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TalkBack / RE: Annual E3 Award Nominees Announced
« on: May 27, 2003, 03:33:02 PM »
Jonathan, and the others who rally under his banner, are totally right. E3 Awards carry a meaningless weight, much like many other awards (such as Oscars and Grammies, to name a couple). I'm very disapointed by these hacks. I thought last year was bad enough when Doom III won for best game. Yeah, it looks good on a video, but whoopty-doo. Tie me up to my workstation for a few days and I'll come up with something that looks that good--doesn't mean squat until someone actually gives it the thumbs and has a good time of it.

While no one had any real surprises or massive bombs (even Sony's big bomb, the PSP, was only on paper and not even in so much as an art portfolio), there was stuff that was actually playable that I bet was far more worthy of a nomination. Halo 2? That won't be out for two more years, at least.

General Gaming / This would make Nintendo mature...
« on: May 01, 2003, 01:02:03 PM »

Originally posted by: EggyToast
It is ironic how the most immature people want to play "mature" games.  Especially when those "mature" games are so immature.

Agreed. I was sort of getting to that earlier, but I think my post would've made some heads explode if they actually tried of absorb it.

General Gaming / This would make Nintendo mature...
« on: April 30, 2003, 04:50:58 PM »
Nintendo could make a brilliant simulation, first-person shooter, or realistic sports title in their sleep. They simply don't want to, and that's why I give them my money. The market is saturated with all of those genres, and even platformers are starting to get all too frequent.

Saying that the new Zelda game is "aimed at kids" is obviously the rantings of someone who has never played the game; nevermind the countless Miyamoto interviews where he explains his choice for the artistic style.

General Gaming / The end of the world...
« on: April 30, 2003, 02:13:42 PM »
Bear with me, because after reading the last page or so, I couldn't really get a feel for where the hell this discussion/arguement was going...

I like playing Halo now and then with my friends, but here are my complaints: no bots, very limited locals (especially for vehicles), limited weaponry (not the "having only two guns" part, but the entire library), the main game levels are too large for cooperative play (no saving), the occasional backward glitch, the character design in multiplayer is bland, and it has a cult of followers that are almost more obsessive about it than those that live their breathing hours on Everquest. I think these complaints speak for themselves.

After beating it on "Legendary" on both single player and cooperative mode, I seriously had to walk away and not play it for a very long time. Not because it was too good, but because it was too much. "The Maw" was ridiculous. Now I can only play it in small doses.

I think at this point in the argument, I have to say Timesplitters 2 is a very underrated game. I personally like that, Perfect Dark, and GoldenEye 007 better. They have more character, which appeals to me. There's also more variety in every other category (except that 007 didn't have bots, and none of them have vehicles, which is fine for me).

And as for multiplayer madness and vehicles galore... I was there for Starseige Tribes. Halo hardly broke new ground in that department. I wish they'd do a Starseige Tribes 3 (since 2 had some... twitch... problems).

As much as I hate to side with anyone on a board, especially those that insinuate I'm an idiot on other threads, The Omen has the right idea. If you're going to bring your opinion/screeching to the table and expect to be taken seriously and respectfully, be able to back your opinion up in a serious and respectful manner. I hate it when people tell me something is awesome or it sucks, but they can't tell me why they feel that way.

Any other points I didn't address are because they weren't worth investing time in, or that my stomach's growling and I need to stuff my face. Now, in typical fashion, I'm going to go make some dinner and watch a few episodes of The Family Guy. Giggity, giggity.

General Gaming / This would make Nintendo mature...
« on: April 30, 2003, 01:51:42 PM »
This string has been folding in on itself ever since the first post.

A system cannot be "mature" or "immature." It's the player that has one of these words attached to them. The player that plays whatever the hell he wants, when he wants, where he wants to is the mature one. They play games for the original intention--for fun--and don't care about what others think. The one that bitches, moans, and starts console war debates is the immature one.

Nintendo is by no means flopping. Just because they're not the number one seller doesn't mean they're on their way out of the industry. Their business is run very, very well, and they make a crapload of money. They will always be there, no matter what "place" on the market they are, doing what they do best: making a very diverse selection of top-quality games, with original, innovative methods and ideology.

And that's where I'll be; be it all by myself (more for me), or with a bunch of friends.  

General Gaming / I miss Rare.
« on: April 20, 2003, 02:38:48 PM »
If Rare didn't hit such a slump in their final years under Nintendo's thumb, I would miss them. I was sort of shocked when they got sold away, but then when I reflected on their recent progress (or lack thereof), everything was A-OK.

Perfect Dark was most excellent, but then they ruined it. The only Rare franchise I will miss are Conker's games. BY the time that gets done, if it does at all, we'll be in the next generation of consoles and perhaps I will be more inclined to by the X-Box's lovechild.

Er, I think it's my GBA. My money's been going toward consoles and the PC in recent months. Just a lot of heavy-hitter titles.

My Playchoice 10 might be getting pretty dusty, but, you know.   ; D

Nintendo Gaming / WW. Japanese version VS. The U.S. version ?
« on: April 20, 2003, 02:31:52 PM »
I suspect they were the Water Temple and the Fire Temple, to go with the Wind and Earth that you need to complete to do, er, something. (I don't want to completely spoil it.)

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: April 20, 2003, 01:59:59 PM »
It made more sense to me at 4am last night. Hang on, let me re-read what I posted.


It's not really a fanboyish rant without anything to back it up. It's an opinion. I own a PS2 and I play an X-Box fairly regularly. If I were a fanboy who was bias, I wouldn't be doing any of the latter.

I didn't stumble into a good comparison. The backwardness of my post came from trying to work the board at a late hour, and to be honest, after having read everything that went down in the last several pages, I really didn't think I'd have to be very scientific in my approach. I do find it a little amusing that on another board that covers a little more in terms of media (such as film and music, ahem), my attempt at illustrating my point with such scimilies was received a little more toward what I intended last night. I.E.: people knew that I wasn't saying that musical taste has something to do with your taste in games, but that it was a scimilie for the market dynamic.

Yes, of course all developers want to make good games, but not many of them are all that experimental, or go against the grain. What I am referring to are games like Metroid Prime, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, and Eternal Darkness (among others). When news of these games got out, gamers split into two factions before even playing the game. Metroid in first person?! First person adventure?! That's crazy talk! Zelda looks stupid! Let's call it Celda! What's Eternal Darkness?! Then they came out, and everyone that mustered the courage to give it a try was blown away.

On the horizon, we have these games from Capcom coming out that are in the same vein. Viewtiful Joe (sp?), P.N.07, and the crazy black and white shaded one about hitmen (I think) are right up my alley, so far. I know little of Giftpia, so I can't really lump that in there yet.

I like Rygar, Mech Assault, among others (just trying to keep lists short), because they're good games, entertaining, and what not. But are they ground-breaking? Do they make me want to put down my controller and walk away for a little while because it's just entirely too good and I want it to soak in? No. When I put down the X-Box controller, it's because Halo has made my palms entirely too sweaty.

Metal Gear Solid 2 was a most excellent game, but where it broke ground was with technical achievements and not in style. Plus I wasn't a big fan of Raiden, but that's not the point. Splinter Cell is also an awesome game, but it is in the same category as MGS2 for me. They don't inspire me to go hit my drawing board or crack open Maya and experiment.

Games like Mark of Kri and Herdy Gerdy were pretty ballsy in design, and fun to play, but they had some hefty shortcomings at the end of the day.

Oh well, I'm hungry, so I'm going to go eat. Go ahead and tear my posts apart or whatever. Happy Easter.

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: April 19, 2003, 11:30:15 PM »
Well, I'm back--mostly to add some fresh (or refreshed, as the case may be) blood to this sickly debate since it keeps getting fairly off-topic with pissing contests and what have you. Though, looking back over the older posts, I can't believe the longevity of my "Halo-Box" comment from the days of yore.

Glad to see that one kid got the boot, but I'm still surprised a lot of the fighting is still on here, considering the supposedly enforced rules of the forums, but I digress...

...spent some more time with the pals' X-Boxes, respectively. Played the games that were worth giving a try, and the only thing that was really interesting to me was Mech Assault. It's pretty good for a "mech game," if that is a genre, but it's still a little on the generic side. I think that has more to do with the genre, than the game itself. The geometry and textures are very nice--especially when you bust buildings down little by little--but the music is throw away and the voiceovers (and "character design") are mediocre. If running around shooting and blowing up stuff, but not doing anything else, is an interest to you, then there you go.

Went back to Halo. Getting tired of Halo. We're all just a little too good at this game, so it makes it very, very intense. Also makes the atmosphere very hot. Still hasn't changed my opinion on the system.

What's my opinion? Glad you decided to join the conversation. My opinion of the X-Box is not that it "sucks," or something, but that the games just aren't there yet. 2.7 games are not enough for me to drop the money it takes to support the green-black boat anchor. I'm a Nintendo supporter, and even they don't get a lot of my money anymore.

With the coming of Wind Waker, my reason for backing Nintendo has been rediscovered. I like substance. The Gamecube is more of an art machine, the PS2 is still a pop machine (pop, as in popular, as in pop-music--not the drink), and the X-Box is excess.

To illustrate my point, I'm going to go off onto a film studio scimilie rant. The Gamecube is like a studio that brings you films (games, for the dense) made by the likes of Speilburg, Zemeckis, P.T. Anderson, Cameron Crow, James Cameron, Kevin Smith, Tarrantino, Wes Anderson, (old) Tim Burton, Fincher, and even Lynch. The films made by these artists don't come out very often, but when they do, they are spectacular and everone in the industry--and its fans and followers--feel it. They also have a broad range, pretty much having a little something for everyone.

The PS2 is a machine that is very much like a pop music radio station. It has a lot of stuff that is very popular, but that doesn't mean it's good. It does have its gems now and then, but after some time, they lose their life only to be either forgotten or remembered down the road in nostalgia. Fewer still will go down as legit classics.

With X-Box, I have to go back to the film scimilie, because I know if I stick with music I will ruffle too many feathers (quite frankly, I think that 95% of new rock music is terrible and I was going to use that genre). X-Box is the studio with people like Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer, "the people that brought you The Fast And Furious," and Verhoven on the payroll (whereas Verhoven represents the part of the studio that I actually like). There are tons of other names, but that escape me right now because they're not worth remembering. They have big stars, they spend a ton of money, they have 50 effects houses working around the clock, and they come out with tons of movies. All kinds of excess, but very limited substance. I can't be a big fan of this studio just because Verhoven churns out Total Recall, Basic Insinct, or Starship Troopers--and that's Halo to me. Verhoven.

Hopefully that makes sense to everyone and this doesn't turn into another kind of pissing contest. You can agree or disagree all you like. To sum it up, Gamecube supports art and what is "alternative" as subjective as those words are, PS2 supports what is popular, and X-Box also tries to support what is popular but fumbles the ball more often than not.

Anyway, it's entirely too late, so I'm getting the hay outta Dodge.

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: March 24, 2003, 09:28:49 AM »
"Sorry, we were unable to locate the object requested.
Error Code: 102"

That's why Nintendo fans hate the X-Box so much?

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: March 23, 2003, 10:49:56 PM »
"Seamus-Box" has a nice ring to it, too.

I wouldn't be completely surprised if he left it all behind to make yet another company with a bunch of co-conspirators. It seems to be the trend, even for company founders.  

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: March 22, 2003, 02:53:51 PM »
Because you can't take a joke, it hurts my credibility?
Shucks. I really care about what people think of me, too.

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: March 20, 2003, 04:45:42 PM »
I'm glad to see that this debate is still going on. Wait, not really.

I've given the Halo-Box a big chance to change my mind. A few friends keep bringing it over, I've put all kinds of hours into it, but the fact is that the games just aren't there yet. It's still the Halo-Box. Even my friends that have the Halo-Box agree, and that's something like six or seven casual gamers. The supposedly "hardcore" gamers I know lost all credibility when they insisted that GCN was a kidde console and that Sony was going to be buried. When the Halo-Box comes out with something spectacular, and does so until it numbers more than five spectacular games, I might buy it. Until then...

The comparison of multi-platform games being better on Halo-Box than on the other two consoles is entirely inaccurate, because most of them are developed for the PS2 first, on PS2 development kits. That means that their peak performance is what a PS2 could handle, theoretically. The only differences come in at loading time and anti-aliasing, which GCN and X-Box both have the same amount of. In short, if you're getting a game that is multi-platform, you don't get it on PS2, as both GCN and Halo-Box run it a little bit better than the PS2 and the same as each other.

The acquisition of Rare is also a non-issue, since Rare's prized workers have long left the company, and the company blows anyway. Look at the work they've got done in recent years... Dinosaur Planet? Thoroughly mediocre at best. Then they ruined Perfect Dark with its new anime style. Much like Halo 2, I doubt Perfect Dark will ever see the light of day in this generation of consoles. Good work Microsoft. You bought a swell company (while Nintendo laughs their way to the bank).

Party games not being for older gamers is one of the dumbest things I've read in this arguement. The party games are huge, especially on college campuses. When I go on campus or visit other schools to see friends, speak at a lecture, etc., you never see a Halo-Box. You always see a GCN with at least three multiplayer games (always Smash Bros. and usually Mario Party and Timesplitters 2) and two Wavebirds. That's where the fun is. There are also the single-player games like Metroid, Mario Sunshine, and Eternal Darkness, but that's not the point. If you're going to talk down to the party games, you've obviously never played them with a group of friends. And sorry, but it's impossible to "play out" Smash Bros. unless you're one of those people that is constantly taking games back to the store after you beat them. Either that, or at least one member of your party sucks at it or is really boring.

And yes, you're on a board made for Nintendo fans. I don't think you realize how bad you look spouting off nonsense and then belittling the community with "I should've expected this." You come off as someone that has nothing better to do with their lives than to go onto a board to badmouth it. I don't want to hear the "I own a GCN, (insert snide comment here)" arguement, either.

I love Nintendo, but I also love other systems. I bought a TG-16 everyone was "Sega" and "Nintendo." I still play my Dreamcast and a PS2. As a gamer, I just can't say that the Halo-Box is worthy enough to sit on my entertainment center shelves. Not yet.

TalkBack / Teens Still Controlling Game Market
« on: March 05, 2003, 09:39:31 PM »
Survey: Blah blah blah.
PGC and friends: A bunch of correct stuff.

Me: I concur, but while they're all playing crap with "M" and "T" on it, then that just leaves more Nintendo Quality Seals of Approval for me.  

Besides, Alex Roivas has way more provokative animation than the girls of BMX XXX, and she's just wandering around reading a book.  

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: February 28, 2003, 10:39:21 AM »
Preface: I'm a huge Nintendo fan. Always have been since the days of R.O.B. I actually own a Playchoice 10 with ten games in it (and others sitting inside the cabinet when not installed), and it stands proudly in my livingroom.

That being said, I don't hate X-Box. True, they do a lot of talking and not enough delivering, but I don't hate them for that. I would expect that out of an American company that is trying to draw in a mass of consumers. Face the facts: the average person is enthralled by power, fictitious or not. It's a tried and true strategy. That just makes them business men (and women). Their sales reps do some really shady work, such as demanding some much floor and wall space in a store. Et cetera.

Why I don't like X-Box is because there is only one game on it worth playing: Halo. Halo is the X-Box selling point, and truth be told, it's not even that stellar. I'd rather be playing Unreal Tournament 2003 or Timesplitters 2. Anyone that says Halo is not the selling point is bias, mistaken, or flat-out lying. The rest of its library is mediocre at best.

Granted this is my opinion, but I'd like to think it's more than "just a fanboy's." I mean, I own a TG-16, a Turbo Duo, a Saturn, a PS2, and a Dreamcast. Like I said, huge Nintendo fan, but I'm a gamer at the same time.

Nintendo Gaming / favorite Zelda game quotes, anyone?
« on: February 28, 2003, 10:13:25 AM »
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" - Ganon, when he's ressurected in The Adventure of Link (AKA: when you die).

Nintendo Gaming / Zelda Movie??
« on: February 28, 2003, 10:11:17 AM »
I already spoke my piece on the other Zelda movie-related thread. (Why are there two?) Basically, what it comes down to is that I sincerely doubt a Zelda movie will ever be made, and I personally hope it never is. A Zelda movie, live-action or animated, can never and will never live up to what the fans would expect. Unless, of course, it's a total fluke like Lord of the Rings, which are odds that are (unfortunately) not in our favor.

So, I guess you can change those latter two "nevers" into "highly, highly, highly unlikelies." And this is all just my opinion.

Nintendo Gaming / Not a Hylian?
« on: February 28, 2003, 10:01:39 AM »
Miyamoto and his protege have been quoted as saying that this latest Zelda takes place 100 years after the events of Ocarina of Time. This world is actually the same as that world, just flooded. Event that happened in Ocarina of Time will be elluded to in Wind Waker.

That being said, Link very well may be Hylian again. During the time period where this flooding has occured, I'm sure the already existent people had to migrate to evade the flood waters and eventually set up the civilizations that will we soon become (all too) familiar with in Wind Waker.

Plus, bear in mind that this is another incarnation of Link, in spite of it being the same world. So, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I wouldn't worry though.

Nintendo Gaming / Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« on: February 28, 2003, 09:56:16 AM »
I don't think a Zelda movie is on anyone's plate right now. Whether or not it will be in the future is doubtful, in my opinion.

Aside from that, I personally hope a Zelda movie is never, ever made. I love the franchise, always have, I can play some of the songs on my bagpipes, but I never want to see a movie of it made. This is simply because a movie could never live up to its greatness unless it were a Lord of the Rings-size undertaking (if live-action). If it were to be animated, it would have to be Don Bluth (Dragon's Lair, Secret of Nymh [sp?], Black Cauldron), or a really high-profile company over in Japan. It would also have to be akin to the shots you see of cel-art in the original LoZ manual. The voice actor that did Ganon in the Captain N and Legend of Zelda catroon series is a must. The others are expendable, but that man is brilliant.

I actually have written a treatment--three, actually, since it's meant to be a trilogy--for a Legend fo Zelda cinema epic. Did a little scripting, too. It's pretty brilliant, even if I do say so myself (and others that have read it), but it was basically for my own amusement. It's a good conversation piece between my friends and I, who are both very much fan of film and Miyamoto.

Nintendo Gaming / Question regarding Moblins
« on: February 28, 2003, 09:37:16 AM »
I think in The Wind Waker, there will be varying types of Molblins, sort of akin to the different kinds of Space Pirates in Metroid: Prime.

In this guy's heart, there are only two types of Molblins for the time being: red and blue. Maybe the more pig-like Molblins are the red ones and the more bulldog-looking Molblins are the blue? Or the other way around?

I kinda like the new Molblin design in Wind Waker. One, they're more like bandits than hulking warriors (which makes sense if this incarnation of Ganon is a thief again), and two, because in the first LoZ manual they're kinda wiry anyway.

TalkBack / Silicon Knights Update
« on: February 28, 2003, 09:30:06 AM »
This discussion has come up fairly often: what are they doing now? After Eternal Darkness, there really wasn't any news. I'm glad this came to light, although I wish he would at least tease us with something. The post-holiday-pre-E3 lull really blows.

Plus I plan on applying for a job there.  

TalkBack / Metal Gear Solid on GameCube - CONFIRMED
« on: February 28, 2003, 09:26:32 AM »
The problem with this is that it had better be a new game that is up to the standards of the other two, and not a toned-down spin-off. It also can't be different than the PS2 and X-Box versions, if there are any. This is because at this point in the game--late, late in the game--if it is one of those things that it cannot be, the sales won't be very good. If the sales aren't very good, then Konami's going to be like, "I told you so," and stop making games that are somewhat worthwhile on the console.

However, if it is a new game, then either it is a good idea to tweak it up and throw some new things where ever so that it may be worth spending $50 on, orrrrr don't charge $50 for it. A third good idea in this same vein would be to put both games into the same box. I already had my tryst with the MGS games, and as big a Nintendo fan that I am, I won't be buying this game if it's simply on par.  

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