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Messages - BrandonCHFG

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Our Top 5 Games of 2013 (So Far)
« on: July 07, 2013, 07:11:50 PM »
I'd vote for Fire Emblem as my favorite of the year so far.  Lego City Undercover was great as well, and I think I spent as much time on it as my son.  Haven't played Animal Crossing: New Leaf, but planning to purchase next week.

General Gaming / Re: Digital or Retail?
« on: July 04, 2013, 09:40:41 PM »
I like having the option to recoup some money by reselling the disk after I'm done, so I tend to buy retail for WiiU and 3DS.  However, I'm throuroughly entrenched in Steam and virtual console, so if I can get a good deal, or if I KNOW it's a title I'll want to come back to often, I'm okay with digital.

I can also see where digital would be good for a game like Animal Crossing, where you'll want to play it alongside other games and not have to change the cartridge.

TalkBack / Re: Super Mario World Review Mini
« on: April 30, 2013, 11:19:18 PM »
My wife's family was visiting today. I fired up Super Mario World because I knew they all played it on SNES (even my Mother-in-law).  The intention was to play a level and quit.  They wouldn't let me quit and we all watched/played for an hour.  Super Mario World was made with magic!

I've now played all of the levels except Gemini.  I've beat one (Top Man), the others I've played through until my lives were spent, which usually got me pretty far or to the boss.  After I attempt Gemini, I'm gonna go back through them all the same way.  At this point, I care more about getting a feel for the game than actually beating it.

The music is fun.  I don't always notice/care about music in general, but some things just catch my ear (Mumford and Sons!) and I find myself just sitting at the MM3 title screen waiting for the melody change.  The levels are also catchy.

Level design is interesting.  I also don't like switching between my weapon and rush.  However, the spinning tops platforms, the parachuting heads, cloud camouflaged missiles, etc. are fun and unique.   

Gameplay... meh.  It's rewarding to make it through a series of perfectly timed jumps.  The jump/blaster moves are tight.  I HATE the slide.  It's probably just me but I can't get the hang of it and instead of sliding under the enemy I hit him.  The slowdown when several enemies hit the screen is also killing me.  Literally.  The screen slows down and I can't aim at the stupid cat's bug children!  The crazy thing, though, is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.  Some snippets of a level are downright boring.  Others might lag or otherwise cheat your way to a quick death.  But the whole level, played through multiple times until you feel the rhythm (a.k.a. memorize it), adds up to a rewarding experience.  But, I STILL hate the slide.  :D


My first lesson playing Mega Man 3 is that the Save State functionality of the VC can utterly ruin an experience.  I started MM3 by setting save points after every difficult point.  If I died or lost a lot of energy, I'd restore and replay until I got through with my health intact, then save again.  Functionally, this worked, but it was boring, especially those points where I died over and over.  Then I decided to play through each level until Game Over, and didn't worry about saving.  Queue the Heavenly music!  It was a completely awesome experience.  Sure, it sucks to finally get through a massively difficult section, only to die because you mistimed a jump, but it pays off in the end when you start to get the level's rhythm.  After doing 5 levels so far like this, the game is starting to feel comfortable.  That comfortable feeling is why I still have fun playing Super Mario Bros. even now. :D

I had three games for the NES, Super Mario Bros (and Duck Hunt), Mario 3, and RC Pro Am.  Of those three I played them endlessly, but I never played many of the classic NES games.  Since I've got my 3DS, I've been playing through some of them, and I'm excited to play this one for the first time.  I am almost finished with Mega Man 2 and it'll be interesting to see how they compare.

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