, that is an entirely plausible theory (and one that Nintendo will probably never prove either way).

boggy b: It sounds to me like this Game & Watch Zelda game is really just a mini-game, so unless there's an actual story to it, it wouldn't have a place in the chronology at all.  The same thing can be applied to Zelda characters appearing in the Smash Bros. series, as that also has no relevence to Zelda chronology.

I actually wasn't aware of a Game and Watch Zelda, what is the story behind it.  You'll also note I didn't include Four Swords, partly because I don't own it and so I don't know the entire story, and partly because even if I did I'm not sure I'd know where it fit in the chronology.  Feel free to provide more information on this in later posts.

Glad we finally managed to sort that out.  However, I have to point out that the Official Nintendo Player's Guide states that Link's Awakening is an adventure undertaken by the LttP Link, so the are connected.  And as for Nintendo saying that the Zelda games aren't connected, well then they shouldn't have written in the instruction manuals and player's guides that they are, because now they are contradicting themselves.  They even made a timeline on the Zelda web site for crying out loud (which was so very, very wrong based on even the slightest bit of written information in the previously mentioned manuals and guides).  I don't know about the OoT Link and Zelda being related, but there's no proof against it (that I can remember at the moment) so I won't comment on that.  I placed the Oracle games in my timeline at that perticular spot because I believe the new GBA Zelda that has been rumoured will feature the return of Hyrule, but Ganon will not be revived/reincarnated/whatever you want to call it because this happens when you play both Oracle games using the password system, and would also explain why you have to get the Master Sword through a password in that game - Farore (the Oracle of Secrets) must have to use magic to obtain it, breaking it's hold on Ganon.  But that's all just theory.  Oh, and Zoras and Gorons are in the Oracles games, contrary to what you have stated in your theory (not that you r theory isn't valid, but that statement is not correct).  You are right, in the end these are all just legends and not all of these people may be named Link (that's just the name Nintendo gave him, you can choose something different).  But this is fun, so let's continue.

I knew there was a reason I didn't agree with dannyjclark's theory of part of AoL taking place before OoT, I just couldn't recall it at the time of my post as I had just been through a long hard day of work.  Gibdo Master is right, the part of the story that involves the Triforce of Courage makes the theory impossible (unless you are willing to allow a series of improbable evenst to occur, as Gibdo Master has already stated).  The part of AoL's story could happen earlier in the chronology than the actual events of the game, though they would have to make a Zelda game where Zelda is put to sleep via sorcery and does not awaken when Link rescues her.  So I still believe that AoL's events happen last, though I admit there is the possibility of the first part of the story occuring earlier.  The instruction manual does say that it's the LoZ Link you're playing as in AoL, though, so that's why the actual game is last.

Yes, apparently I did misunderstand you.  And you might very well be right, perhaps this first Zelda was actually the OoT Zelda's mother.  They would have been related someway if what you are saying is the correct iterpretation.  So yes, I understand what you mean now and I admit that it is a valid possibility.

Well, I had thought that this thread had seen the last of it's days, and now I return to find it has filled out since I last left it.  My apologies for not responding sooner.  I'll try to check this thread more often, but I can't make any promises (as I work 6 days a week, have whatever social life one can have built around that work, and I'm trying to find time to date a girl I just asked out who also has a busy work schedule).  Anyway, enough about me, on to the replies.

Chipopo: I know what you mean, it is a huge headache to try and figure the timeline out, that's why I posted this to begin with - so people could just read it and either agree with it or disagree and find another theory that they like better.  As to why a new Link didn't arise when Ganon returned and the goddesses had to flood Hyrule, my best theory for that is the OoT Link was still around at that time, nearing the end of his life (or possibly already dying), and that 2 Links can't exist at the same time.  I have a few other theories but I think other information from the games themselves disproves them.  I think it's safe to say that all the Links are descended from the Royal Guards' bloodline, as we are never given any information to disprove that in the other games.  Thanks for the compliment, and I share your feelings on posts that proclaim this game to be "kiddie".  I doubt Wind Waker would have the emotional impact it has without the cel shaded graphics.  And you're absolutely right about the Royal Family paying homage to the Hero of Time; I'm sure if we got to see more of Hyrule than just the castle and Ganon's Tower, we would see many more Hero of Time statues.  Oh, and I wasn't aware of these hints Lenzo drops, I haven't paid as much attention to him as the main plot, when did you come across this info?

Ninja X: Thanks for the compliment.  I like your analysis, it causes way less headaches.

Hostile Creation: You're right, we shouldn't ponder too much about the world of Hyrule, as it's difficult to figure out how things are supposed to go and causes many headaches.  You're right that the OoT and MM Link are the same, and of course the Oracle Link is the same through both games.  However, the Link's Awakening player's guide (from Nintendo) actually states that it is the LttP Link in that game, gone to train and hone his skills.  And then there's the LoZ Link, also in Adventure of Link.  LttP comes long after OoT because the Imprisoning War is a legend in LttP's time, and you play that war in OoT.  The land could be unflooded (by some evil magic or whatever) in a later game, and of course there is Wind Waker's ending (which I won't talk about so I don't spoil it).  I'm interested in this Nigsek - can I get it using Kazaa, or do I have to search for it on the Internet?

dannyjclark: Interesting timeline you have created there.  However, I'm sure OoT is the first game chronologically, as I seem to recall Miyamoto saying that in an interview at some point (though I can't remember it exactly).  Adventure of Link can't be the first because Link has the whole Triforce at the end, so then there would be nothing that could beat him and no evil could stand against him.  Other than that, you bring up some valid points.  You're statement about it being all legends passed down by the Hylians is completely true, and basically how most of the inaccuracies can be explained away.

ThePerm: Interesting theory.  However, Link could have received the Ocarina of Time again from Zelda after he returned to see her at the very end of OoT.  And I think Link's Awakening is the only game that takes place in a dream, although I think that the land you travel there could actually be inside the Wind Fish.

Evilmanman: Good question.  I think the Master Sword was forged for the sole purpose of having a way to defeat anyone who obtained the Triforce just incase they were corrupted by power lust and became evil (like Ganondorf).  And it's a legendary blade because of that and that only the hero destined to fight evil can wield it, just like Excaliber was a legendary blade.

temjin11: You're right, I didn't leave room for any new games in my timeline.  The reason for that is I have only a vague idea of where they would fit, and I don't want to hazard a guess in case I'm wrong.  If you would like to know where I think new games will fit, post and ask me.  And I agree with your analysis of Zelda 2 being last, you're right, the towns are named after the sages (and Mido), and towns are named after important people, not the other way around (well, usually not).

Sir Kero: Thanks for the compliment.  I have to add, though, that you missed this post because I gave up on it when it seemed it's time had passed.  I too would like to see a side story game that doesn't star Link, I think it would be a great GBA game (since you mentioned Castlevania, and that is where they're all coming out these days).  Oh, Miyamoto and Aonuma have said that you could consider it to be a different Link in each game, not that it definitely is.  My research showed the games I grouped together to have the same Link.

Well, that's all for now, I have to go to work.  I hope to hear from you all again soon.

Hmm .................. still no new posts.  Well, I'll give it another shot before I go on vacation - don't be surprised/upset if I don't get back to you anytime over the next week as I'll be on vacation and won't have access to a computer.  Well, that's my two cents, I hope you'll read this thread and add a post to it.  Bump.

Well, nobody has added their comments/questions since I last posted, perhaps because this thread has gradually gone down the page as other threads were posted in.  I would let this post just continue to fall off the radar, but since two other users have complimented my efforts on it, I have decided it is worthy of the life I had originally given it, and so I will strive to keep this post going until the bitter end.  Or, in other words, bump.

Thank-you for your praise.  I really didn't set out to do anything more than post my opinion on my favourite game series and the events that occur in it.  I was just passing the time waiting for a contact to meet me on MSN Messenger, and thought that I should share my opinions with those who shared my love of the series.  rodtod, I found your post in that other thread to be quite well written itself.  Your interpretation of the real life events behind the legend is right on the money, and I advise anyone who reads this post to click on the link rodtod has provided.  As for your questions, odinfire, my answers to them are listed below in the order in which you asked them.

1) First of all, just as we are never given any evidence that Link and Zelda "shack up", as you put it, we are also never given evidence to the contrary.  Every time they meet (through each generation), the scene conveys a deep emotional bond between the two - at least that is my interpretation of it.  But we never see anything that suggests that they go off and have sex, so we are left to determine that on our own.  As for Link returning to being a child and creating an endless cycle in time by meeting Zelda for the first time over and over again, I don't believe that is the case.  Once again we aren't given any evidence of what exact time Link returned to (and you addressed that in your question, somewhat), just that he went to see Zelda again when he got back.  I personally think he returned shortly after the incident with the well, and since that technically occurs after Link has pulled out the Master Sword for the first time, then he has already met Zelda.  This theory also gives Zelda and Impa time to safely return to Hyrule Castle once they aware Ganon is no longer a threat (through the power of the Triforce).  And I know what you mean about the series continuity giving you a headache, that's why I researched it and finally put together what you have read above, to simplify things.

2) Hylians have pointed ears.  Not all of them, but you definitely see Hylians with pointed ears in OoT after you leave Kokiri Forest.  Actually, if I'm not mistaken, Talon and Malon have pointed ears, and they definitely aren't Kokiri.  As far as I know, the original Link's mother's identity is never revealed, but I don't believe any of the Link's and Zelda's are related.  I don't know why most of the Links' heritages are ignored, or if the grandmother in WW is any relation to any important characters from OoT and MM.  We do, however, know that this Link is not a descendant of OoT Link, as that has been stated in many interviews.  As I said in my first post, I believe OoT Link died of old age before Ganon returned to plague the land - it makes sense, why come back to face your better when you have eternity to wait for him to die so you can return and reak havoc.  As for how grandma got the Hylian shield, the text that describes it (in OoT) says that it is used by the Hylian guard, I believe you can see some with that shield, but I don't remember.  So, someone that once lived on Outset owned that shield and gave it to grandma, she found it washed up on the shore one day, or it was salvaged by grandma or someone on Outset and it found it's way to grandma.  This is really up to our imaginations.

3) You didn't number this one, but it amused me so I'll throw it in for fun.  You asked why is it Hylian and not Hyrulian, well, that's like asking why it's Dutch and not Hollander or Hollandish.  It's just the way things are.

And I'd like to add that I'm honoured that a 30 year old is requesting my help for these answers.  I'm just a first year college student, and only 19.  Anyway, in closing, keep the questions coming and I'll post a reply A.S.A.P.  Tell any other Zelda enthusiasts you know about this thread.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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