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Messages - miji

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / RE:First DS Game Announced
« on: May 05, 2004, 04:19:17 PM »
Mahjong, yay!!  I had that game on my computer clear back in the '95 days.  Can't wait till next week.

TalkBack / RE:John Woo to make Metroid Movie
« on: April 08, 2004, 06:54:38 AM »
I think a metroid movie is a great idea.  It shouldn't suck that bad if he stays true to the basic idea of the video games.  I liked resident evil, but the problem was they just took another zombie movie and reused the resident evil names, (umbrella Co., T-virus, etc.) .  Other than some recycled names, the movie had absolutely nothing to do with the video games at all.  And isn't the point of an action movie to get away from reality?  When I go to see a good action movie I want to say, "Wow, wouldn't it be cool if people could really do that?"  What's the point in paying five bucks to see someone do things the kid down the street could do with some boards and a good helmet?  
       "he was also supposed to make a cg ninja turtle movie that never came out....."
If you go to Mirages' website, I'm pretty sure they said it was on the backburner, but not cancelled.  Just delayed.  (they have screenshots^_^)

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