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Messages - cronotrigger913

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TalkBack / RE:AOL Cranks Up The Tunes
« on: May 05, 2005, 11:44:06 AM »
Yes, I can't stand AOL. I think it is possibly the worst program on the internet right now, being in the mainstream category, but I don't know, their Radio program is not too shabby. I give PGC radio props for bringing to the table some great music, but I want to hear more than just Nintendo music. You guys are gonna miss out on some great songs, like ones from Halo, Fable, and even the great Final Fantasy. I got that AOL Communicator program where I can just access Radio all I want, without going on AOL itself, so I'm definitely glad for that. And I was disappointed when they got rid of the Final Fantasy station. I've only just started to listen to the new station, so I don't know if they start repeating songs often or not, but for right now, I'm enjoying some great songs, no matter who's supplying it.  


Nintendo Gaming / Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« on: May 03, 2005, 01:47:09 PM »
With all the great games coming out for Xbox, like Doom 3 and Conker's Bad Fur Day, it seems to me, right when developers are getting used to the current hardware, Microsoft is already releasing a new console. Is it worth it? Will you guys buy it when it comes out? And is it coming out at the right time, with Nintendo missing its chance to usurp the competition by releasing the Revolution before the Sony and Microsoft?

Personally, I don't want to shell out another $300 for a new system. It feels like this generation just started, and with the DS and PSP coming out recently, I'm filled to the brim with great games that I can play.

It is smart for Microsoft to start a new generation because Xbox keeps losing money for them, but with word that games are going to be priced over $60, I'm actually liking the idea that Revolution comes out in 2006.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo Launches Polarium Site
« on: April 13, 2005, 09:08:23 AM »
Wait, is Polarium out now in America? I know it comes out in April, but is it officially out? I've been waiting for a more than decent puzzle game for the DS, and if this is out, I might just go out and get it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Interactive Cutscenes
« on: April 13, 2005, 08:26:25 AM »

Originally posted by: trip1eXI haven't played RE4 yet (it's on the way) but they should take out cutscenes all together.  I liked Metroid Prime which didn't really have any.  The story was told in game.  

Same with the pc game Half Life 2.  You talk to characters without ever leaving the game.  Much more immersive.

Just wait until you play with the interactive cutscenes, you might just change your mind on this subject, but I do like your examples.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:wtf is happening to the DS????
« on: April 13, 2005, 06:57:41 AM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
Tapping options on the screen is much better than selecting them with a dpad.

But do we need to spend $150 for a better way to go through an options menu?

Don't get me wrong, I love the DS and its ideas on gaming, but sometimes I just want to play a game like my consoles. Metroid Prime Hunters seems to fit this bill perfect because it plays like a full game with a story and a sense of progression, but this is only one game, and it isn't even out yet. To me, minigames do not make a good console for long.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:wtf is happening to the DS????
« on: April 13, 2005, 06:43:41 AM »
OK, I'll come out and say it, I have an N-Gage QD. Yes, I know, it's pretty scary, but I actually like it. I have only one game for it, which is Colin McCrae Rally 2005, but I have to say its actually pretty fun. It's interesting to actually have a handheld port of a home console game, even though it's like PS1. I get sucked into the game very quickly, just like my home console games, even though the screen is half the size of the GBA one. And that's where I believe the DS has failed. It really is a third pillar of gaming, but what is the reason for it? Do we really need a new way of playing video games? I'm still having fun playing Metroid Prime, Zelda, Star Fox, Metal Gear Solid 3, and others, so why change the rules? I have a lot of fun with my DS, but everyone is looking for the ultimate gaming experience out of this thing, and I don't think that is what it's intended to do. It's made to give you a different look on interactive gaming. The PSP is working what everyone knows and likes. If you don't like gaming in home consoles, don't get a PSP, but we all know we do. They are asking too much for the games, though, but it's understandable with that you are getting: a console game. But I do agree that the DS's library is very thin. You basically have only 3-4 games to say are any good. I guess this summer looks somewhat better, with Kirby, Polarium, and Meteos, but the PSP already has a good library right out of the gate. And nothing shows me it will stop anytime soon, even though it didn't have the best launch.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Interactive Cutscenes
« on: April 13, 2005, 06:26:25 AM »
I loved the battle between Krouser and Leon where it was all based on the quick button presses. It was amazing to know I had control of the cinematic, albeit in a very basic fashion. For some reason, I don't think any developer is going to copy this technique. Just like no one really took Metroid Prime's scanning visor idea, no one is going to use RE4's ideas either. To them, it seems like just a gimmick, a waste of developing time, which is very disappointing.

I would love to get a PSP. The screen alone is worth the price, but then I get to thinking about the prices for the actual games. Most are $50! For a handheld game, I barely want to go over $30, let alone $50. It's very understandable to set the price like that (the games probably take as much time to make as any PS2 game), but I'm not spending that much money on a game that I'm only going to put 10-15 minutes into when I get a chance to play it. That money is reserved for my home console games, which in this generation, are getting better and better.

It also angers me that EA loves to put $10 more dollars on the MSRP for all its handheld games. $40 for DS games is annoying. I really want to get Rogue Agent becuase of its touch-pad gameplay, but I know its going to be too expensive.

TalkBack / RE:New Viewtiful Joe for DS & GameCube
« on: April 13, 2005, 06:04:37 AM »
I'm just surprised that the DS version of Viewtiful Joe looks that good! It has a lot of blocky textures, but it's still cel-shaded and very close to the GC version's style. And the fact that you can slice enemies in two with the touch pad seems very cool.

Oh, and for everyone that hates Sony, I agree, but that PSP is a very sexy device. You have to give it at least that.

TalkBack / RE:Editorial: Hotties for Rent
« on: April 12, 2005, 08:50:06 AM »
I will not go into the details of the actual article, only becuase it's primarily based on people's opinions, as seen in this forum, but I will say that the writer did a fine job of giving a summary of the gender issue in America right now. Most publications run away from this topic, but she did a great job by bringing it to the forefront of conversation, at least on this website, anyway. I would most definitely suggest anyone wanting to read anything on this subject to check this article out, just to get a good sense of what's going on, not even with just video games, but all forms of entertainment.

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