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Messages - alexlam

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Pokemon Black and White
« on: April 02, 2011, 03:12:23 PM »
New Corocoro scan leaked! There's a new silhouette and Pokemon Grey is being developed!

Nintendo will NEVER release one of the main Pokemon RPG titles on a home console. Pokemon is meant to be portable and played on the handheld. How else are the kids suppose to download the Pokemon events in store? Lug their Wii system with them to Toysrus? LOL.
Speaking of Toysrus, here are some of the preorder gifts some of the major retailers will be giving away on Sunday.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« on: July 14, 2010, 09:40:06 PM »
I'm almost tempted to sell my DSi for the Nintendo 3DS. I hope the 3DS will be under $200 when it makes it way here in North America.  Anyone know if they have done any research to see if there will be any long term side effects for staring at a 3D screen over an extended period of time? I'm just thinking it's not healthy for your eyes..

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Pokemon Black and White
« on: July 14, 2010, 09:37:12 PM »
Anyone checked out the new video chat for Pokemon Black and White yet? Looks like GameFreak took connectivity and player interaction one step further by introducing this feature. It's pretty neat too. Definitely an upgrade from the voice chat that was introduced in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
Here's a link to a post with more information and a Youtube clip showing a demonstration of the video chat.

TalkBack / Re: Pokemon Black and White to Feature Video Chat
« on: July 14, 2010, 09:32:41 PM »
Here's a video clip of the Live Caster video chat in action.
It's really slow and laggy so I wouldn't say it's live. Maybe liveish? It's still a really neat feature though.  I'm more concerned that it'll open a door to online predators..Hopefully they'll make it available via friend's code online.

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