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Messages - lizardman

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: 3D Viewing Confirmed for Pokemon 3DS
« on: February 07, 2011, 03:25:17 PM »
soooooo will the third version of pokemon black/white be for the 3ds? if so that would be a new thing for them to jump system compatability like that but to me it seems like they are trying to do things different anyway and you should take into consideration that the nintendo company is more concerned with the release date in japan so our aquward situation could just be caused by them neglecting us :'( . either way i really dont care because i only own a ds for the pokemon games so if they release pokemon "grey" for ds instead of 3ds that just means i dont have to spend 200 some dollars on a new 3ds. but it would be nice to see colloseum level graphics. sorry for the long post

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