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North American Nintendo Direct 10/25/2012 Live Blog

by Patrick Barnett - October 25, 2012, 7:02 am EDT
Total comments: 19

The North American Nintendo Direct is now live.

The North American Nintendo Direct has begun check below for live updates:

10:01 - Presentation is beginning with some Paper Mario goodness.

10:02 - Enemies change forms, then you have to change your strategy.

10:03 - There is a sticker museum, apparently you will want to go there often.

10:03 - A more formal trailer is beginning.

10:05 - Mario just picked up a goat and is using it in battle... The goat ate the enemies.

10:06 - Next up is Professor Layton.

10:07 - Reggie is describing how this game could be for anyone even newcomers to the series.

10:08 - 365 downloadable puzzles for free. We knew about this but I still think it is really awesome.

10:10 - Will be releasing more downloadable lessons in the future. For Art Academy

10:11 - Talking Style Savvy next. "It may be a guilty pleasure."

10:12 - Next Style Savvy demo coming next week.

10:13 - Onto some New Super Mario 2 DLC, which is available now.

10:14 - Talking about alot of old news (older retail games are available on eShop)

10:15 - Moving onto Crashmo. Features doors, move switches, and floating blocks.

10:15 - Can rotate the camera view, we've seen this stuff before.

10:16 - Available November 22.

10:16 - Now onto Fluidity: Spin Cycle.

10:17 - Fluidity: Spin Cycle is coming December 27.

10:18 - Liberation Maiden is available today. Aero Porter and Crimson Shroud coming later this year.

10:18 - Nightsky out today, Ikachan coming later this year.

10:19 - Started a sizzle reel of various eShop games, including some VC ones.

10:20 - I don't think there has actually been any new news yet.

10:20 - Fire Emblem will be coming to North America at some point.

10:22 - Can create your own character to go on the adventure as well.

10:22 - Will feature DLC like Japanese version of the game.

10:24 - Had a trailer of Fire Emblem, it looked beautiful.

10:24 - Next up Animal Crossing.

10:25 - Called Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

10:25 - Talking details we have heard before like the fact that you are mayor and customized clothing.

10:26 - Began a "short sneak peak"

10:28 - Trailer ended with DJ K.K.

10:28 - Reggie seems to be wrapping it up.

10:29 - Closing it out with what will probably be a montage video of things they talked about today.

10:30 - Snuck in a bunch of other stuff like Etrian Odyssey and Castlevania into this video at the end.

10:30 - Alright that looks like the end. Thanks for reading everyone.


AVOctober 25, 2012

I had allot of streaming problems on my iPhone but it doesn't seem to matter cuz this sucked . The trailers for animal crossing and fire emblem look great but no real news that wasn't talked about at European Nintendo direct a little while ago.

RazorkidOctober 25, 2012

This was unnecessary.  No new info outside the title for Animal Crossing and some wiz bang snippets of Paper Mario.  I want a Nintendo Direct on Miiverse and Nintendo's account based system.

broodwarsOctober 25, 2012

All this 3DS talk, and NoA didn't even have a Circle Pad Pro XL announcement.  Wow.  FAIL.

There were a few interesting 3DS games brought up, but overall a pretty lackluster showing.

TJ SpykeOctober 25, 2012

Considering that the Circle Pad Pro is, at best, a niche product, I don't consider it a fail that it wasn't mentioned.

broodwarsOctober 25, 2012

Quote from: TJ

Considering that the Circle Pad Pro is, at best, a niche product, I don't consider it a fail that it wasn't mentioned.

I do when I glance over at my shelf and see at least two 3DS retail games I'm not playing with a single Circle Pad: RE Revelaitons and Kingdom Hearts 3D.  :P: : : : : That probably means that (aside from possibly Paper Mario SS), my 3DS will continue to be pretty much my Streetpass (and occasional download) machine while my Vita continues to be my mobile gaming device for the rest of the year.  Considering I got my XL pretty much so I would have a more comfortable experience with my 3DS games, that's disappointing for me.

So yeah, I was hoping in the midst of talking about a bunch of games we already know about and offering no new news whatsoever, they might talk about the XL CPP coming to North America.  With Monster Hunter on the horizon, it seemed a fairly sure bet.  But I get the feeling I'm going to have to import the thing.

So I guess from the list of games they talked about, I have Fluidity SC; Paper Mario; and possibly Liberation Maiden to look forward to.  I'll wait to see more of this Fire Emblem game before getting excited, as I've somewhat lost interest in the series since playing Valkyria Chronicles (a game I believe this franchise could learn a LOT from).  And Castlevania LoS-MoF can't come soon enough.

MegaLegends3October 25, 2012

Quote from: broodwars

Quote from: TJ

So I guess from the list of games they talked about, I have Fluidity SC; Paper Mario; and possibly Liberation Maiden to look forward to.  I'll wait to see more of this Fire Emblem game before getting excited, as I've somewhat lost interest in the series since playing Valkyria Chronicles (a game I believe this franchise could learn a LOT from).  And Castlevania LoS-MoF can't come soon enough.

Personally, I love both Valkyria Chronicles and Fire Emblem, and considering Sega's current state of affairs, we may not be seeing a new VC game, especially in America, for a long time, if ever. In fact, the closest we may get is Project X Zone. And that's still up in the air. After all, VC is tied up with Sony, and their portable is ailing in Japan (the only place Valkyria really matters, let's be honest). The most I feel like we can hope for is a downloadable release of 3 or something.
Personally, it looks like Fire Emblem is taking all the right steps with this new entry. The art style is beautiful, and the production values seemed to have been given a boost. This is the first time I've seen a Fire Emblem game with visuals that aren't underwhelming. They are very reminiscent of Valkyria Chronicles, too. This 3DS game is proving to be more polished and modern than Shadow Dragon on Wii. Not to mention the gameplay being updated without all out changing the way it works. Unlike, say, Pokemon or Madden, Fire Emblem games are spaced far enough apart to where I don't feel like they need to reinvent the formula that much between games. I think focusing on presentation was wise.
In other words, I think Fire Emblem is learning a lot from Valkyria in terms of presentation, but outside of being part of the same genres, they both operate on different rules. Fire Emblem wouldn't be the same without weapon triangles, grids, and crazy hair colors. Let's leave the gameplay as it is. Aside from new classes, they've already perfected the formula, as far as I'm concerned.
Those stumpy legged designs though .... eh, maybe they'll grow on me.

BeautifulShyOctober 25, 2012

So much entitlement in this thread it is ridiculous. You guys are too impatient. Some things in this business needs lots of planning and make sure everything will go smoothly before you announce it to the public or you will get a backlash but then again that hasn't stopped the fanbase from doing it in the past.

I don't think it's unfair or "entitled" to expect Nintendo to release details on hardware that's coming out in three weeks. If they still need time to prepare, that's a bad sign.

BeautifulShyOctober 25, 2012

First of all Insanolord this Nintendo Direct was for the 3DS and everyone knew this going into it. Expecting Wii U news at a 3DS Nintendo direct is kinda short sighted on someones part. Also did you guys miss the Iwata asks week or so back. There is also time to have another Nintendo Direct or a Press release or some other such thing before the launch.

I believe people are arguing that it should have been a Wii U event, or at least been both. The thing was announced less than 48 hours before it happened, it's not like we've known this was a 3DS only event for a long time. The console launches in 24 days, and they're running out of time to show some pretty important features we know nothing about. Also, broodwars was complaining about the lack of a date for the CPP XL, which is a 3DS thing that we already know exists, which should definitely be fair game in a situation like this

AdrockOctober 26, 2012

I was hoping for an announcement of a black 3DS XL in North America. Oh well. The Paper Mario stuff was well worth the entire presentation. Also, I'm actually glad Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate got delayed. There are way too many games to play already. I'm working OT for the next few Saturdays just so my bank account won't hate me.

Mop it upOctober 26, 2012

I guess this means we won't be seeing any new 3DS colours or bundles this holiday. Oh well, the blue 3DS XL is a good enough colour, and there will probably be some retailer special on it if I pay attention.

Ian SaneOctober 26, 2012

At this point, hell, weeks and weeks before this point, we should have no questions about the Wii U launch.  We can still have questions about the Wii U but there should be no doubt and what's what on day one.  Nintendo is either really stunned to not realize this or there are some features that are not going to be their on day one and Nintendo doesn't want to specifically state "no, this will not be available at launch" and just hope no one notices.  I think we know everything they're going to let us know.  If you're still fuzzy about something, it ain't making launch.

azekeOctober 26, 2012

Quote from: Mop

I guess this means we won't be seeing any new 3DS colours or bundles this holiday. Oh well, the blue 3DS XL is a good enough colour, and there will probably be some retailer special on it if I pay attention.

I'm still waiting for NSMB2 3ds XL bundle to come out in PAL zone -- that dozen of 3ds games i bought before i lost original model aren't going to play themselves.

Though it did wonders to my backlog, i must admit...

Quote from: Ian

At this point, hell, weeks and weeks before this point, we should have no questions about the Wii U launch.  We can still have questions about the Wii U but there should be no doubt and what's what on day one.

They still hadn't started doing ads and that big marketing push yet. They're probably more concerned with that at the moment, i guess...

AdrockOctober 27, 2012

Quote from: Mop

I guess this means we won't be seeing any new 3DS colours or bundles this holiday. Oh well, the blue 3DS XL is a good enough colour, and there will probably be some retailer special on it if I pay attention.

GameStop is offering double trade credit on all hardware until (I think) October 28. A regular 3DS is normally $85 in trade credit so if you want that blue 3DS XL, you might want to jump on that deal, Mop It Up. $30 plus tax to upgrade isn't a bad deal.

I think 3DS is only worth $50 at GameStop now.

AdrockOctober 27, 2012

You're probably right. It's been a while since I checked.

They offer promos on that fairly often. I traded my DSi a couple weeks ago because they were offering double credit on hardware, jumping it from $20 to $40.

Mop it upOctober 27, 2012

Yeah, I heard about that GameStop deal and looked up the value of a 3DS, and people were saying that it was $45 which would make it $90 with the double deal. But I don't want to sell it before getting an XL, as I want to transfer over my games and data. It's still in like-new condition, so I think I can sell it on Craigslist for $120 or more, especially during the holiday season.

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