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Messages - olanmills

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Nintendo Gaming / "Flight Game" by Hudson
« on: April 18, 2006, 06:13:15 PM »
I posted this over at IGN, I figured that I might as well share this here too:

I haven't seen anything on the net about this yet. It's not a big deal because there's not that much information and we already knew that we were going to see several Revolution games at E3, but anyways, I thought this would be a little exciting.

This was part of an E3 press release I got today:


Hudson Entertainment Inc. -

"Flight Game" - Nintendo Revolution - Take to the skies in a way never before experienced on any home console. Using the Revolution's "Gesture System" built into their innovative controller, Hudson's new "Flight Game" allows total plane control as players pilot their planes through various acrobatic flight maneuvers ranging from sky artistry to bomb drops.

It sounds kind of like Pilot Wings in that there will be various challenges, not a strong story or combat game (you vs. bad guys) etc. I mean, I don't know that that's the case. I'm just going off of what they said.

I didn't mean to say that I think it will be the Pilot Wings game. I just meant that it sounds like that kind of game to me (as opposed to Crimson Skies or StarFox or something like that).

BTW, I got a request by Private Message that I post a scan or picture of the press release. That's not possible because I got it as an email. The email only contained text. I'm not going to post the whole email either because it contains numerous phone numbers and email addresses that I'm not free to give out, and I don't feel like censoring them all manually. I'll post the beginning of the email though:


Exhibitor "First Looks" Products
                 Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006
                Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC)
                           May 10-12, 2006

   In preparation for next month's E3Expo 2006, the world's premier interactive entertainment trade event, we've compiled the list below of never-before-seen products to be displayed at the show. This sampling of "First Looks" products are just a few of the nearly 1,000 new products you'll see featured at this year's expo. Please note that this list was supplied by E3Expo exhibitors and is not inclusive of all debuting products.

   "First Looks" information will also be posted on the week of the show and available on-site at the Media Center, room 502 West Hall.

   If you have product-related questions, please contact the
exhibitor directly.

We look forward to seeing you next month at E3Expo!

   E3Expo Media Relations Team

[[What follows is a huge list of exhibitors with various highlights of things which they'll be showing. The Hudson game is the only Revolution related thing on the list.]]

TalkBack / RE:FEATURES: The Planet GameCube Louie Awards 2005
« on: December 30, 2005, 11:32:31 PM »
Well one of the things about Mario Kart's graphics is that at certain times you can see large areas of the track at once, and the framerate doesn't slow down and I don't notice any pop-ups. Nintendogs definitely has some great animation though.

While I think Minish Cap deserves its awards, I also wish that DK: King of Swing could somehow be mentioned because it had some really fun, innovative gameplay.

I'd also like to gloat and say that I've been to Nintendo's pre-E3 conference the past four years in a row.

TalkBack / RE:Game Boy Micro in September at $99
« on: August 17, 2005, 03:11:08 AM »
Are they crazy? $100? What's the point? And they're going to be confusing consumers. Now there's three versions of the GBA and the DS. And, seriously, come on Nintendo, $100? That's just a joke right? I don't even think you can play multiplayer with it. You're supposed to  spur additional sales of games with this cool redesign at a reduced price, not try to act like you have a new console being released. It has a smaller screen and can't play multi, but it costs more than an SP. What do you get? It looks cool. It's slick, but $100 is just stupid.

TalkBack / RE:New Details on Metroid Prime 3
« on: August 03, 2005, 11:48:56 PM »
This pisses me off. I don't blame all of ou guys wanting to know this or share this info, but now because of all this, us members at the [blank] might never get to enjoy this type of early information again. Please PGC, can't you guys at least remove the URL and name of the site from your article? I understand that the info has been leaked and is in the open, but the name of the site doesn't have to be out there and it really is jeapordizing the chances that we'll ever get to enjoy some early information ever again.

TalkBack / RE:Ubisoft Trumpets Advertisement Partners
« on: April 06, 2005, 01:16:10 AM »
It does add to the realism of a game that is supposed to be set in our real world. Obviously, there's extremes that it can be taken to, but if a character's car is a Honda or he eats a Twinkie rather than some made-up brands, it's realistic. Of course, we don't want cheesy, in-our-face product placements, but in many places it makes sense to have real world items if the situation calls for it.

I have actually been waiting for this to become more common in the industry because in the past, publishers had to pay and beg companies to allow them to license an image in their game if it would somehow improve the atmosphere.

Obviously, I don't want Sam Fischer to stop in the middle of a cutscene and say, "All of this spy eqiupment makes me too hot. Let me just chug down a can of Coca-Cola with Lime - now in both Diet and Regular flavors - before I continue on... Ah, that was incredibley refreshing. Bring it on you international terrorists and conspiracy plotters!" But if he has a cel phone and it just says Nokia on it, then what's the big deal?

The reviewers and consumers will decide what is acceptable. Just as Hollywood movies get slammed when their product placements are too cheesy and loud, a game the same will happen to games. It won't be that big of a deal.

NWR Feedback / Java chat not working?
« on: November 13, 2004, 11:11:52 PM »
When I try to visit (or the 'Chat' link on the left side of the main page), I get a "This page cannot be found/displayed" message. Does this happen to anyone else?

PGC staff, do you know if this is a problem on your end? I'm asking because it could also be a problem with my security settings, but I'm not sure. Thanks.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Donkey Konga controllers..?
« on: September 25, 2004, 10:51:59 PM »
It's not just about what you think extra bongos are worth to you. A bunhc of money was spent developing the game, and the bongos cost a certain amount of money to produce. They're packing one set of bongos with the game and selling it for the standard price of $50.

They probably can't really afford to sell the extra bongos cheaper than $30, otherwise, they probably would.

Anyways, the game's a lot of fun but there needs to be an expansion. I want more songs. Plus it is kind of dissappointing that none of the songs are performed by the original artists.

I guess Nintendo was trying to keep the licensing costs down. If you check the manual, all of the songs are licensed from EMI/Virgin. A larger soundtrack obviously would have cost more money, and probably be from multiple publishers, further adding to cost.

Still, there should have been a lot more Nintendo game songs. Really there are only three in the game. I can think of a whole ton of Nintendo game songs that they could have had on Donkey Konga. The DKC soundtrack would have been a good place to start.

TalkBack / RE:DS Software Can Access GBA Slot
« on: September 10, 2004, 10:36:19 PM »
This same information was explained at the Nintendo Press Conference.

TalkBack / RE:Zoo Digital Announces Payback for GBA
« on: August 19, 2004, 07:29:06 PM »
^^ I don't think so.

I didn't notice anything about being on foot. Isn't this game more like the original Driver rather than GTA?

TalkBack / RE:Get Old School Sooner
« on: June 03, 2004, 03:29:04 PM »
I know that Nintendo has shipped the NES SP and teh Classic Series games to sotres already, but if the store knows what it's doing, then it's holding on to them until next week. I think the store that Billy visited probably didn't know that they weren't supposed to put it out or didn't care. I know for a fact that many Best Buy stores already have lots of Classic Series games and NES GBA SPs sitting in their stock rooms.

NWR Feedback / Server Problems?
« on: June 27, 2003, 09:13:03 PM »
I've been noticing problems too since you guys have been using the new user. Many times when I visit the homepage, nothing appears on my screen. There is a short loading time, but the page is completely blank, no 404 error or "This page cannot be found" or anything like that. It's just blank. Sometimes just the purple scroll bar appears. Or sometimes this happens when going to a news story from the main page.

Sometimes, refreshing the page fixes it, but many times refreshing the page just repordoces the blank page and I just have to come back later. I'm using the latest version of IE, and I have Windows XP Pro.

TalkBack / A Box Full of Zelda
« on: May 02, 2003, 03:03:10 PM »
Well it was put together by Famitsu, not Nintendo itself.

TalkBack / A Box Full of Zelda
« on: May 02, 2003, 12:36:22 AM »
I got it for $30 on eNay about three weeks ago. I've seen it go for $25. It's pretty cool, but you can't actaully read the book without ruining it. The binding will get creased and stuff. Plus, the book is attached to the box. If I had the money to blow, I'd get a second Zelda Box and keep one to look at and one to keep in mint condition.

I really wish that someone would translate it all.

TalkBack / Billy Berghammer Retires From Planet
« on: April 17, 2003, 10:28:55 PM »
Wow, this shocked me. I'm not a regular board user, but I'm a long time reader and PGC fan. I got a chance to have a short chat with Billy Berghammer at E3 2002, and, even though he probably doesn't remember me, I have to say that he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met. In planning and thinking about my trip to E3 this year, I was actually looking forward to having a chance to chat with him again as I thought about how great attending another E3 would be. Well, actually, I suppose you still will be there at E3 this year, but just not with the PGC staff.

Well, I just gotta say that PGC has struck this strange balance between professionalism and goofiness, and I'm sure that Billy was the reason that something like that could be pulled off, and be recgonized as one of the most distinguished game journalism sites in the video game world. To be honest, I'm sad to hear that you're going to Game Informer because magazines have never been able to give me enough bang for my buck, imo anyways. However, I know that you going to GI will make it a more entertaining and informative magazine.

So, good luck, and congradulations on getting an actual job doing something that you love and are really good at!

On perhaps what may be a realted note, doesn't seem to be functioning as well since this news story got posted. The servers are crying! They're sad too!

TalkBack / Game Boy Player Delayed until June
« on: March 13, 2003, 08:24:37 PM »
Also remember that NOA originally announced that the GameBoy Player would only be available in black. Maybe NOA is using this delay to make other colors too, hopefully.

Anyways, Nintendo prolly wanted to focus on getting the SP out on time, in sufficient numbers. If that meant pushing back the GB Player, I guess it makes sense.

NWR Feedback / Happy 4th Birthday Planet GameCube!
« on: March 07, 2003, 12:11:29 PM »
Although I don't have anything special to offer, I just wanted to give a big Happy Birthday to PGC.

I've been reading PGC almost since its very beginning, and I just have to say that it's just gotten better and better every year. It's really worth visiting everyday. You guys do great work, keeping us entertained as well as informed. I had the pleasure of meeting Billy at E3, and he's just a really nice guy. Thanks for all of the great coverage you guys provide! Here's best wishes that PGC (and its staff) has many more "prosperous" years to come.

Oh, and Rick, I'm telling you, you could use an assistant! I'm your man!

TalkBack / Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« on: February 25, 2003, 06:59:19 PM »
To keep an open mind, there is the possibilty that one player controls both characters. Maybe the player can switch control from one to the other in different situations. Maybe like in a Resident Evil 0 type of way, you're going to want to have two "Olimars" in two different places at the same time, and you'll be able to switch between them. And perhaps the split-screen mode is a cooperative mode.

TalkBack / What's going on with Zelda Pre-Orders
« on: February 25, 2003, 06:19:15 PM »
Nintendo is offering a cool bundle for the Wind Waker at their online store.
For $70, you get:

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
  • The Official Player's Guide
  • The Ocarina of Time bonus disc, which includes Master Quest
  • A full year, 12 issues subscription to Nintendo Power

That's a savings of $20 if you consider that the bonus disc doesn't really have a value. This is a good way to get the bonus disc too, if you haven't pre-ordered yet.

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