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Messages - louiesezwhat

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Billy sounds off on the DS
« on: November 20, 2004, 12:51:30 PM »
Hey everyone...

Just to clear a few things up:

1.  I had all of the launch titles.  I did have Spider-Man 2 - it wasn't good.  It looks fantastic, but the level and game design was poor.  Too bad because VV is a great dev.  I featured the games that I thought were the best of the bunch.  Out of that group, I singled out two that I felt worth personally getting.
2.  Sorry about the language thing.  It said Deutch  (SP?) on my unit.  I assumed that was dutch.  It was a long week.
3. Perrin was really nice, and it's always fun talking to her.  It wasn't an angry interview by any means.  We joked around during the whole thing.  I just had a lot of questions
4. The PSP's analog stick works - I don't see why Nintendo couldn't have gotten one on the DS.
5. I like the concept of the unit, I just haven't seen much done with it outside of a few titles.

Hope that helps!



TalkBack / RE:Happy Birthday S-U-P-E-R
« on: August 15, 2004, 10:03:52 PM »
The man, the legend.  TEH SUPAR is TEH OLD!  Hey man, happy b-day.  I can't believe I've known you since the days you were too young to see rated R movies.  You've been there since the beginning, and still kickin' it Ty style.  Happy birthday bro.

And you can't DDR worth a s---.    Get some lessons.

TalkBack / RE:<b>Happy Birthday, Planet GameCube!</b>
« on: March 07, 2004, 04:26:10 PM »
Happy 5th Year Planet GameCube!

Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 years!  Lordy, it's just amazing all that has happened in just one year.  

I just want to give a big hearty congrats to all you guys.  You've kicked some serious ass this past year through thick and thin.  You've made it through some serious crap, and I want you all to know that I'm proud to see you guys persevere though everything.  Jonny, you've done one hell of a job with the peeps, and the rest of you guys have done a great job of keeping TEH SEXIE in line.

Keep on kickin' ass.  We'll see you in the trenches  



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