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Messages - Epitaph

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:WTF is this!?
« on: October 27, 2006, 10:18:57 PM »
Consoles on their side started with the Playstation, when the lasers wore out and the laser would become improperly aligned allot of people would then put it on its side to have gravity pull the laser. Sony probably just noticed this and decided to make it seem like its supposed to be that way. This trick allowed me to run Playstation games well after it stopped booting discs.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Watch Out Wii, Here Comes Fusion
« on: October 23, 2006, 05:02:30 PM »
It was also demonstrated in a square room, I wonder if it will work with furniture around the room? Everyone knows sound travels differntly in all environments.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Hi I'm a Wii, Hi I'm a Playstation 3 (video)
« on: October 22, 2006, 06:17:23 PM »
Microsoft feeling left out and never one to be outdone decided to combine the two and make their own add.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:My Wii Tribute Animation
« on: October 21, 2006, 09:49:25 PM »
Very good job on the animation, if I was nintendo I would probably use it. Only at the end throw in a animation of a game materialising and going in reverse from mario galaxy footage to tennis then fly right out the the consol and back to the a players hand controlling it all.

TalkBack / RE:Wii Message Board Explained
« on: September 29, 2006, 07:51:34 PM »
Nintendo is finally realising a dream started in the latter days of the nes and for a very long time. A consol that could aid in communication among friends and familly. With the number of consoles nintendos online plans have travelled and ripened im sure its gonna be brilliant.

Im failry sure 3rd parties are already working on adapters to allow you to use classic controllers with the wii controllers, theres more then likely also going to be cord extensions.

General Gaming / RE: PS3 repeating history?
« on: June 08, 2006, 07:45:26 PM »
If the ps3 dies then sony is more or less dead, last I heard the gaming division is the only one profiting. Sony is like the ford of home electronics, they were the leaders, got complacent, fell behind and the market got taken over by someone else. Right now that someone else seems like microsoft.

TalkBack / RE:Super Smash Bros. Brawl
« on: May 10, 2006, 06:49:26 PM »
It would be great if this game just kept adding characters as companies got on board with the 24hour connection. I just hope they dont pull some copy of microsoft and sony's online store where you have to pay for content. For some reason I have a feeling you will be able to buy extra characters that way, plz nintendo prove me wrong.  

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo's Media Briefing Summary
« on: May 09, 2006, 03:41:08 PM »
I think im just dissapointed by the whole industry, the only game that looked good in any conference was redsteel. Zelda was no big suprise otherwise that might of been cool too.

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo's Media Briefing Summary
« on: May 09, 2006, 03:12:18 PM »
I was really underwhelmed by the press conference.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Foxtrot joins the band wagon
« on: May 09, 2006, 05:35:40 AM »
I guess I mostly read it on weekends so I must of missed previous ones, foxtrot has to be one of the best comics right now.

Nintendo Gaming / Foxtrot joins the band wagon
« on: May 09, 2006, 05:16:48 AM »

Looks like nintendo has gained publicity from some of the most unlikely of places.

TalkBack / RE: Sony Tries to Ape Nintendo, Fails
« on: May 08, 2006, 05:44:38 PM »
Stop with the lawsuit idea, nintendo cant sue. The reason they cant sue is that this has been in previous controllers. The only lawsuit that could come from this would be from someone holding an accelerometer petent, and to my knowlege there arnt any or they arnt valid in this scenario.

TalkBack / RE: Sony Tries to Ape Nintendo, Fails
« on: May 08, 2006, 05:27:29 PM »
I have a funny feeling this is an attempt at destroying nintendos steam. If sony has a crappy tilt sensor, people who have played ps3 will be like wtf this sucks, then if they see the wii will think its just as bad. So if they ever wanted to buy a wii they will look at it and think well my ps3 has that and it sucks so I dont want it all the time.

General Gaming / RE:Sony E3 2006 Press Conference
« on: May 08, 2006, 04:48:47 PM »
suprise suprise sony copies nintendo once again, who didnt expect that to happen, oh and again they claim it as there own inovation. They also had the nerve to throw a few shots at nintendo, first they said we dont change the controller everyone else has come to love and they say its extreamly exciting as if they came up with it.

HAHA!!! 500$ for the basse system what a rip off.

TalkBack / RE:Revolution Name Announced!
« on: April 27, 2006, 12:12:36 PM »
The one aspect I really like about the name its look, it has a very appealing look to it. Its a modern look, kind of a newage branding.  

Its only when you say it that it really just doesnt work. Quite frankly I thnk I will call it w2, W2 doesnt seem to bad. But in terms of how it looks and how the flash animation was pulled off its not too bad.  

TalkBack / RE: Revolution Name Announced!
« on: April 27, 2006, 11:10:18 AM »
Makes me think of WWII

To all those complaining about the length of the cord or it being wired thats what 3rd party company's are for. Im sure someone will make a wireless version of each, longer tether, tether extension. It will come out because of demand and you will all be happy.

Heres are the main issues with copywrite protection. First no one wants it and theres no benefit to the consumer which is generally what used to motivate improvements. The only reason they are getting away with it is through heavy lobying. Senator Orin Hatch who was recently apointed to a copywrite position was lobieb by both the riaa and the mpaa. Now call me crazy but shouldnt a person at such a position be unbiased to either party?

Also companies such as microsoft want content protection in place because it gives them a stronghold on the computer market. As it stands now you can download linux for free and run any media you want on it. Basically linux is getting to the point where it could be a good alternative to windows media edition. Now if this format only plays on windows media edition it changes everything.

To top it all off they want you to keep buying. They want movies to be a dissposable comoditie. Lets say you go to the store now and buy a movie, with high definition you would never have a reason to rebuy a copy of the movie. There wont be any new format to make you want to update the qualitie of your movie. Now if you are given only an intelectual property instead of a garanteed product they can stipulate that after a year your movies dissapear or that you can only watch a movie for as long as you pay a subscription. This buisness model garantees that people will continue to put money in their pockets.

General Gaming / RE:Rumour: Sony plan to counter the Revolution
« on: February 25, 2006, 07:35:33 AM »
If the ps3 has the computational power sony claims it would be possible to use the eyetoy to mimic the rev remote in some shape or form. They would need to seperated each end of the remote by either having 2 colors on each or some leds. The camera could then pick up this color patern and computer how you are orienting the remote. The problem is getting the ps3 processor to calculate this fast enough for it to be responsive and on top of that the eyetoy has to be able to see the controller well enough. If anyone has ever used face tracking software you would know how flawed it is.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Is this a threat to the Rev-mote?
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:35:17 PM »
If you have ever played a fps on your computer with the keyboard mouse set up its amazing. The rev will be able to pull of a very similar feel but more polished in my opinion. Center targeting with the whole screen moving to where you point would be sweet.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: 2 versions of Zelda?
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:10:24 AM »
joystic has an article claiming that the bestbuy date was wrong and someone got a corrected email fixing the date to april

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo patent reveals ports
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:05:23 AM »


In the link you can clearly identify the ports that will be present on the revolution

Joystic also has the article

General Gaming / RE:Online gaming and taxes...
« on: February 11, 2006, 09:52:29 AM »
What companies would have to do if it started being taxable is simply ban the practice of selling virtual goods. This would remove the whole problem.

General Gaming / RE:well, it was only a matter of time...
« on: February 10, 2006, 07:49:34 PM »

Trust me.  You don't want game companies suing over stuff like this.  If they went sue crazy then each genre would be limited to one company.  Would you want Square Enix to be the only company to make RPGs or id Software to be the only ones making first person shooters?  I think it's best we all just let the clones slide so that when a really great derivative game gets made we don't have to worry about lawsuits.  Gunstar Heroes would have never existed if Konami sued Treasure over the similarity with Contra.

To some degree thats true but it could also have the reverse effect where companies would try to be original so they are not sued.

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