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Messages - jupiterjoveandme

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Wii Music Coming to a Classroom Near You
« on: January 16, 2009, 01:26:22 PM »
speaking as a music educator of students of grades k-6, i do not see an educational value of wii music. we can teach rhythm without the use of computerized tools.

one song lyric keeps coming to mind, "the more i try the less i'm alive and it seems i'm getting further away" (amos lee).

music is an ancient tradition, an ancient form of expression, communication, entertainment, etc.
music is a human thing!

computers and computerized equipment cannot replace the human element in music. there is nothing more fulfilling and gratifying than playing instruments and feeling the energy and sense of accomplishment and fun that comes along with it. it is sad to me that people are willing to trade that in for the pseudo.

good point about it helping to develop the fine and gross motor skills, but come on, we've been doing it as a human race since the beginning of time and have gotten along just fine without it so far, why integrate it now?

as far as some schools not having instruments- this is bogus. there are many household items that we recycle or throw away that could be used to make instruments.  dancing and singing and body percussion is great way to teach when there is no money in the budget for instruments.

i am sickened that an association i belong to, MENC, believes this is a good thing and has agreed to integrate it into the classroom. i am saddened that MENC has decided to sell out. they have lost sight of what made us musicians in the first place. i guess people would rather not do any thinking or feeling at all anymore and just computers do it for us. our district's credo is first-hand, kinesthetic, hands-on learning. how can you have first-hand knowledge of anything if you don't fully experience it??? you cannot develop musicianship by playing wii.

in my opinion, wii music should be used sparingly in the classroom, for the purposes of fun and to reinforce the skills and musicianship and information we already teach.

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