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Messages - eathdemon

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if the wiiu version is running at 1080p, and the nx is running it at 720p, and less assume is as powerful as a wiiu for a second. the nx should run zelda flawlessly. 720,1080,1440... ech jump requires 2x the resources to do the same render, but that works in reverse as well.  if the nx is the same power, but a lower screen res is should run it better.

TalkBack / Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:36:12 PM »
I am mostly a PC gamer at this point. I own a 3ds I will not pay $300 for a system with almost no games on it, and is over 10 to 15x weaker then my pc. I will be buying ssb4 for the 3ds. would I buy Mario, Zelda, and other Nintendo games for other platforms if they came out? yes I would, and so would most gamers. the issue is me, and allot of others want more then just Nintendo games. we want Mario, and Zelda, but we want bioschock, mass effect, fallout, and many other games that will never end up on a Nintendo system.

The next issue is online, and the piss poor online that they have. I do not live in the same area as my friends, and playing with them online should not be as annoying as it is on Nintendo systems. in addition to the not very developed online play, any eshop purchases are tied to the system and not the user. as someone who buys 90% of my games digitally, that is not acceptable.

On a side note, screw them for their anti YouTube policy. that policy is stupid, but if you do not believe me look at

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