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Messages - Gonmon

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / RE: Twilight Princess to Use Revolution Controller
« on: December 22, 2005, 08:01:18 PM »
Hey, guys. Remember that this is just a rumour, and not something substantially released by Nintendo themselves.

As for me, I'm taking this like I take all other rumours and speculations about TP: Not worth my time unless the big N steps up and says it personally.

After all, Reggie did say in a recent interview that the game would be launched in April, and Nintendo has COUNTLESS times stated that TP is going to be a Cube game and not a Revolution title. Oi.

Chill out guys. Just a rumour.

TalkBack / RE:Metroid Mismatch Mega-Thread
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:20:50 PM »

TalkBack / RE:PGC Announces Metroid Mismatch Contest
« on: November 19, 2005, 04:57:32 PM »
Hum. No win for me apparently.

Makes me wonder what the winning entries would be like...

(wtf T. Southerland didn't win either?)

TalkBack / RE:Gaming Resume/Job Workshop Announced
« on: March 29, 2004, 03:36:28 PM »
Heh... Sounds like something right up my alley and something I'd need to get the boost without having to rely too much on my cousins' possistions...

Now if only I could get a plane ticket...

TalkBack / RE:The Wind Waker 2 Sails to E3
« on: March 26, 2004, 11:44:03 AM »
I really enjoyed the whole lecture, really. I loved how he went into detail to explain how various elements that no one would really notice go into the game to make it so much better than the rest of the stuff out there. It's things like these that make me honor Miyamoto and other workers so much more than I already do.

The only thing I didn't like about the whole lecture was that I wasn't there. Shame on me for putting school over attending the GDC this year. And I would have had that Alumni discount too. Argh.

TalkBack / Annual E3 Award Nominees Announced
« on: May 27, 2003, 03:34:30 PM »
Yeesh. I'd have to agree with everyone here on both things: Nintendo seems to have gotten snubbed on all their titles (Where's all the GBA and 3rd/2nd Party games?!) and it seems that gameplay has nothing to do with winning anymore.

Forget these awards... and for now, all we can do is hope for SpaceWorld2003...

Nintendo Gaming / Metroid: Zero Mission PIC!!! UPDATE: More Pics!!
« on: May 20, 2003, 09:59:01 AM »
Here's some more stuff to add to the confusion: The Japanese Metroid Site.

Included on it is an E-Manga that explains Samus' past, or at least up to a point. The thing is, Samus ends up on Zebes as a kid, and we learn that Mother Brain was built by the Chozo. Mother brain also does not approve of Samus being upon the planet, and a few other things happen.

For those who can read Japanese, read the Manga. It'll do you some good and perhaps we can get some of this cleared up and situated. Unfortunately, I can't read it, so I can't provide a translation.

Nintendo Gaming / Star Fox
« on: May 16, 2003, 03:35:41 PM »
Huh... I'd have to say this is what I'm looking forward to right now, other than Metroid Zero Mission. I've been longing for a good StarFox game in a long time. It looks like it's going to be a blast to play, Multiplayer emphasis or not. But it looks like Namco might be laying on the "All range mode" of things this time around. Not that such a thing is bad, but I really want some scrolling action, like in the original.

Now, if only Nintendo could get someone to make a PilotWings game.... I just recently played the original again all the way through, and I must say, I really wish there were more games like those. Pure skill is involved when piloting that Light Plane or the hang glider... and the last mission involving the helecopter at night? Phew... that's a doozy.

Nintendo Gaming / Metroid: Zero Mission PIC!!! UPDATE: More Pics!!
« on: May 15, 2003, 11:24:49 AM »
At the Metroid Database, we believe that the game could either be a remake of Metroid, or in fact a prequel to the series, invlolving a younger Samus aran and her training with the Chozo people and her interaction with the Chozo built AI, Mother Brain. It'll be interesting how the game develops as time moves on. I for one and looking forward to it

Nintendo Gaming / Just for Kicks...
« on: April 25, 2003, 11:02:32 AM »


Sometimes, just for kicks, I crawl around in first person view and act like I'm sneaking up and spying on people. I dunno exactly why I do this, but heck, it's fun.
Here's a glitch I noticed: While crawling around in FPV on WindFall, I tried crawling up the stairs, and for some reason, the sword icon flashed on the B button. It was kind of strange, and it only happens if you are going up or down a stair case while crawling. Unfortunately, you can't pull your sword out, but you might be able to.... hmmm...

I like playing around when I start a game over, by walking everywhere instead of running, actually roleplaying, making myself take naps and such to regain energy.. that sort of wierd stuff.

TalkBack / CNN Article on the State of Nintendo
« on: April 17, 2003, 10:42:12 AM »
Hmmm... Interestingly enough, I re-registered to reply to this topic.

In any case, there is a few things that I agree on, but must also point out. Even though Nintendo is losing in the overall worldwide market, if you notice, it's in Japan that it's starting to climb the ropes. This article was written from an American's point of view, therefore, ignoring the homeland's arena of gaming. XBox is getting killed over there. Even though it's been a while since I've checked, the last time I did, the PSOne was beating the XBox. Ouch.

Also, I'd like to say that I'm happy with the Online decision that Nintendo has given. I am a gamer that does in fact enjoy online games, but not for consoles. The online capabilities should stay on the PC's, where more players can join in on any kind of connection.  It also seems a bit more... what's the word I'm looking for... obvious perhaps, that something that can handle chatting and the like while setting up connections for gaming would be more suited for the PC to handle. I mean, the headset idea that the PS2 and Xbox are basing thier online strategy on is rediculous. I mean, heck, I don't want to know what half the players sound like. Most of the gamers playing online sound like hillbillies. Dunno why.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like all three gaming systems. The PS2 is my main RPG source, but I don't play RPG's that often enough to enjoy it fully. The XBox I must say does include some impressive graphics, and it's more suited for FPS', but it's franchizes are quite weak and don't catch my interest. But perhaps that's because I'm an artist, and that's why Nintendo's offerings appeal to me more. I don't have all the time in the world to sit and play a game for a long long long time. Or even multiple games for that matter. Super long games are fun, but I don't play them and expect more games just to suddenly pop up after I'm done, like most "hardcore gamers" do. Those people have a tendancy to be XBox people. Oh well....

Now, the difficulty issue is what really takes my cookie. I mean, heck, I like challenging games. I feel that these so called "casual gamers" are in fact ruining the Video Game market and industry. If in my future of game making I'm going to have to make sure that the game I'm working on is tailored for some shmuck on the corner of 5th and Henry, who's never played some games before, and expect him to appeal to him just because it'll be cool with blowing up cars, killing civilians, and running from cops. I mean, seriously, those are the kinds of games that really do ruin the industry. For those of you who have the latest issue of GamePro, which in my opinion, is very biast in it's decisions, they have this small little thing featuring GodSmack. (It's right after the WindWaker walkthrough, I believe.) In any case, the small interview held points out that GodSmack's favorite game is..... GTA:VC. Why? Because it's geared for the gamer who doesn't play games, ie: Running around doing nothing but violence. That just makes me sick. Sure, a little violence is okay in games, like swords and stuff, but when a game comes completely centered on the idea of killing, it's kinda disturbing. I'm a 17 year old, captain of the swim team for my highschool, have had plenty of girlfriends, like to draw stuff, a Day of Defeat and CounterStrike addict, but you can bet sure as heck that GTA:VC didn't appeal to me. Neither did GTA3.
Anywho, back the the difficulty idea. I think games should have a difficulty selection, but also have the difficulty in the set mode be sort of... by choice. I love to explore games. I love the challenge of trying to be the first one to find something new (IE: The Secret Worlds in Metroid Prime. For those who haven't heard about it, zoom on over to for the Metroid Database's cover on Metroid Prime Tips and Tricks. I was the one who discovered the Secret World mentioned there. ) SO, bringing this to mind, I like to play the game until the very very end. Whether it be the first time through, or maybe even the third or fourth time, I like to find stuff. That's what dissapointed me in HALO. There was absolutely nothing to find, do, or complete after you've beaten it. And same goes with quite a bit of all these other "popular" games. They simply have no challenge to them, and end as soon as you're done. I'm not happy at all that you have to have these overly simple games to appeal to the masses. It just doesn't make sense. Sure, I can understand why some things, like the tediousness of some tasks, may get annoying, but heck, that's what makes games like the original Zelda so great. You couldn't get to areas and such without figuring out what's going on. I mean, heck, they removed part of the WindWaker's Triforce hunting so us Americans because they thought it would be "too tedious". What is it with this country, huh? Gamers complain when a game is linear, but when it's not linear, and emphasizes on exploration, it's shot down for not being linear, and called annoying for having to do some simple searching tasks. Sure, the Banjo days are a tad bit old, but at least they did offer some fun by running and collecting items, doing tasks. I still have yet figure out why doing such things gets people in such a tizzy.

Oh well, I suppose I should stop rambling on before someone shoots me for posting something this huge. I just thought I should voice my opinion. If you wanna talk to me some more, contact me via AIM: MyLonelyLog, and perhaps head on over to and check me out there. I've always got some artwork for you junkies as well (All hand drawn by me). Anywho, ciao.

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