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Messages - Retroyoshi

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / RE: First DS Game Announced
« on: May 06, 2004, 06:17:14 AM »
Oh come on guys- this one is ovbious.  What special features would work really well for multi-player card games (not to mention checkers and chess)?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Factor 5 Drops Nintendo!
« on: April 15, 2004, 11:22:57 AM »
If it's anything like last generation they are busy helping write sound tools right now for the NDS or the N5.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Violence on the's not seen enough!
« on: April 08, 2004, 12:06:04 PM »

and at the age of 15

I'm demanding the violence
Does ANYONE else find this to be a disturbing trend?  

TalkBack / RE: It's Already Over ...
« on: March 12, 2004, 06:47:00 AM »
I think Sony's reasoning behind the cell to scalability.  The PS3 might just use 1 CELL processor- but they won't have to begin R&D again for a PS4.  I suppose "forward" compatibility might be a thought also.

The problem isn't processing power right now.  The only reason art looks bad in games RIGHT NOW is because of time constraints (or budget constraints).  Rasing the bar on technical power isn't going to help that at all.  This is why I'm kind of confused.  Art isn't being pushed in current games.  How is adding advanced shaders and more drawing ability going to help?  This is a little off topic- so I'll leave it at that.

However, I'm not convinced yet that the next gen is going to do well at all - at least at first.

TalkBack / RE:Whoooooooshhhhhhhhh!
« on: March 11, 2004, 08:56:57 AM »
Hey, sony DID offer Toy Story quality graphics with the PS2.  They just neglected to mention that it was only a playblast .

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The great crash of.....05
« on: March 11, 2004, 07:27:22 AM »
remember- that 30-50 age bracket of "game players" includes a lot of solitary, hearts, and... well... everquest.  *WE* will probably be the first generation of real "older age bracket" kids unless we decided not to play.

General Chat / RE:Anti-Aliasing?
« on: February 25, 2004, 08:54:48 AM »
Anti Aliasing is important in games, but only running at low resolutions.  At TV resolution it will help tremendously and reduce the amount of noise, especially on high polygon meshes seen from a distance.  It is essential, will help images look much better, but I don't think most people will even notice one way or the other.

It has absolutly nothing to do with blurring, anti-aliasing makes the image look sharper by rendering the image at a higher resolution and re-estimating the color of each pixel based on it (simple answer).

General Gaming / RE: Hey guys check out this new game I got
« on: February 24, 2004, 06:04:27 AM »
Bah, Beatmania!  Drum Mania is the real man's game!

General Gaming / RE:PC controller help
« on: February 24, 2004, 06:02:50 AM »
Gravis Gamepad.  There is one that looks almost identical to the PSX controller, costs about 15 bucks and has tons of unique buttons.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: GCN 2 possibly delayed...
« on: February 09, 2004, 11:23:57 AM »
The impact coule be minimized just by releasing a "special edition" of the cube.  Perhaps a version that also plays DVDs like the Q, or maybe with a gameboy player built in, or something similar.

Maybe pack a gameboy advance with it?

In any case, more "big guns" are coming this christmas (the new Zelda and Mario), and if the userbase grows again- all of those "new users" will be left in the cold.  Also, I have a feeling that despite Halo2 and whatever PS2 launches this christmas- unless they delay their new consoles a lot of people may hold off for the "new ones".  Then again, they might hold off on the Nintendo console also- but like I said, a new model, Mario game, and a $99 price point might do wonders for it.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:GCN 2 possibly delayed...
« on: February 09, 2004, 11:11:14 AM »
I don't think this is about introducing new gadgets for the cube- I think it's more about realizing that most consumers won't be able to tell the difference between this gen and next.

Also, if Nintendo decides to delay entry into this generation and support the cube, they will instantly have the highest installed base for "next generation".  This may actually be the best move they have made in a while (and still have a $99 price point).  Remember, there are a LOT of people that just bought a cube this christmas- it would be a bad thing to drop support and introduce a new system only a year after a new user base is built.

I'm also thinking that the DS has something to do with this....

General Gaming / RE: Ngage
« on: January 27, 2004, 03:56:18 AM »
Heh.  A couple of the games play fine (Pandemonium for example).  However, it's not that technically demanding (and even is a stripped down version of the PS1 game).  If you really do want to compare the PS1 to the NGAGE, play Pandemonium on the mobile monitor.  It hides a lot of the flaws.

Any of the 2D games are hideous (Sonic chops almost too badly to play), and the horizontal layout of the screen doesn't work for most games (especially ports).

It's really not a horrible little 3D system, and it's honestly the best "phone-that-plays-games" out there... but really, as a gaming system it just isn't worth it and as a phone it really isn't worth it.

No flames.  Everyone has their own tastes, but to me it seems like a poorly thought out design on all fronts.

TalkBack / RE: Nintendo DS Interview
« on: January 22, 2004, 05:57:06 AM »
hmm...  Another mockup:
NDS Design

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo Reveals "Third Pillar"!
« on: January 21, 2004, 05:29:16 AM »
Actually, a "I can't see how this will work" is probably a good thing.  It means that it hasn't been done yet .  Heck, I remember saying the same thing about 3D mario or even the original game boy.

TalkBack / RE: Nintendo Reveals "Third Pillar"!
« on: January 21, 2004, 04:11:36 AM »
Also, I suppose that you could use it *AS* the console, able to connect to two monitors.
(sorry for the double post, I thought "quick post" would append my last)

TalkBack / RE: Nintendo Reveals "Third Pillar"!
« on: January 21, 2004, 04:10:30 AM »
... hmmm.... just a thought.  Could this be a controller?

Hear me out!

2- 3" screens positioned side by side with touch sensitive screens (perhaps pressure sensitive also) would make positionable buttons possible...  Or perhaps one of the screens are to be used as a controller for the top screen?   Or maybe it's to be used as an additional gameplay screen for the new console plus a control pad- but can also be taken on the road.

This would justify calling it a 3rd pillar I suppose.

Just a couple of ideas...

TalkBack / RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: January 02, 2004, 08:58:51 AM »
Well- here's a thought about 'mature looking'.  The Saturn was probably the most 'mature' looking of last generation.   Boxy, stylish, and launched with Virtua Cop, Daytona, and the Sega Sports games (NHL kicked serious butt).  It didn't fare very well at all (even though, quite honestly- it was my favorite console last gen).

The N64 doubled it's weekly sales after the "funtastic" colorful consoles.  Granted, that has a lot to do with the imac "clear dishsoap colors" trend- but they didn't blend very well with home theatres and whatnot.

I really, seriously doubt the color scheme had much to do at all with the Cube's sales (as compared to the PS2).  Remember, there was black at launch- and purple cubes might have actually given them an additional audience (My girlfriend thinks the purple cube is really cute and much less intimidating than the PS2).  Heck, on launch day there *WAS* a couple of girls in line with me.

Incidently, I own the purple one and am quite happy with the color.  Black is such a dull color.  Incidently, I'm 24 and a professional.  I personally hope nintendo keeps it's "different" approach and tries to stay out of the mainstream a bit.  I mean, afterall- if the games all look and play the same on all of the different consoles why would anyone choose Nintendo over the others.  A minority marketshare is still a marketshare, remember.  Niches still need catered to- no matter how big the mainstream grows.

Classical music is still popular with a crowd (and still makes it's money and has it's superstars) even though Brittney Spears Pop and Limp Bizcut and 50 Cent are all the rage right now.  Heck, I'm pretty sure classical will outlive Limp Bizcut in the long run.  It's a minority market that isn't going away anytime soon.

TalkBack / RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 30, 2003, 12:08:13 PM »
CB-   You have a little bit of flawed logic.  I was going to analyze costs, but that's silly and I would be speculating as far as actual costs.  In any case though the investment is obviously not worth the return or Nintendo would be jumping online.  There isn't a hold up "just because they are stubborn".

Diminishing return starts taking hold to some features, and online console gaming is one of them- especially when you are catering to so few users.

I suppose online gaming has the benefit of adding users at little cost- but there is a huge initial investment to overcome.  I believe that Microsoft said that they spent 10 million dollars building the Live infastructure.   Games don't cost 10 million to develop, and they can be sold at the same cost as the Live subscription.  If online racing was added to Mario Kart and Nintendo had to invest 10 million additional dollars to impliment it- why bother right now?  It might pick up a fraction of that 5% of additional users, but there would be no immediate return.  Several titles would have to also use the service to even make it feasable to develop the infastructure- and all that for 500,000 users (at best) split between them.  Even if they payed their $50 a year, that is only the return of one game (for a significantly higher investment).  It's better to develop a 1 million dollar game and get at least 20,000 users.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: If You Had Control Of Nintendo From Today!
« on: December 30, 2003, 08:41:55 AM »
Mature= Mario Kart

Juvenile= Manhunter

TalkBack / RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 29, 2003, 04:56:13 AM »
Here is a little something that a lot of you aren't realizing.  I know this won't change any deep set opinions, but hear me out.

Ninty is a very conservative busniess.  The video game world (heck, the technology world as a whole) is extremely volatile.  Just because a few select companies are going though some good times doesn't mean that aggressive expansion (buying developers, expanding into dangerous territory that may not net a return) is a good thing.  A lot of publishers and developers have done this and are hurting badly because of it  (Sega most notably, but also 3DO, Midway, Sierra, and a lot of others).   This is the way it has always been, and probably always will be.

Ninty's strategy is to maxamize return.  You don't have to have the largest userbase, most product, or newest technology to do this.  This is especially the case when you are dealing with competetors with extremely deep pockets that are pretty much willing to do market studies for you.  In the case of "online gaming" the investment right now does not generate enough return to be worthwhile.  Only a few 3rd parties have tested the online waters with console games (outside of the Microsoft funded "live exclusives"- an additional investment that generates no return).

The online strategy is akin to the dotcom crazy days.  Everyone (developers) has plans for services and great ideas- but absolutly no one knows how to make those investments pay off.  A conservative "wait and see" approach is only good busniess.  I'm not saying that I'm thrilled with the prospect- because yeah, it would be fun to take Animal Crossing online but there wouldn't be a busniess model behind it, and from MS's live (and even Sega's Dreamcast) experiement only a small minority would even take advantage of it (say animal crossing sold 100,000 copies- that's only 5,000 users).

And incidently- the downside to suing ROM carts as a storage medium is publishing cost; not storage space as frequently mentioned.  Just about any PSX game could be delivered in 64MB.  Remember, you only have a few MB of video ram you are able to fill at a time (1MB in PSX, if I'm not mistaken).  In fact, it's a dream of publishers to be able to publish downloadable games (Probably where MS is trying to eventually go with Live actually), and the size of games will have to accommidate that.  Blame publishers for not wanting to pony up another dollar or so to publish on the N64, not the developers for not being able to work with a storage meduim.  (If you want to blame Nintendo for anything on the N64, blame them for skimping on the ram).  In any case- that ship sailed long ago.  

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