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Messages - Saint

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TalkBack / Metroid Prime 2 Poll at
« on: April 10, 2003, 03:28:38 PM »
yes, i did and i LOVED it.  Jet Force Gemini had some of the best fighting styles ever.  The weaponry was beautiful and worked nicely.  The simple blaster was just fun by it self.  It had that jet pack feature later on for the dog and i think the 2 footed characters also, a great three separate players, 1 player game; even let you control your little assistant bot also. I think the only negative in a pool greatness was that DAMNED COLLECT-A-THON CITIZENS THING!  Look buddy, this is war and i'll do what i can, i've got aliens breathing down my back and you want me to give your friend's a piggyback ride?  People die, but your species will live.

 But seeing as this is supposed to be related to MP 2: Connectivity in WindWaker pissed me off.  It's not of "game/play" quality for a second player, yet not interesting enough to keep me on both the GBA and the GC controller....switching for nearly nothing pisses me off.  JFG actually had a nice little bit of 2 player with the robotic flying asistant turning on and being controllable just for fun/help, nothing specific or neccesary.  

 Multiplayer i have decided is the only/best answer.  You all fear a fragfest, but I don't.  If it is something like that, it is not possible for it to be crappy and boring like TimeSplitters2(don't get me wrong, I loved it untill I played Halo), Samus is a super warior, it would be combat truely advanced.  I wouldn't want the lock feature to go anywhere, it fits the game now because having a lock doesn't mean jack to winning.  You have double jumps and sidesteps because you have to attack enimies differently with different things in different forms.  The ultimate form of this would be Samus vs another real Samus.  Obviously there would have to be the ability to play as multiple Samuri(heh), quite possibly Samus/Samus Aran/SA-X/SamusNew? and a balance system of other characters similar to StarCraft, WarCraft and Diablo's 'Seperate but Equal' theorem.  I never got around to playing it but I saw a cheat to play as different characters in MP, has the groundwork already been laid?  If disc space is an issue, I'd love to see a multiple discs.  

 As for long/more challenging, they'll do that anyway, seeing as it is a sequel.  and the side scrolling tradition was BEAUTIFUL in Fusion.  and that fusion suit....sucked! I also believe the transition to dual analog is a MUST.  i NEED to be able to look and run.  RUN RUN RUN i should never have to stop moving to do anything; this is our super soldier's weak spot.  She stops to change visors and only trouble could come.  I hate stopping, there's no reason for it other than surveying the landscape.  I think that's about all i have to say, i hope i'm not alone.

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