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Messages - LunarKnite

Pages: [1]
Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 155: Cheesecake Angle
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:36:08 AM »
I see the call to switch to a different hashtag frequently and as someone who agrees and aligns himself with GamerGate just not often vocally, I think that's not a reasonable demand. As it is, GamerGate has power and sway. There are two reasons why I believe it serves little purpose. First, any new tag will not have all the reasonable human beings migrating to it. It's already established and making a new one from the ashes of GamerGate will just be seen as another tag which was birthed from harassment. The second reason being, it's an online hashtag with nothing blocking anybody using it. There's nothing stopping the small handful of harassers from jumping ship as well and the whole cycle starts again.

From what I understand, GamerGate is currently trying to improve their public image as much as they can so they can have that discourse about ethics in gaming journalism. Because of how things are right now, there's very little talk between GamerGaters and those who oppose it. Now, it's possible that people are willing to have discussion about the topic without having to use the hashtag, but is that going to really change anything? The main issue with the movement thus far is a lack of constant focus on the main problem. It's too easily distracted and incensed.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the matter as an infrequent listener to the podcast. I am glad to see acknowledgement and an understanding that there should be a conversation about ethical concerns despite a general dissenting opinion the site has against my own. I just hope that things get better and people realize that gamers and GamerGaters aren't these misogynistic harassers and they only comprise a small group of hateful people who are honestly in almost any demographic; gamers just tend to be the most tech savvy.

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