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Messages - ECM

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Burden of the Silent Majority
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:44:45 PM »
Goodbye, NWR. It's been rad, but since I get enough politics infecting and destroying everything else in my life, I have little less than zero time to spend getting worked up over 'inclusion' in gaming, when most of us--that'd be the "silent majority" to which you are referring--*only* care about VIDEOGAMES and not "inclusion" and whatever other PC nonsense is currently rotting the brains of the 'literati'.

So yeah, you keep on keeping on, but maybe, in the future, it might just be wise to stick to core competency and not beat a horse that was so dead 2-weeks ago that you've not only pulverized the skeleton, but now you've revealed that, at the end of the day, "inclusion" is so important to "you" (note: *not* the "silent majority", because it isn't) that it casts a pall over any and everything you publish from this moment forward as being inflected with this anti-intellectual, anti-gaming, childish idiocy.

TalkBack / Re: Is the New 3DS More Game Boy Color or Game Boy Micro?
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:31:29 PM »
I would strenuously second that Nintendo allow games to use the faster clock on the zippier CPU/GPU to give *all* 3DS games a kick in the pants--that would help differentiate the device a bit, albeit *not* with the market that's already given up on Nintendo (which is why it probably won't happen, since only the niche of 'core' gamers would care and it isn't worth the time/money/headaches to test all the games to make sure no issues crop up).

Also: it's painfully clear this device is meant mainly for Japan, and has us (Westerners) as an afterthought, so I don't think a lot of the concerns addressed in this article really apply. For most of the mass market, this upgrade will probably be fairly transparent and/or a complete non-issue because the 3DS simply isn't selling to the lowest common denominator like the DS did (much to Nintendo's stock price chagrin).

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Clarifies Bayonetta Distribution Confusion
« on: July 14, 2014, 04:16:28 PM »
I can't generate sufficient force to my forehead with the faceplam I'm doing right now to adequately express my shock that there are people *arguing in favor* of *charging* for a game (or demo, of sorts) Nintendo wants to give you for *free*, and actually believe that this is a *superior* method to drive hype and the marketing plan to get Bayo 2 (or 1) into a consumer's hands.

Let me explain a simple marketing concept to you: it's called KISS, for Keep It Simple Stupid. What you're suggesting makes the entire situation more complex than it needs to be since the vast, vast, vast majority of people understand *FREE* a lot better than paid demo + discount later, and *FREE* is a much better purchase motivator than the Rube Goldberg-like scheme that some of the people on this thread think is a great idea.

(Oh, and yes, I'm aware that this method is used in some cases, but it's STUPID, because it needlessly complicates the situation and is actually far less of a motivator to get people to buy than FREE, because it's much more difficult to follow than FREE.)

(In other words, thank God you guys aren't running Nintendo's marketing efforts, nor, lest you're deluding yourselves, do you represent even 5% of the potential customers for this game.)

TalkBack / Re: Metroid Fusion Review Mini
« on: April 08, 2014, 07:53:05 AM »
^This is a strange contention, one that I've never actually heard articulated by anyone at Nintendo--do you have a quote to back that up?

(I'm not saying it isn't, necessarily, true, but that sounds like a modern gamer reading into Metroid's design and not something it's specifically designed to contain, since only a tiny minority of players of the series would be even remotely interested in such a 'feature' and even less given Fusion came out 12-years ago, before speed running was anything more than hyper-niche.)

TalkBack / Re: PC Genjin Review Mini
« on: January 18, 2014, 04:06:37 PM »
Extremely important question: do the PCE games on 3DS have a bilinear filter enabled? And, if so, can it be disabled?

(This ruined a great many TG16/PCE games on Wii, though latter releases did chuck it.)

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