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Messages - johnhummel

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / RE:PGC Announces DS Lite Contest
« on: May 16, 2006, 01:58:21 PM »
Glad I'm not the only one - she just unlocked advanced Sodoku mode and is complaining it's not challenging enough.  Good thing that Brain Academy comes out soon - she's become a monster.

TalkBack / RE: PGC Announces DS Lite Contest
« on: May 14, 2006, 02:51:11 PM »
Just be patient, peeps - I'm sure they're looking at all of the entries.  If nothing else, my wife liked my idea, so maybe I can use it to convince her that I need a DS Lite since she's always stealing my old DS to play "Brain Age" (mainly Soduku).  

TalkBack / RE: Editorial: Hotties for Rent
« on: April 11, 2005, 03:38:02 PM »
Ms. Ruberg,

Just to let you know, I enjoyed reading your article on
PlanetGamecube.  If it makes you feel any better, every year I've gone
to E3 - as first a fan then a journalist - I've mentioned the same
issues, and even made a point of admonishing various booths that
seemed to have no purpose than to have Booth Babes treating gamers
like they were all 14 year old's who's only contact with women was
their imagination and their right hand.  Sorry to be crude, but I've
actually always been offended by the booth babe system, since it tells
me that marketers think I'm nothing more than a person who can't think
above their testicles.

So, I don't know if it helps, but if it makes you feel any better,
there are guys who are married and have up and coming gamer daughters
who do care, and would love to see nothing more than every single
Booth Babe thrown out of the E3 floor.  Or, at least give them more
useful jobs.

Like, I don't know, the cafeteria.  At least that would keep the
drooling hormone guys off the floor .

John Hummel

PS:  I sent this in an email too, so forgive me for using the power of Cut and Paste.

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