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Messages - Shredder565

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Hyperstone Heist please :)

General Gaming / Re: Where are the turtles games?
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:55:51 AM »
I forgot about the gamecube and GBA games.

the third GBA game mutant mele was the only fun one of that bunch....repetetive doesn't even begin to describe the gamecube games. konami sadly lost their magic

General Gaming / Where are the turtles games?
« on: May 07, 2013, 09:54:41 AM »
Can anyone tell me why the Turtles games are being ignored?

We got a lackluster Turtles in Time remake on the XBox.  THe graphics where not bad.  But they used the 4Kids voices when it's a game based on the 87 series! How much tougher could it have been to get the originals?  Although I do like the 4kids guys..and the series they came from...It just came off as weird in the game.    That, and the fighting psychics where kind of slow and sloppy, combined with the longer levels made for a rather slow paced by the numbers game.

As for other games, we've got:
NES- TMNT 2, 3 Tournament Fighters
Gameboy - TMNT 1, 2, 3
SNES, TIT remake, Tournament Fighters
Genesis, Tournament Fighters, and a game that name escapes me at the moment.

Where are all these games?  either on wii or xbox?  And don't get me started on this new activision game.  I hope it plays well, because the models look crappy.  The turtles do NOT have nostrils for one...almost as goofy as a pointless third toe ;o).

Ever since the CG days started, I've dreamed of a CGI version of a game that looked exactly like the original series, like you where playing a true cell based TV show.  Original voice actors returning, and an original plot.  We got it for ghostbusters, and it was more than I ever could have dreamed of.  Why doesn't turtles deserve the same treatment?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Super Mario Bros. U
« on: November 29, 2012, 09:29:51 AM »
I dunno, I havn't felt the need to collect them as much as i used to ever since they where used as power ups in the galaxy games.  there you had coin totals of about 5 per level...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Super Mario Bros. U
« on: November 28, 2012, 02:54:16 PM »
finally finished it.

NSMB was a waste of time. way too easy. 
I remember enjoying Wii Mario. 
New Super Mario Brothers 2 was a fun romp, with coins once again meaning something other than one ups.
Super Mario Land 3D S was a nice little touch.

The Mario Galaxy games are a tad annoying due to visual shifting, but also a fun romp.

As for Mario U? thought it was the best of the bunch.  I even died a few times getting past some of the levels, something that hasn't happened in the past games.   and that frustration makes it fun :)

[quote author=TJ

how do you find all the old games on the wii u VC?  so far all i've found are new games... none of the wii vc ones

You go into the Wii Channel ("Wii Mode"), then go to the Wii Shop Channel like you would on the Wii. Right now you can't buy Virtual Console games on the Wii U's eShop.

thank you :)

I transferred everything over, I didn't use the SD card that had the downloaded games on it because it said all my data will be deleted. So now i have a 2nd sd card with all my games on it but neither wii or wii u (virtual wii) will play them. So I have to redownload all the old games from the crappy wii shop store. UGH

how do you find all the old games on the wii u VC?  so far all i've found are new games... none of the wii vc ones

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii internal memory
« on: November 19, 2012, 10:46:25 PM »
I'll give that a shot.. I just checked out the wii u shop, and apparently all the games on the wii e shop arn't accessable via the u, so double screwed :). can't even re download them :).

Nintendo Gaming / Wii internal memory
« on: November 19, 2012, 06:17:59 PM »
So, my wii is shot.  i powered it up today...and after being under a foot of hurricane water for two days or so, it STILL powers on with a red light in the front, but the buttons do nothing and there is no video signal.

So, now the question is, how easy is it to remove the internal memory card, and can I easily use that to transfer my games to a wii u? assuming that still works..
thanks :)

Nintendo Gaming / Re: getting a u on launch day...
« on: November 18, 2012, 09:45:37 AM »
well, you guys where right :)..

I remember in 2007 getting up at 2AM for the wii freezing my ass off and them being sold out for months after the fact.  Now that I got to the shore house and saw my wii was under a foot of sea water (probably none operational, but i hope the games can be transferred) just wanted to make sure i got my u :).

got there at 7 AM this time and only 16 people in f ront of me at wayne TRU..

not bad!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: getting a u on launch day...
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:42:03 PM »
Mine is already guaranteed at a Best Buy where no launch party or anything is happening. So I will go to a launch party just to Mario Kart and Pokemon up the place.

I think everyone will have a better chance at getting one this time. Nintendo did say they will have more units for launch.
are they still doing pre orders?  seems like no one around here is doing a midnight launch

Nintendo Gaming / getting a u on launch day...
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:30:45 PM »
what are the chances? 

I remember in 2007 I got up around midnight and waited till 6 for my wii.  got it just fine...think the chances are the same?  anyone else planning to go to wayne NJ stores and wait? :)

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U < 4 days 19 hours
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:41:11 AM »
so, I apparently missed the TRU pre order by a long I guess if I stand in line at 2AM, I'm garunteed one if the line is short?

TalkBack / Re: Lock 'N Chase Against Shinobi Triple Trouble
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:37:05 AM »
i bought lock and chase on a blind by back in the 90's... pretty fun little's since become one of my favorites, so i was surprised to see it on the 3DS

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Download - January 12, 2012
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:20:39 AM »
I REALLY wish there was a way to replicate the pinball experience on a hand held. Even if it means a whole new system type, I'd love to have Star Trek and Adams Family portable.   The prices for those things are astronomical!
$4,000's and counting!

General Chat / Pac-Man and the Ghost Diggers
« on: December 27, 2011, 05:43:08 PM »

One of my favorite records from the 80's... mostly cause I liked the cool 'maze' theme music :).  Would it have killed them to get the rest of the cast from the show, and not just the lady who played 'mrs.pac-man?

General Chat / "Pac-Man and the Ghost Diggers"
« on: September 22, 2011, 09:27:09 PM »
I used to listen to this all the time as a kid. I still have it, along with a pac man christmas album.  but it's scratched beyond listening.   Does anyone happen to have a clean copy they can upload to youtube?

god I miss the 80's :)

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:03:56 AM »
Is there anyway to delete some of the squares when you click on the 'Eshop' link?   It's just confusing as hell having to navigate to seven or so screens that have no interest to you just to see the Virtual Console one..

I guess you can still pay for 'em in the regular E shop?

I'd love Kung Fu to be released.  Thankfully, my original NES version still works, but I suck at it today....long out of practice.

Heh, Kung Fu was won at a Seaside Heights 'Double Wheel'.  It was all filled with Nintendo Games and the system.  Both wheels had to land on the number you put the quarter on to win.  IT was the only time it ever happened, and for some reason I choose Kung Fu.  Good choice ;o)

yeah, but I Thought I read somewhere around that time that it was being extended?

So, I bought my first Eshop game around the 15th when my system arrived, and performed an update.. yet the Nintendo serial checker says I'm 'undertermined'  am I Screwed? :o)

General Gaming / Re: Old pc games/nostalgia
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:55:15 PM »
Lets see if the collective memory of the group is better than mine.

At camp, there was a game on the PC that I think was called 'Faces'....That's all I remember about it, but it stuck with me these last few decades...Curious if anyone remembers something like it?  I THINK it was a MAC game..

I just got my 3Ds today thanks to the price drop.  To be honest, the 3D doesn't do much for me.  I always think of it a gimmick..although for games it does look cool....

As for viewing it..I'm fine with it in theater...But for the 3DS, it does make my eyes hurt a tad..

General Gaming / The 'FC Twin'
« on: August 12, 2011, 06:46:00 PM »
Hey all,

anyone else have this NES/SNES clone system?   I bought it so I can do a few walkthroughs for NES games that have not made their way to the VC yet.  Unfortunately, the included controllers don't seem to work with these games.  They work perfectly with SNES games, but NES ones, not so much.

Wondering if anyone else had the same issue? 

Thanks :)

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