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Messages - FireFrog

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash (3DS) Review
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:52:04 PM »
Glad to see a review from someone who hasn't played the past games and has that bias. It looks like a fun game and most reviewers are saying how

Oops... anyway other reviewers are saying how it isn't like the old games and that is a bad thing. Wanted a fresh opinion on it. Thanks!

TalkBack / Re: Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash (3DS) Review
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:50:03 PM »
Glad to see a review from someone who hasn't played the past games and has that bias. It looks like a fun game and most reviewers are saying how

TalkBack / Re: Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (3DS) Review
« on: September 22, 2015, 01:30:45 PM »
This review is bogus. Complaining that they give you a theme to work with even though the villagers clearly have themes in animal crossing and this game would be a complete drag without them. Then complaining that they don't grade you harshly for your designs. How would you even implement that to make that feel right without stifling creativity. Every design decision was made to let people run with an idea as far as it can take them even if it goes against the grain. From everything you've complained about they nailed that idea. This is not supposed to be a 50 hour RPG with plot twists and deep narrative all the play time comes from just having fun so the company about play time is lame too. Try looking at what the game is supposed to be instead of what you think you want it to be next time.

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