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Messages - xproductionz

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / MTV
« on: May 18, 2005, 06:57:27 PM »
i think this is funny... i watched the whole mtv thing with the xbox360 the other day. then as i was watching mtv today they did like a 5 minute preview of nothing but nintendo from the gba micro to the top games coming out and what has already been anounced about the rev... especially since they stresssed that the rev will be able to download everything from the original nes mario to current titles.. haha.. take that microsoft... and nintendo didnt even have to pay for that one

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
« on: May 17, 2005, 07:02:49 PM »
anyone got some streaming video or something i could download besides torret??... dont really want to install anything cause this aint my computer

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 08:37:05 AM »
what gives.. the only time the conference is clean and uninterrupted was during the revolution area.. no its all stop and go again

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 08:18:11 AM »
game boy

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 08:04:50 AM »
i hope someone is recording the full conference without the drop outs

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 08:00:16 AM »
dang.. all im getting is audio.. video stopped playing

TalkBack / RE:First Revolution Details
« on: May 13, 2005, 09:41:30 AM »
something big must be going down cause if you look at the top left of they have a count down meter to the e3 show.. thats the first time i seen them doing that

TalkBack / RE: Nintendo Aims for Extra Shelf Space
« on: April 29, 2005, 08:09:14 AM »
well if you think about way for them to expand into this market is by making pda style apps and organizers and stuff that business people or other type tycoons use or buy for there PDA's and sell the DS in stores like officemax or and type business or computer store...

TalkBack / RE: Nintendogs Perfect in Famitsu
« on: April 27, 2005, 07:59:58 AM »

Nintendo Gaming / General Revolution Talk
« on: April 19, 2005, 07:56:58 PM »
i have always pondered this and i think this was a smart move on nintendo.. well you know how they say when you play chess is to think ahead your moves.. well nintendo seems to think that.. or so i think anyways.. and it already has begun.. look at the DS... its basically something to tide you over till the NEW GB comes out.. but wait.. they already thought of that by developing the GC... how you say.. well take this into consideration... the next GB already has games out for it... its basically the GC games... the new GB will basically use the same operating system the GC uses.... developers already have devkits for it and the discs are already small enough for it.... so lets say the new GB xomes out.. you not only can take ur GC games with you but new games as well... and when you get home you dont need some kind of GB player to play fames on the big TV... just take the disc out of your GB and plug it into you GC..

now another twist to this is that if the revolution is backwards compatible and use the same discs then you have a triforce (triangle) of 3 key products on the market that can be taken advantage of...

1.the GC which can play the NEW GB games(if they use the same operating system)
2.the NEW GB which can play GC games (and posibbly the Revolution games)
3.the Revolution that is backwards compatible with GC games and can play the NEW GB games

....just some food for thought.. just speaking my mind  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:wtf is happening to the DS????
« on: April 19, 2005, 07:54:30 PM »

Originally posted by: IceCold

Originally posted by: ruby_onix
[QOne thing that really bugs me about the PSP though is that it isn't a PS2. You have to buy your games twice. That's not cool, IMO. They should've made the PSP play actual PS2 games
Handheld would be too big, would be a lot less profitable (no software sales), blah blah blah

i have always pondered this and i think this was a smart move on nintendo.. well you know how they say when you play chess is to think ahead your moves.. well nintendo seems to think that.. or so i think anyways.. and it already has begun.. look at the DS... its basically something to tide you over till the NEW GB comes out.. but wait.. they already thought of that by developing the GC... how you say.. well take this into consideration... the next GB already has games out for it... its basically the GC games... the new GB will basically use the same operating system the GC uses.... developers already have devkits for it and the discs are already small enough for it.... so lets say the new GB xomes out.. you not only can take ur GC games with you but new games as well... and when you get home you dont need some kind of GB player to play fames on the big TV... just take the disc out of your GB and plug it into you GC..

now another twist to this is that if the revolution is backwards compatible and use the same discs then you have a triforce (triangle) of 3 key products on the market that can be taken advantage of...

1.the GC which can play the NEW GB games(if they use the same operating system)
2.the NEW GB  which can play GC games (and posibbly the Revolution games)
3.the Revolution that is backwards compatible with GC games and can play the NEW GB games

....just some food for thought.. just speaking my mind

TalkBack / RE:Animaniacs Raid GameCube
« on: April 15, 2005, 09:32:08 AM »
were animaniacs
and were insanly to the max..
so sit back and relax

..haha.. i used to love that cartoon.. do they still show it on tv?

TalkBack / RE:Piracy Fight is an
« on: June 04, 2004, 12:35:28 AM »
well in my area where i live there are some shops here that sell imported stuff that are not the real deal... so i can see where these companies can take a loss where import shops are selling fake games... half of what the real things cost... so now can you tell me how nintendo or sony is not taking a loss from that?

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