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TalkBack / Re: No Pokémon Gray After Black and White
« on: June 12, 2011, 11:19:52 PM »
Perhaps he was telling the truth while telling a lie. Executives are trained to do that. There could be a Pokemon Gray/Grey version, only featuring GenVI Pokemon as well as GenV Pokemon. Or, as the did with HG SS they could remaster it later on 3DS. My last hunch is that they will do something only Nintendo would think of. They did it once before. They will pull a Starfox. Wait until a new system is going to be released. (Step 1 complete: They released Black and White 21 days before the 3DS; It took 38 days for Starfox) Release the new version of game on the older system, wait only a couple of weeks, and BAM! Out on the new system. See, this is smart because kids, the main consumer of games, will beg and beg to get a game, then get the new system to play the newest game. Pokemon really carries the Handheld section of Nintendo, so they would make much more money by switching Gray/Grey onto 3DS. That doesn't force anyone to buy a 3DS, just save up for it. Basically, they make much more money by switching the carrier of Handheld Nintendo to 3DS, coaxing the consumer to buy they new system and the new game, they also can buy the more expensive 3DS games. Or he could be completely BSing  like they did for HG/DP/Pt.

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