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Messages - razorpit

Pages: [1] 2
TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Konami Classic Series: Arcade Hits
« on: July 04, 2007, 03:20:22 AM »
Why all the hate on Pooyan?  :-)

TalkBack / RE:Skull Kid Collectable From First 4 Figures
« on: October 16, 2006, 04:28:04 PM »
That was a good one Uncle Bob...

TalkBack / RE: Win Marvel: UA and a Wii System on Facebook
« on: October 06, 2006, 08:00:25 PM »
926, You all better hurry up!

TalkBack / RE:Official Release of Wii Details
« on: September 14, 2006, 06:16:14 PM »

I'm sure Nintendo could afford to price the Wii at 200 bux.  They'd sell more units, as well.  $199.99 is more of an impulse buy than $249.99, even though it's only a fifty dollar difference it seems like a lot more, to me at least.  Plus, and here's the part where Nintendo should REALLY listen, they'd sell more games and accesories at $199.99.  THAT'S where companies make the most money, NOT on hardware.  If it were $200 I'd use the extra 50 bux to buy another game or controller or something, but at 250 I won't.  I'm sure a lot of people will be giving up a game just for the hardware.

Not to pick on your quote (and please don’t take it personally Knows Nothing), but to every one who is a bit upset at the price, why should Nintendo price their system at $200? Especially when the next closest system; the cheap version none the less is $50 more?

Think about it from a business standpoint, why would Nintendo give up $50 on every unit right from the get go?  I read somewhere that Nintendo was planning on selling 4 million units between Nov 19th and Dec 31st. (I can’t find the article I read so if I’m wrong about that number I apologize in advance.)  That is the same as giving up $200,000,000.  Why would they do that?  If it was your business and you just spent untold money on R&D of a product would you give up $200,000,000?  If you said yes you are either a liar or never owned a business.  Who knows what these things actually cost to manufacturer for all we know Nintendo can and probably is taking a loss on each unit at the start.  Best case scenario is they are coming close to breaking even.

Who out there is not going to buy one of these because it is now officially $250 and not your dreamed-up $200?  Do you really think Reggie or any one else at Nintendo is going to loose sleep over the one or two people out there who don't bite on the system at launch because of it?  Do you not think these are going to be sold out at launch?  I bet you Nintendo would have a sellout even at $300.

TalkBack / RE:This Just In: DS Lite Popular in Japan
« on: July 21, 2006, 02:38:22 AM »

I also want some car manufacturer to make the ugliest car ever that is so unpopular they have to sell brand new models for like $1000.

Did you miss out on a Pontiac Aztec?


TalkBack / RE:Sakurai Takes Smash Suggestions
« on: May 12, 2006, 08:17:04 AM »
How sweet would it be to beat the crap out of Tom Nook?


TalkBack / RE:Shaun Alexander on Madden 07 Cover
« on: April 21, 2006, 06:18:06 PM »
Should'a, could'a, would'a, but they didn't did they?


TalkBack / RE: Iwata on Revolution Launch Date
« on: January 19, 2006, 12:04:30 PM »
I'm pretty sure I recently read somewhere that the PS3 won't be out until Thanksgiving as well.  The March date was moved some time ago.  Herre we are in mid-Jan. and Sony still hasn't even comitted to what the PS3 is going to look like.  And no one has seen the finalized controller design yet.  If Sony was ready for March they would surely be beating us over the head with all kinds of ads by now.

I don't think a Thanksgiving release will "hurt" Nintendo.  If anything Nintendo has more than enough time between E3 and then to get any last minute feedback, work out the last few design bugs, start-up production, and actually have enough units to sell for the Christmas holiday season unlike Microsoft's failed 360 launch.

TalkBack / RE: Nearly Half of Mario Kart DS Owners Try Wi-Fi
« on: November 22, 2005, 07:07:38 AM »
What the heck are the other 55% waiting for?  :-)


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Pokemon Colosseum pre-order bonus disc.
« on: January 29, 2004, 01:50:00 PM »
What is the calendar bug?  I've never heard of it before.

TalkBack / RE:Movie Advance GBA Movie Player Review
« on: January 26, 2004, 04:21:16 AM »
Does the software that comes with the unit let you take a store bought DVD and convert it?  Or do you have to create a DIVX first and then convert that.

TalkBack / RE:Ocarina of Time in 2D
« on: January 22, 2004, 12:22:50 PM »
Great this week I've learned I can load linux on my gamecube and play a round of 2-D OoT!  

Is it just me or is this a slow news week?  

TalkBack / RE:GameSaves for GameCube
« on: January 15, 2004, 06:45:14 AM »
Never mind.  After about 10 attempts I finally found one at an "out-of-the-way" EB games.

TalkBack / RE:GameSaves for GameCube
« on: January 13, 2004, 01:41:55 AM »
Has any one found these in stores yet?  I've gone to several places now only to have the store assistant look at me with a dumb-founded face and say "There's nothing like that for Gamecube."

TalkBack / RE: Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death Website Goes Live
« on: August 10, 2003, 05:47:50 AM »
I hope the Anthrax "I am the Law" makes it on to the soundtrack.

Nintendo Gaming / LCD screen
« on: May 17, 2003, 12:32:55 PM »
Did Nintendo mention anything about an LCD screen at this years E3?  Maybe I was sleeping the whole week but I didn't hear them mention anything really about any of their new hardware, SD card, GameBoy Player, etc.  I know we all "know" about the above mentioned items but you would think they would have made a little more noise to the rest of the world at E3.


Nintendo Gaming / GameCube SP
« on: May 07, 2003, 04:31:44 AM »

Originally posted by: willow_yatta

Have you ever heard of a console that can run Linux? What's worse is it can be run on Microsoft's system. Isn't that curious?

Doesn't the PS2 and Dreamcast also run Linux?


Nintendo Gaming / This is just disgusting....SMBall vids
« on: May 05, 2003, 04:56:20 AM »
I know what you mean.  I love this game as well but have problems on anything past beginner....

TalkBack / NOA Launches Official E3 2K3 Site
« on: April 23, 2003, 05:16:48 AM »
Cool, LAN play is official!  Does that mean we'll also get the new "official" LCD at E3 as well?  I hope so, The Cube is easy to pack up and bring over a buddies house.  Having to move an extra TV in to the room sucks.



Originally posted by: Bloodworth
Finally got word from my guy at EB.  They got Burnout 2 today - four lousy copies of it.  I'm seriously taken back by the way a major title like this can ship with such little support.

My EB got 1, and I was lucky enough to get it.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo GameCube Expansion
« on: April 15, 2003, 09:16:00 PM »

Originally posted by: cipher32
The past shows that Nintendo always puts expansion slots on their systems and never uses them. That's just Nintendo. So why should the Nintendo GameCube be any different?

To steer this thread in a slightly different path from the original post, because I think it's obvious by now Nintendo has used every expansion port except Serial #2.  It almost sounds like a troll was asking...

What do you think was the most succesful expansion option ever offered?  I think the Sega CD had a good run followed up by the 64's memory pack.

I think one of the worst failures was the Atari 2600's keypad.  It was for one game, Star Raiders.  Some one once told me there was another but he was never able to name the game so I count that as not true.  The keypad was cool.  To be able to set your shields and photon cannons on a system well known for games as simple as Combat or Freeway was awesome.


Nintendo Gaming / Dengeki Charts
« on: April 10, 2003, 05:03:30 AM »
It's a shame about Zeld WW.  A lot of people are missing out on an unbelievable game.


Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo should pull out of the consol race.
« on: April 04, 2003, 08:49:19 PM »

Originally posted by: Epitaph
No realy think about it, no reason you can think of???

Nintendo has lost its user basse, it no longer has as many followers as before yet extreamly sucessfull.  What do you guys think.

I think this is a stupid topic.  Nintendo is VERY LIVE and well.

Nintendo Gaming / the gameboy to gamecube scam
« on: April 04, 2003, 08:43:16 PM »
thecubedcanuck, quit your bitching.  Do you think it's right to make some one purchase a DVD palyer and spend the extra $$ on a DVD release of a movie over a VHS tape to see extras?  

If you don't want the extras don't buy a GBA, and purchase an X-Box or PS2 instead.  You don't think MS and Sony would do the same thing IF they had handheld units?  Ask an X-Box owner how they feel about having to purchase X-Box Live just to play PSO2 at home by themselves.

The GBA link is pretty cool.  We're just finally starting to see the fruits of what was promised at the GC launch.   Don't like it, don't buy it, shut up, and save our bandwidth.  The last I checked, the expansion possibilities for a 2600 are slim to none.  You might want to pick one of those up in a yard sale.


Nintendo Gaming / Gamecube's casing
« on: March 26, 2003, 10:08:48 AM »

Originally posted by: simpsonsfan2003

Originally posted by: razorpit
1. Quit your bitch'n.
2. Get a life.
3. Quit spank'n in to your towels and making them all nasty and crusty.

Real mature you know that? Atleast you could act sophisticated on a public forum.

Trust me when the situation arises that I need to be sophisticated I will.  When the time comes to respond to a whiner (now) I will respond accordingly.  

Don't you think it is rather ironic to ask people to act sophisticated on a gaming website when you bring up a stupid subject like this?  This is not, if it were I would have said "Quit masturbating in to your terry blend bath towels and making them abrasive to the objects you use them on later."  

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