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Messages - Hbomb

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: E3 Best Buy Demo Locations Revealed
« on: June 09, 2013, 08:30:00 PM »
Sure, remove 4 stores out of 6 from the state of Florida. It makes sense. I mean, we're only one of the largest, most populated states in the United States. It makes perfect sense why you'd cut back on your Wii U demo kiosks here when your coverage was already pretty pathetic. Man, what a waste of a potentially cool idea.

Yeah. I'm just outside of Fort Myers. Not only is that off the list, so is everything within a three-hour drive (not that I would, but I guess I don't even have that option any more). This stinks. And no explanation, either. No apology. Thanks a lot Nintendo and Best Buy. :(

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