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Messages - kryzeth

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Super Smash Bros. Could Be Amiibo's Trojan Horse
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:52:45 AM »
While I understand that videogames are a business, I like it when the design is to make a great game and the business strategy is that because it's a great game it will sell well and make money.  I don't like it when there is some sort of alternate corporate agenda involved.

SSB's design approach should be to make a four player fighting game using Nintendo characters and make it great.  I don't like it when "sell this peripheral", "incorporate this product placement", "push this feature", "target this broader audience", "incorporate microtransactions", "play up to this current trend/fad", etc. is shoved into the design by corporate execs.  I find it dishonest.  The idea is that I want to play a great game and will give you money if you make a great game.  If your focus goes beyond providing me with that great game then we're not bargaining in good faith.  You're trying to get something else from me, hoping my desire for your game exceeds my willingness to put up with bullshit.

The design for this SSB is clearly "sell Amiibo" and I'm not interested in that.  I want a great SSB game and will pay for that.  I don't want to have features that require me to purchase a bunch of extra toys.  It's optional but so is DLC and microtransactions.  Nintendo devs that are focused on shoehorning in Amiibo are not focusing as much on making their games great.  I didn't like last gen when "push motion control" was their corporate agenda and how it negatively affected the bulk of the games involving it.  Besides it will be optional this time and borderline mandatory the next.  I know how this stuff goes.  You're fooling yourself if you don't think that Nintendo would charge you $1000 for an empty box if they thought they could.

^I find this quote really funny, because the amiibo integration adds literally nothing to the game It's a CPU character that you train against yourself or have it battle other people for you. It's not like an extra story mission, or some bonus challenges; it's not even like an extra costume slot; It's pretty much absolutely worthless addition to Smash Bros. You dont need it in any sense of the word; and the game will still be fun to play as it was meant to be played (with friends or random people in muliplayer matches, basically) The amiibo is really only for collectors, or for those who have nobody else to play with, and get bored of regular lvl9 cpu's. But honestly, it adds less than an extra costune would add. Really no reason to complain about this freedom of choice. Trust me, it's nothing like locking away story content, other modes, or extra characters that are stored on the disc itself, to be unlocked by paying for the dlc. Well... that is to say, if they dont actually make some characters dlc. I recall Sakurai saying something about wanting to deliver the full package in the disc, without using dlc, but I dunno.
Aaaanyways. tl;dr, silly quote is silly.

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