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Messages - xts3

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Getting a Wii and selling your 'Cube?
« on: October 14, 2006, 03:22:57 PM »
There's no gaurantee that the Wii will be perfectly backwards compatable with  Gamecube games.  Just like the PS2 with PS1 games.  Lastly for anyone who has a job selling their gamecube is not going to get them very much money.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:So who actually liked Geist?
« on: May 15, 2006, 03:37:41 PM »
Geist wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either... It would have been a good game if it had been released years ago and not near the end of the gamecubes life.  That and you can see that it had a rough development, it took them a long time to get the darn thing out the door.

Nintendo Gaming / Battery life of DS vs GBA sp?
« on: March 03, 2006, 09:14:40 AM »
I'd like to know how long the battery life is (of someone who actually has completely used the batteries up on a regular basis) of the DS vs the GBA sp?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What gamers want in the next Nintendo system
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:55:31 PM »
Here's what revolution REALLY needs:


After getting amazing new franchises on the PS2 (Chapmions of Norrath, God of war, and countless others)  and the mainstay franchises of yesteryear (Castle vania, megaman, tekken, etc) and great new ones (NFS UG2, Burnout 3, GTA, GTA VC, GTA SA, etc)  Nintendo has a lot of catching up to do if they ever hope to get back on top, if they pull another N64 or a "Sega", way back in the day when Sega released their Sega-CD it bombed hugely sold poorly and had no 3rd party support hardly at all, and thats definitely partly why Sega eventually got killed by their own failure with Saturn and Dreamcast because of their inability to support their hardware and get game devleopers making games for them.  They didn't understand  games sell systems back then, and they still didn't with Saturn and dreamcast, they tried to first party it to the bank and they got screwed.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Killer 7 delayed... again
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:42:15 PM »

Originally posted by: oohhboy
I rather wait to see what the guys at PGC have to say about this game if they will review it. They are really the only guys out there you can really trust with reviews.

No way, Mario sunshine was a lesser game then Mario 64 and the PGC guys gushed all over Mario SS, there is no way in hell the PGC guys are better then anyone out there, I trust a statistical collection of user reviews more then any one single persons review.  Most people who lowscored Mario SS had great criticisms of where Nintendo went wrong, also Mario Kart DD and Starfox assault were pretty bad for major nintendo franchises.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something important to know about the Revolution
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:37:47 PM »

Whats to stop Nintendo from including a Wi-Fi reciever that you can plug into your wired router? it wouldn't cost anywhere near what including 6800 ultra or x800 PE (or higher) calibur graphics chips would cost. Edit: And besides, compaired to HDTV it's, what, $99 and less for Wi-Fi routers (mine was $70, $50 after mail in rebate).

Comparing Wi-fi on a console to PC graphics  is apples and oranges:  The hardware for the console is subsidized by Nintendo and nintendo gets royalties, the guys making video cards sole source of profit and revenue is FROM the hardware, they dont charge game developers royalties so they can make cheaper video cards for the masses (although that would be a pretty smart idea to save PC gaming from becoming so expensive that it may just fall off the map because no one can afford the hardware, but most likely PC will focus on entirely different market for games or maybe MS will save the day with Xbox 360 and XNA doing Xbox360+PC ports at the same time.


Originally posted by: TheYoungerPlumber
Firstly, a disclaimer: I've reasearched HDTVs, but don't own one myself.  Unless you count that LCD projector I get to use two weeks a year up in Montana...

Why are you so focused on plasma TVs?  Firstly, though plasma is cheaper and usually has higher contrast/brightness than LCDs, as I understand it, LCD tends to have a better overall picture (though a dark room is probably more important).  From what I've heard, plasma TVs are not a good purchase largely because they are likely to break much more quickly than other HDTV types due to their gas-based technology.

That said, if you can accomodate more bulk, CRTs are cheaper and can provide a better picture at MULTIPLE RESOLUTIONS, since they aren't dedicated to one "native" resolution.  Or you can go the DLP route, which is like CRT only better (I think they only do 720p, though).  You can get the sharpness of 480p + EDTV and still get 720p goodness.  Yey!

My point was that traditionally A) gamers aren't rich and b) PC games have had "HD Gaming" for a long time, much, much longer then any console and it didn't make the PC gaming market any hotter for it either, especiallly when you see old crappy 2D games like Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo still being played... to this very day!  Also lets remember look at what happened to every single add-on to consoles (Sega CD, 32X, etc).  My point is no one is going to buy a console just for HD when most of them most likely won't be forking out $ for a new TV anytime soon when their current TV does exactly what they want it to do already.  Expecting game consoles will sell HDTV's and it will be a "big market" which have always been seriously behind PC's in resolution and graphical prettyness in every respect is pretty ludicrous.  All TV's released still will support SDTV as well as HDTV.  This is not the PC world where video cards are released every 8 months and you can get people to upgrade their hardware for the release of games, a $1000 TV you dont need and where digital TV isn't available everywhere yet isn't going to be penetrating the market very fast in North america.  North america has historically been a slow adopter.   Video games are more mass market and scrape among the most price conscious game consumers among us:  Parents and teens.

How many people wait until games go to 29.99 players choice? or buy used? Or wait a year or two before picking up a console because of lack of games?  Many of us do.

I think the only reason Nintendo should have HD support is just to be even with everyone else.  The biggest problem I worry about for Nintendo is botching the adoption of superior storage media, I dont want 20Gigs worth of full motion video in Japanese RPG's on a PS3 Blu-ray gamedisc not being able to fit on a standard DVD or DVD9 of a revolution, they better not screw up the storage again or sony is going to spank them silly.  Thats the sole reason no one developed RPG's for the N64 the lack of space was just killer, that was also the same reason for the cube, you'd never see 9 Gig games like champions of norrath or all the japanese RPG's that were using DVD9's on the gamecube, too much expense and work to chop up the game and re-engineer it for yet another platform for multi-disc release with questionable sales potential.    

Nintendo Gaming / RE:MegaMan X Collection
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:12:10 PM »
Give me a break mega man is an easy game and you're bitching about the jump and fire buttons.  I can't believe there is someone out there who thinks slightly different button positions "ruin" his whole gaming experience, if you want complicated controls try playing a real 3D game like Descent or an FPS like unreal tournament 2004 then come back to us and complain about "A" shoot "B" jump, what pure and utter whiney bs, I can see whining about the controls where excellent precision and complex moves and button combinations are performed like in fighting games, but megaman is as simple and straitforward as you get!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official GCN Sales Thread
« on: July 06, 2005, 10:53:18 PM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
What? Norton System Works dropped off the list?

MoH:EA outsold Battlefield 2. Perhaps those morons who bought MoH should think about the message they're sending!

Americans and the UK are obsessed with first person shooters, I dont understand why either.  It's even starting to filter over into the console world in a big way too.

It's too bad the layout for the hardware and game reviews is absolutely friggin horrible they should hire somebody to clean that up, gamespot has way better layout they could learn a lot from that site, hell even other fansites with their reviews have better layouts then PGC.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something important to know about the Revolution
« on: July 03, 2005, 05:58:40 PM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
Wait until FF is out before you get the PS3, if Sony fumbles as badly as everyone's expecting FF will go to someone else.

There is no way in hell a real Final fantasy will ever see the light of day on Nintendo system since Sony, Square enix and EA are in bed together.

TalkBack / RE:EDITORIAL: Socially Acceptable
« on: July 03, 2005, 05:32:23 PM »
I agree that gaming is still stigmatized and the so called "mainstreaming" of gaming is only with those under 25-30 mostly, anyone beyond this age who never was into games will most likely disdain it.  But lets not forget that gaming's popularity has become an unhealthy obsession for many of us, I mean look we have a website on the internet exclusively dedicated to the gamecube!  I mean if that doesn't screem diehard video game fan, rather then a "casual" passing interest, what does?

The "HD" era is such a crock of BS, look at PC gaming where video cards and VGA monitors have been wooping ass and taking names for years before consoles even got up to 640x480.

Good high rez monitors are cheaper and higher resolution then any HDTV ever will be.

 back in 97-98 you could do 640x480 and 800x600 and even 1024x768 with Voodoo2's, then Nvidia TNT was released doing 32-bit color and high rez all in a single package.  Fact is, consoles would be nowhere near as powerful if it wasn't PC graphics card revolution started by 3Dfx and later Nvidia when nvidia finally became comeptitive with 3dfx with the TNT and finally Geforce 1.

The "HD era" for next gen consoles will look only slightly better then Xbox, it won't be the panacea people are making it out to be.  Next gen consoles are always over-hyped they always have been, for anyone old enough to remember the Sega vs Nintendo, it's all the same marketing crap.

It's All In the (Vertical) Resolution.

Standard-definition (SD) TV -- the sort most of us have been watching for years -- has 480 visible lines of detail, whereas HDTV has 1,080i visible lines of detail. This is the number of horizontal lines found on your TV screen. Remember, TVs are measured on the diagonal: The width of the screen changes, while its height remains more or less constant. Thus, it is the number of pixels on the vertical axis that really determines how much detail is visible.

Theoretically, higher resolution plasma TVs should always look better with an HD signal, but with video picture signals - signal processing, interpolation, conversion and contrast(i.e., how an image is displayed) has more to do with picture quality than resolution does.

Case In Point: At past Consumer Electronics Shows (2001 and 2002), manufacturers would stage "plasma shoot outs", often pitting earlier-generation HD sets against ED ones. The outcome? A Panasonic 853X480 plasma beat several other manufacturers with higher resolutions (1024X768 or 1024X1024) even with an HD signal displayed. Contrast, video processing, and conversion have much to do with plasma technology.

So, is it really worth it to shell out extra for an HDTV?

Certainly there is more and more HD content available out there - and it will only increase from this point in time. There are dedicated HD channels. There are upconverting DVD players. And As you decide whether you want (or need) an High Resolution plasma, you might want to consider the following:

(1) DVD material may look better on an a good brand of EDTV 853 X 480 than it would on a third tier brand in a 1024X768 resolution. At DVD quality resolution, the image output quality depends more upon the manufacturer than it does the resolution.

(2) 80% of the content available to viewers -- whether on TV or on DVD -- is NOT high definition. However, this story is changing.

(3) If deliberating between a 1st tier EDTV resolution plasma purchase compared with a 1st tier HDTV plasma resolution purchase, consider that you will likely get around a 20% bump in picture quality with the HD unit when watching a good incoming HD signal. An EDTV plasma can display and HD signal, but only at its native pixel resolution after down conversion.

(4) The manufacturer quality should be of more concern than the resolution of the plasma display. Purchasing a plasma from a quality manufacturer can make the biggest difference of all. I would rather have an EDTV 853X480 plasma TV from Sony, Panasonic or Pioneer than an 1024X768 HDTV plasma from lesser Taiwanese, or Korean manufacturers even for the same cost.

(5) The best case quality scenario is an HD plasma from a 1st tier manufacturer.

(6) Displaying computer images will look much better on the higher resolution display (50%) than lower res displays. This is especially the case for static images. The extra expense of the higher resolution plasma display will be well worth it for these uses.


Originally posted by: Nosferat2
Your right they are justified in selling RE4 on the PS2.  But not if there was an agreement otherwise. I dont know how nintendo let them get out of that deal of exclusivity. IM certain Nintendo took a nice payoff for that one, or  maybe there was some renig clause in the contract.
But who cares about all that BS.
This is the kicker. PS2 gets ports of Gamecube games but rarely does the Gamecube get Ports of the Ps2 games. Where is Devil May Cry for the Gamecube. If Campcom is justified in selling Re4 to the Ps2 they are equally justified in porting the 40 games on the PS2 to the Gamecube. Why dont they?? They will sell more wont they??? I dont undrstand the logic nor dont i understand why in the hell they do what they do.

I think the lack of gamecube ports has to do with maybe a high percentage of gamecube owners owning a PS2?  Seems reasonable to me when you consider people mainly own the cube for their favorite franchises and not as the main gaming platform.

TalkBack / RE:Voice Actors Reach Agreement with Publishers
« on: June 12, 2005, 07:48:37 PM »

Originally posted by: jasonditz
Hell, you could do better than most games' musical scores in Garage Band with the orchestral pack

I wouldn't go that far, designing good music for a game is complicated.  Good game music lasts for years (think Nubuo Uematsu, Jeremy Soule, etc), especially when you are going to hear it hundreds of times in the game, so it better be good that it doesn't grate on your nerves after many hours.  Game music is listened to and used differently (outside of cinematic events, etc) then music in other mediums, i.e. background music should never suck so bad that you have to turn it off and it should never get on your nerves or drive you crazy after you've heard it the hundredth time.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Got shafted again...and again
« on: April 28, 2005, 08:19:48 AM »

Originally posted by: Mr. Segali
Look at the quality of games out there and tell me honestly, how many games are worth playing on the PS2?

Ha ha ha. I'm a Nintendo guy, (maybe even fanboy at some times), but seriously, how do you expect anyone to swallow that? If you don't see tons of games on the PS2 worth playing, then you must not be a big fan of videogames...

...sour grapes if you ask me...

That should have read "How many games are worth BUYING on the ps2?"

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Got shafted again...and again
« on: April 28, 2005, 07:13:12 AM »
 Loads and loads are worth playing. GC fanboys sometimes claim the GC has the best games but quite frankly that's bullshit. All consoles have their great games though the XBox seems to focus on different kinds of games than the Gamecube (the PS2 has everything).

Well everyone knows why the PS2 rules because the PS1 vs N64 war was no contest, all the former SNES players picked up a PS1 for FF7 and all their favorites like Streetfighter, etc plus they got all the other developers.  In one fell swoop Sony took all of Nintendos (former) 3rd party support away.  All the SNES era 3rd party developers jumped ship to Sony.  Like I said we'd be in a whole different universe if Nintendo 64 hadn't went with cartridges and totally ruined developer support.  The gamecube proves once again that :  It's the 3rd party support makes your system #1.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Got shafted again...and again
« on: April 27, 2005, 06:59:40 AM »

So Nintendo only attracts hardcore Nintendo nuts as their userbase and then teaches their fans to reject anything that Nintendo themselves doesn't feel like doing or doesn't have any interest in.

That is the most bloody stupid thing I have ever heard.  The hardcore nintendo fans from the SNES era are the ones supporting the gamecube.  They aren't the "nuts" they are the people who were hoping the gamecube was going to bring the golden age of gaming back to us, like they did in the NES and SNES era.

Look at the quality of games out there and tell me honestly, how many games are worth buying on the PS2?  How many on xbox are really "must buys" out of all those games?  They have good 3rd party support, but if your 3rd party support games are a rental cycle, just how are these companies going to stay afloat?

The problem is Nintendo is really out of touch with reality ever since the N64, the gamecube was a step in the right direction but it was too little, too late.  Microsoft being the richest company in the world has enormous money power to make sure they are competitive, sony took the crown from Nintendo after the SNES era, during the PS1, Saturn and N64 era.  That one mistake nintendo made by not going CD based cost them the home console industry.  I bet someone got fired over that.    

Nintendo Gaming / I predict Nintendo will be #3 again...
« on: March 18, 2005, 05:43:32 AM »
I predict Nintendo will be #3 again.... what do you guys think?  I just don't see Nintendo pulling away from the man with near infinitely deep pockets like Sony and MS.  They can essentially bribe and pay developers to keep their games exclusive for next-gen, I dont think Nin has the money to do this.  I mean look at the insane thing MS did when they bought rare.  That was one less all-star dev making games for the cube, a very tactical decision on MS's part even though it costs them way too much, but thats not much for a company worth $47 billion.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Portable GC becoming more and more likely?
« on: March 18, 2005, 05:32:27 AM »
There is way too much hardware on the market already, there is no way the market can support all these devices with software considering the length of time and cost of developing games for modern 3D hardware.

Right now in my mind there are too many crap games and not enough good games.   Everything I see on the shelf is re-hashed stuff from at least 8-10 years ago.  I think if the industry isn't careful its headed for a crash.

TalkBack / RE:Reggie Bombs Dropping
« on: March 12, 2005, 11:11:56 AM »
They can talk all they want about revolution but without the games the system wont budge when the PS3 and Xbox2 are being released.  Especially with Xbox2 being released before both PS3 and Nintendo's Revolution.

Backwards compatability is nice but killer apps are a must or else Nintendo is going to go to 3rd place again while Xbox 2 takes North america as decisive #2 behind PS3.  Xbox live is going to be way more mature then any other console and its going to be good.

TalkBack / RE:EDITORIAL: With Great Power ...
« on: February 25, 2005, 01:25:31 PM »
Nintendo's major problem is that the Japanese half is losing touch with american and European gamers, while Nintendo of America seems to know what to do but its hands are tied.    Nintendo's other major issue is that its losing touch with technology and not listening to developers, the sole reason the PS1 came to power was because of the CD format, if N64 had been a CD based system from the start PS1 would have never got off the ground and we all know this deep down.  Since PS1 walked away with 66% of former SNES player market.


. Yet Nintendo is ready to bury the current paradigm of 3D gaming and move on to supposedly greener pastures.

This is the most stupid thing I have ever heard you say.  What is the DS?  What is the gamecube?  I think what they are trying to do is broaden video game appeal by making it easier / more fun to control for the vast populace that doesn't play games.  It remains to be seen if revolution is a gimmick or not.  Nintendo has had about a 50/50 track record of good and bad ideas.   To be honest I'm burnt out on most games.  How you can go on and speak about gameplay innovation this generation is pretty bad.  The level of interactivity has not budged since the PS1 and N64 era.  It's slowly evolving at a snails pace.  Good games are about quality interactivity with 'movie' entertainment as a bonus.  A game must have 1) an appealing theme 2) Good art 3) at least par gameplay in order to succeed if you look at all the great games ever released most of them have all those three things.  

General Gaming / RE:Ill-feelings towards SNES-era Nintendo?
« on: February 24, 2005, 09:32:52 PM »
Anyone who thinks the genesis was in the lead was an idiot the sales numbers for the SNES total around ~50-60 million, what playstation / PS2 now does.  There was no contest the genesis lost once the super Nintendo was released because of all the great 3rd party games plus Nintendo's own killer line up it was the best system ever.  It was probably THE golden age of video gaming.  Playstation was good but they started having way more 'filler' and cookie cutter games after that.  Even today, even though the PS2 has the most and best games I and I'm sure others feel that 90% of the games lost the 'fun factor'  way more games during the SNES era had.  The fun that a lot of modern games totally lack.  Being a part of the 16-bit era was a time when new lots of genres and game mechanics that wouldn't change for years to come were being defined and invented.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:What gamers want in the next Nintendo system
« on: February 12, 2005, 10:23:28 PM »
I think Nintendo is out of touch with technology personally, the GC was still inferior in the kind of content it could deliver because of the ridiculously small sized discs, many ported games textures and sounds had to be compressed and that shouldn't be happening at all considernig when the Gamecube was released.

Many high rated games come on DVD9's now for the PS2, easily more then 10 games use DVD9's, many would simply be not possible on the cube and no developer would want to split the discs so that theres 5 discs for a game that was developed on DVD9 the porting costs and rewrite of these games alone would not be worth it.   Xenosaga series, Champions of Norrath and Return ot arms are all on DVD9.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Star Fox Assault
« on: February 12, 2005, 10:03:24 PM »

Originally posted by: Myxtika1 Azn
I have the game. I've played it. I've finished it. I'm satisfied with it.  Whether anyone thinks it's not good or it's disappointing is of no consequence to me.  I'm just saying that to complain that an on-rails game is too on-rails despite the fact that it's supposed to be on-rails is plain stupid.

The ground missions made the game drag, but I've come to cope with it.  Could it have been better? Yes, but then again everything could ALWAYS be better.

I agree with your comment about the game being on rails but people keep forgetting that designing the game like this keeps the complexity and scope contained so that you don't get bored because the game keeps throwing obstacles and entertaining things your way, if it wasn't on rails the game would suffer immensely for it.  Starfox is not a space sim like Freespace series on the PC.  Freespace has huge issues for being so open ended in that it you spend a lot of your time being bored to tears just travelling places.  This is why the game itself has a "speedup time" option, so you can set it up to 8x and 16x normal time to make it pass quicker to those poorly timed scripted events.  

I think people forget that games are supposed to be about playing and entertainment, not about simulating boring unentertaining crap, like the Sea travel in Zelda Wind waker, and most travel options in most online MMORPG type games.


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