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Messages - SatansNemesis

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Nintendo Gaming / are loyal fans getting snubbed
« on: May 22, 2003, 08:37:58 PM »
Actualy, most stores are defying the 'not for resale' rule. My problem is that most stores in my area haven't recieved shipments yet.

Nintendo Gaming / Pokemon RPG finally official*
« on: May 22, 2003, 08:28:29 PM »
They had better find a way for me to get Scyther/Scizor...that guy was one bad puppy. In fact, the only reason I'm not buying Ruby/Saphire is because I'm waiting for a version that will have Scyther, maybe an 'Emerald' version will come in a year or so?

Nintendo Gaming / Side Scrolling Mario!!
« on: May 22, 2003, 02:06:11 PM »
I still haven't beaten some of the SMS bonus levels (too busy w/ school and WW) but they are awesome. A disk with those...and throw in random items, like some could have the water hose, others could have the racoon suit, others give you a super mushroom, the cape, a fire flower, or a starman. they chuck you into a SMS bonus style level and give you an item of some kind from the mario series and say "get from point A to point B with only this". That could hold some potential.

TalkBack / Iwata Discusses Online Plans
« on: May 21, 2003, 09:53:27 AM »
They could set up a network simmilar to tunneling. Thats why they have gamespy hooking up with them. They set up a special network that connects consoles together and treats it like a LAN except over the internet connection. So in theory any game that could do LAN could also be played online.
How viable could that be?  

<nintendo fanboy response> because ps2 and xbox games suck!</nintendo fanboy response>

Consider also that nintendo doesn't reimburse retailors for the lowered price and they have to go with it because everyone knows about the price drop and will go else where if the price isn't good. (from article @

Nintendo Gaming / Star Fox
« on: May 19, 2003, 10:36:29 AM »
Nintendojo got an interview with some of the creators and the game is only about 30% complete, and it wont come till 2k4. So rest assured, there is plenty of time for it to get even better.

Nintendo Gaming / Thanks for nothing Nintendo!!!(Zelda 4 Swords)
« on: May 16, 2003, 08:35:12 PM »
Have any of you stopped to think that this could be the premise to a four swords 2 that has a huge epic adventure equal to or greater than the size of LTTP? since the GC can hold a butt load of stuff like that I believe that it is highly possible that they are making a huge epic 4-player zelda. everyone has to fight for rupees, grudgingly cooperate, create 'alliances', and whoever has the most rupees in the end get the girl! lol, you guys seem so negative about GC all of the time, are you sure some of you aren't IGN editors? j/k  

Nintendo Gaming / SpaceWorld
« on: May 16, 2003, 08:20:52 PM »
Yes, I remember a month or so back there was an anouncement that they are continuing spaceworld now. So expect that to reveal games like too human, prime 2, rogue squad 3, monkey ball 3, any changes in the 'zelda games' line up (poss anouncement of next real zelda), pilotwings, mario 128 and any other suprises they may have (i really want a ddr game for the cube!)  

Nintendo Gaming / New Bundle better than price drop
« on: May 15, 2003, 08:51:44 PM »
lol, what a great idea! a friend of mine was going to buy a GC if the price dropped but I could offer him mine for sale and then buy a new platinum w/ GB player. they should throw in a silver wavebird or at least make one available for purchase in us...

how about a cube, GB player, wavebird, and a SD adaptor (w/ a SD card) for $200? ps2 is doing a similar deal w/ a ps2 and the network adaptor. hey, have the gc throw one of the network adaptors too or maybe make there be different 'pakages' kinda like choosing different options when buying a car.

The party gamer pack: $200-250
-network adaptor
-network cable
-extra controller(s?)
-demo disk
-LAN specific demo disk

The GameBoy pack: $200
-GB/GC specific demo disk
-gb player
-gb/gc cable
-demo disk

creative pack: $250,
-GBA camera
-GC character program
-SD card and adaptor
-gb player
-gb/gc cable
-demo disk

mega pack:
-4 wavebirds
-new mem card 502
-gb player
-gb/gc cable
-network adaptor
-network cable
-four swords GC
-extra large demo disk

and maybe a couple more. though I still think nintendo would do fine if they go back to throwing in a second controller (or maybe four...and then they don't have to ship out extras too stores...damaged ones could be replaced through nintendo) and I'd be willing to pay the bit extra for it.

Nintendo Gaming / Any more conferences by Nintendo?
« on: May 15, 2003, 08:26:44 PM »
I think it was anounced at one of the sites (ign, planetgamecube or nintendojo, don't remember which) that Spaceworld is officialy going to continue againg. It was just last year that they didn't do it.

Nintendo Gaming / Thanks for nothing Nintendo!!!(Zelda 4 Swords)
« on: May 15, 2003, 08:15:04 PM »
I personaly think that it is an awesome idea that has a huge level of potential. I have one friend that has a GBA and I know hed buy the cable just to play this one, we already play the GBA frou swords. It may also convince a few other friends to buy GBA. Though I do agree with the problem of buying the link cables. either there needs to be a 4 player adapter that can plug in to the GC that works like the old SNES multi tap did for four player, or they need to offer it for free/cheaper. because my friends who might buy it may not want to spend the 10 bucks for the cable only for one game that they only get to play sometimes (aka need more games like this).
I eagerly await for the day I can have 3 friends over and we can stay up all night with pizza pepsi pringles and four player zelda. That would be cool.

Nintendo Gaming / Star Fox
« on: May 15, 2003, 07:43:08 PM »
Rare probably had to hand it over since she was attached to the star fox license like how ALL of the kongs, even Rare designed ones, stayed with the DK property. But Rare kept all of their original franchises like Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark. It sounds fair enough IMO.

I love the new arwing look. It reminds me of the old SNES ones (i just played that one yesterday) and really fits the more action oriented feel of how the game will be versus SFA and its gimmiky flight sequences.

Nintendo Gaming / Treasure's Opportunity
« on: May 15, 2003, 07:30:50 PM »
treasure only as a japanese text website. but we still need people to call nintendo. Nintendo has been known to listen if enough people contact them on certain issues. It worked with the Zelda ocarina/master quest bonus disc being brought over to the US, so it could happen, but it wont if you dont try.

Nintendo Gaming / Treasure's Opportunity
« on: May 15, 2003, 07:25:43 PM »
here is nintendo's general comments email address
I'm looking for treasure's but nintendo doesn't list them under their developer and publisher contacts search

Nintendo Gaming / Treasure's Opportunity
« on: May 15, 2003, 07:19:18 PM »
dude! that is now a must for the game. It has to have it. Lets hope its a suprise feature. In fact, lets make sure its a feature. We should as planet gamecube to post a poll on the idea and we should all email nintendo and (kindly, mind you) request thet they would like to see Waluigi in a 2player mode in Wario World. Imagine 'Wario Bros.' It would change my interest from a 'maybe-buy-but-definately-rent' to a 'screw-renting-I'm-gonna-buy-it-the-day-it-comes-out!' opinion. It hasn't gone gold yet and all of its delays may mean they thought of it too, but If you really want to see it I suggest we all email nintendo and treasure (does treasure have a contact email?) to try to guarentee its inclusion.

Nintendo Gaming / GCN-GBA Connectivity: who cares?
« on: May 15, 2003, 06:47:06 PM »
And we still have another day of it all! I love these games like four swords GC! that looks so cool! I picture it like Link to the past multiplayer. Since its on GC it should have a huge epic adventure involved that can be bigger than any other zelda to date. Hey, what about the new GBA zelda that was supposed to be coming from capcom? could that have anything to do with this? Maybe this is that? of could there be a GBA version that can link with the GC version for even more options and gameplay?  

Nintendo Gaming / GCN-GBA Connectivity: who cares?
« on: May 15, 2003, 06:18:01 PM »
IGN just anounced in the last hour that they are going to pack GC and GBA player together at no extra charge! I wish there was a way that current owners gould get the same deal. I know it would never happen, but we can always wish, cant we?

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