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Messages - behellmorph

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TalkBack / Re: Metroid: Other M to Feature 'Theater Mode'
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:04:29 PM »
I can't really judge the game itself because i havnt played the game yet.....but what I can judge is the sheer amount of annoyance I have got from all of what i have heard and seen so far. But i have so many things i wanna get of my chest so i will just do it all in a list:
1. The horrific emo dialoge, i always enjoyed the "strong silent" persona Samus has shown in the past, retro studiois proved that body language does all the talking like when gandrayda died and Samus couldnt do any thing about it and all it took was a clenched fist to show emotional termoil and I play metroid for the gameplay, not to her Samus the princess of emo just go on and one about her "tragic past", who talks like that? its forced, annoying and only serves to waiste what I will have to put up with 2 hours of emo dialouge from a person whos voice sounds deader than megan fox's ability to act? HHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!
2. The way on how the developers are hyping this game in rather questionable of intelegence sort fo way, like saying that teaming up with ninja is "unlike anything that's ever been done at Nintendo; it's more than just a collaborative effort -- it's one group working toward a common goal" for the love of of rubber duck chewing Ridleys that is stupid, by that logic all games nintendo has made in the past has been made by one guy. Every project has a collection of people behind it, regardless of the people behidn the core develoment this includes people who made the materiels which are used, in fact every project ever made is such, by speaking loudly like this i can only assume that nintendo is just trying to be dramatic but only suceding in sounding childish and ignorent of how development works.
3. The cheap look of everything, I never enjoyed which which focused soley on visuals, because any one who does ie Micheal Bay, has no value in content and credability in quality. All i needed to see was the card board cut out look of Samus's suit and the plastic federation suits oh and the duch on crack look they gave Ridley to know that these guys have no intention to keep consitency. If they are going through the trouble of keeping all the same items but using this cheap way of unlocking them, seriously by waiting for Adam to give the go head this is making Samus sound like a 2 dimensional thinking slave, why not keep the suit the same? Well no we have to see Samus with GIANT SIZED breasts
Seriously who thought team ninja was the right choice to let lose with Samus
4. The poor match up between studios, this is also a bit like the topic above when I mentioned bay. With the transformers films one reason why i found sucked was because instead of a good combination like Tim Burton and Danny Elfmen who both understand each over and thus get good results the same could not be said with the transformers films, all bay wanted to do was have sizure inducing fight scenes while the writhers wanted to tell a story, as such nothing worked, to much conflict and from all of what i have seen it is happening again with this game. All nintendo want to do is milk the fame and ride of super metroid and considering all of their recent games which seem quite keen to refuse to move foward it will be tough to convince me other wise, while team ninja want...I'm not sure what they want aside from flashing samus's parts for all to see. Like ninja wants many zero suit moments but nintendo will only let it be so if it works into the story, this is NOT good callobration between the 2 studios, its conflicting interests.
5. The real odd controls, i have no idea what is up them. I mean the wii was sold for its motion controls and all of a sudden they throw that out for a way to simplified control scheme? that will be a hinderence, when a game comes out I wish to get the most out of it but simplfying the controls is a good warning that the game will be to simple 2 and thus offer less
Well that should cover the basics, to put it short
never before has a game gave me this much doubt and head ache

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