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Messages - Elixir

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Oboro Muramasa Youtouden)
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:13:22 AM »
Seems like Vanillaware ran over some peoples' dogs, because I am not really sure where are all these negative comments are coming from, nor think they are deserved.  The fighting is simple, but dangerously addicting (20 hours in and still not getting old to me), and the story is really quite cute.  I do wonder, however, if *end game spoilers* these people bothered getting the extra endings.  The story does not end with the final boss on either side.  And the presentation is obviously pure class, but that is besides my point.

Any self-respecting action game fan NEEDS to buy this game.  At full price.  Right now.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle
« on: September 07, 2009, 12:11:08 AM »
So no one wants to actually discuss the trailer/walkthroughs/game in general?  I guess I will jump-start it myself, then.

The one thing in particular I am interested in is the bosses.  From the information we have been given there are 50 members in the UAA this time around, 13 of which we know about.

Black Irish Rapper
Helter Skelter(!?)
Kimmy the schoolgirl
Cheerleader Squad [x 8]

The fact that bosses are no longer shoehorned into being one-on-one duels opens up a lot of possibilities, as already seen in the trailer.  I personally want to see TT up against the leading ladies (there are four of them now) from Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly, or against cosplayers dressing up as them.  There also needs to be a clown, because no one likes clowns.  And you just know there will be a 20-person boss battle royale!

Well Gamestop decided to tell me a day after the game's release that they canceled my order.  I am in a whole new realm of angry right now!

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I'm Canadian and I hate you all
« on: August 25, 2009, 02:15:30 AM »

In color.

Colour.  You fail at being Canadian.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime Trilogy
« on: August 25, 2009, 02:14:06 AM »
When reviewed separately all three games got a 9.5 from NWR. I suppose the enhancements of these versions fixed the minor issues which caused the subtraction of the .5?

Regardless of the fact there are different reviewers, I think three high-class games in one package deserves the 10 just based on what a great deal it is, especially to those who have not had a chance to play these gems.

I'm surprised after the ****show that was Echoes.  :D

Most games wish they were as "bad" as Echoes.

General Gaming / Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« on: August 23, 2009, 03:43:00 PM »
I agree with you that labels are silly.  But I don't think there is anything particuarily "ironic" about a gamer wanting fantastic graphics or more reasons to replay a game.  Some people like story, some controls, some a new experience, some just another FPS, and some unique or cutting edge graphics.  For example, racing games are my favorite genre.  There's nothing like flying through the tracks of Burnout and Pacific Rift.  In order for a visceral experience, only the latest and greatest graphics will do.  Going back to most GCN/PS2 racers now is a yawn fest (save Mario Kart and Twisted Metal)  Therefore, top notch hd graphics increase the gaming out of body experience for many people and become a legitimate request.

Back to your first statement though.  If the vast majority of "hardcore gamers" praising hd graphics, actually played their respective 360/PS3 on a 15 year old CRT, well, that would be ironic.  Almost as ironic as gamers who whine about gamerscore and long for the days of old.  Days where the score chase was alive and well in arcades across the world.  Donkey Kong anyone?

First of all, what is this tangent on visuals?  1080p is a resolution, not a whole new graphical coat of paint.  A game with fantastic art design will always look fantastic, no matter what resolution it is represented in, and games that look like crap will not magically look great when that resolution is increased.  And it is for that reason I find this exaggerated enthusiasm for 1080p completely unnecessary.  And if you cannot go back to a game because it lacks the highest resolution or visual fidelity possible, then well, I feel bad for you.

And surely you jest about the arcade comparison to achievements.  A game in the arcade with a scoreboard is a single game in which players compete for the highest score.  The point system that achievements and trophies entail involve every single game and a TOTAL score.  No longer is there a competition for a single score of theoretically-infinite outcomes, but who has the most spare time to perform ridiculous tasks and rent awful games for a set number of achievements.  This is what I have been attacking, not the inclusion of achievements themselves, yet you keep skewing it in illogical ways.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
« on: August 23, 2009, 03:13:42 AM »
I like how those Pros and Cons could have been stolen from a review of the first game.  Sounds perfect!  ^_^

General Gaming / Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« on: August 23, 2009, 03:04:27 AM »
The real irony is that this generation's obsession with 1080p and meaningless tripe as achievements/trophies has shown how pitiful "gamers" have become.

I heard there was irony somewhere in this post, but I can't seem to find it.  Help please???

Oh, I guess it was not obvious enough.  Or perhaps it was an ill-conceived attempt to be witty on your part.  In either case, my point was that the so-called "hardcore gaming" crowd has their focuses on the aspects of games that matter the least to, well, GAMES.  And with the hardcore separating themselves so obstinately from this new generation of gamers, I find it ironic that they are so quick to label one a "casual" or a "non-gamer" when they easily fulfill that label themselves. 

And before you have a cry about how achievements add content to games, I am talking about those that consider the achievements in a game more important than the game itself, as well as the "point system" that achievements and trophies utilize.  Achievements are nothing more than bloated self-gratification anyway, so why condone spilling your ego unto the masses?

General Gaming / Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« on: August 22, 2009, 11:13:50 PM »
I personally have huge misgivings with achievements, but I was considering (as was mentioned by others before me) those that will refuse to get games based on the idea of achievements, those that use it to stroke their egos, and MS and Sony's condoning (with forced implementation) of said ego-stroking and flag-wagging.

General Gaming / Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« on: August 22, 2009, 10:14:30 PM »
This is just further fallout from last year's E3, so it's not surprising.  They'll probably be more favorable to it once Galaxy 2, Metroid other M, and Zelda come out.

Not any more favorable than the gaming media has been to Nintendo, well, ever.  It all still narrows down to what is "cool and hip" and no matter how much effort Nintendo puts into creating "hardcore games," Wii Fit and Wii Music will still exist and thus drag Nintendo down.  If Nintendo got rid of those then the gaming media would just come up with another moronic label to follow the descent line behind "kiddy" and "casual."  The real irony is that this generation's obsession with 1080p and meaningless tripe as achievements/trophies has shown how pitiful "gamers" have become.

Well a joke quote gets a joke response, no? =)

And how about if you have not played the original of a sequel (there is a bit of gray in this area, I must admit, like the Zelda series), or should I say "direct sequel" like Layton pretty much is, then you do not enter a thread about said sequel?  It does not make much sense to do so, really, and it can be frustrating to think about what needs to and what not needs to be spoiler-tagged in such a situation.

Now obviously when this game comes out I will be spoiler-tagging spoilers accordingly, as everyone else.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: FINALLY
« on: August 21, 2009, 07:43:47 PM »
For shame!  Writing can be a lot of fun, creating stories and characters and whatnot.  Writing classes, on the other hand, I will agree are rather pointless.

And, um, "Congurntulotions"?  (Funhouse cred get?)

Oh dear, my apologies!  Just let me add spoiler tags to t...

*rips quote out and slaps it on Khush's forehead*

I just finished playing the first Professor Layton 4 days and completing all challenges. I get why people are so excited. I loved this game. One of the few games where I actually kept playing the game steady and wanted to finish it all. So many games I start and stop and start and stop. This game I made the time to keep going through it. Awesome game. Can't wait for the next one.


Nintendo Gaming / Re: FF Crystal Bearers -- Harmonica/WTF Trailer
« on: August 21, 2009, 07:19:46 PM »
Though Square-Enix has yet to lay siege to Namco's pedo-sim monopoly.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: FF Crystal Bearers -- Harmonica/WTF Trailer
« on: August 21, 2009, 03:45:27 PM »
A Final Fantasy game that actually looks to be enjoyable?  Shocking, really.  I am still wondering if Square-Enix is giving the game a budget worthy of the market leader, but that is perhaps asking for too much.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Tower of Shadow
« on: August 21, 2009, 02:31:13 AM »
You can take a number, if you so desire. ^_~

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Professor Layton Love Thread
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:46:05 PM »
I completely forgot that this was coming out so soon!  The first game was absolutely delightful, and there is no doubt within my mind that the second will be any different.  Though I do wonder how they will play off the puzzle theme again considering the entire awkwardness of villagers randomly pulling Layton aside to do puzzles was due to them being dolls.  Curiosity and anticipation settling in!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Tower of Shadow
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:38:13 PM »
There really is not enough 2D games these days.  Perhaps we are finally reaching the point in the generation that developers are getting it through their heads that realism is considerably overrated.  Or perhaps not.  Either way, this will satisfy me.

Oh, and hello.  The thought of introducing myself in the introductory thread is far too embarrassing, so can we just pretend we got that out of the way?  ^_^

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